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Wow, I love you long time for that!  :D  Thankies.  Shouldn't be too hard to do...  Except the whole "having to not get killed by a flying pirate because I'm trying to get a 22% game and only have one energy tank" thing...  Ah well, I suppose my Metroid playing abilities will be tested here...  Thank you again!  :D
everybody knows it's true
But that would be a 23%...
No I mean with only ninety-nine energy.  No real energy tanks, just your default amount of energy.  Sorry, my friends and I have gotten into the habit of counting that starting ninety-nine energy a tank in itself...  Whoopsie.

But anyways, I think I figured out a way to do it a lot safer for anybody else that wants into that secret world that's trying a 22% game.  Pick off the Pirates from a safe point, then use a Zoomer in the next room.  The tunnel to the transport to Phazon Mines?

I haven't done it yet, but I've been working at it like mad ever since I thought of it.  Lock onto a zoomer, get out of the room, and get on that little ledge there while not letting the lock pass over the door?  If anybody manages this...  DARN YOU BECAUSE I THOUGHT OF IT!!!!  J/K... 

Off to try some more.  Kinda hard since you can't aim your jump and see where you're going...
Hmmm....I am not sure if that would help save some time though.
I don't care about time...  I just want to beat the game with 22%.  Maybe after I accomplish that, I'll go for a speed run...  Unlikely, though...  Ever since my friend stomped my rump in Super Metroid in speed runs, I've been a lil' bit discouraged from speed runs...  And besides, low-percent runs are challenge *enough.*  Ack.
I run this here hotel of an evening
i need help getting to the bomb slot in geo core, such as what kind of jump should i use? a double lock spring space jump? a dash jump? which is easier?
everybody knows it's true
just a plain Rodeo jump, doesn't matter where the y-axis goes.
Okay, just so the dumb people like me know, a Rodeo Jump is the same thing as a double L-Lock Spring Space Jump, right?  And yes, I gave up on the secret world, by the way...

I hit the bomb slot once, and stuck Shocked !  But I didn't morph quick enough and fell Evil or Very Mad !

I'm about to offer money to anybody that wants to come to my house and do it for me...  Space Jump First didn't even take this long Evil or Very Mad !  And now I can get that dash almost every time, too...  Anybody that hates Geo Core without boost, raise your hand.  *Raises hand*
That "getting stuck" is called stalling. *about Jville*
And too bad dude, I lived in Jville like 3 years ago, my parents grew up there and so did I. I miss that place.
I need some help with my speed run.

I am currently trying to put together a Single-Segment 100% speed run on normal, and I was just wondering if there are any new sequence breaks / time saving techniques that are newer then Paul Evans 1:28 100% speed run (I am basically using a slightly modified version of his run).

In Paul’s commentary, he mentions something about “Also, I never did the ridley skip to skip the fly-by”.  Does anyone know what the ‘Ridley skip’ is?

All that I know about speed running is from what I have seen in videos.  So if there are any speed running aficionados who know of anything that could help me in my run that wasn’t used in Paul’s speed run, please comment.
everybody knows it's true
I don't think there are any new things.

Sparky ment having the random moves of Ridley to his favor. he said he had too little time to restart enough times due to his goal of finishing before Echoes release.
I think sparky meant this

there is no known reason for this to happen afaik. It might have something to do with hitting ridley with a charged plasma shot the moment he wants to fly away.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Quote from DeathNoble:
Anybody that hates Geo Core without boost, raise your hand.

*Raises hand*

all i need is the stall and i can get it. i got the stall once, but fell as teh jump itself wasn't good enough

as for 2>3, i got it to 90% consistency, so that's not a problem. just the evil stall
Thanks StefanvonDiike

I will have to practice that to see if it can be done consistently.  If it turns out to be a random occurrence, I don’t think I can rely on it for a Single-Segment run.  With that said, it wont hurt to try.  I figure that if I fail, Ridley will just do his normal fly by, just as if I had never tired it in the first place.
no problem Dong Chavez Wink

and good luck on the run!
Alright, I'm consistantly making it to the bomb slot.  Like four out of five times...  I'm just not getting the uber-evil stall!  Evil or Very Mad  Like I said, I got it once...  But wasn't quick enough to morph...  Is it true that the stall is random?

And if anybody has any tricks/techniques they use for that jump from the third spinner to the bomb slot?  Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated!
I need to know how to make the spores in geo core appear. I don't know how to make them appear, would someone tell me how to because they aren't there for me.
always move fast
Quote from Ding Chavez:
Thanks StefanvonDiike

I will have to practice that to see if it can be done consistently.  If it turns out to be a random occurrence, I don’t think I can rely on it for a Single-Segment run.  With that said, it wont hurt to try.  I figure that if I fail, Ridley will just do his normal fly by, just as if I had never tired it in the first place.

it seems to be completely random, and i've only gotten it once, and didn't care enough about my run to keep at it.  for a single segment, i definitely think it would be a waste to make sure it was in, unless you could find some magic way to make it always happen.  also, there are a plethora of newer tricks that aren't in my run, but most of them are very hard and/or save very minimal time, so i also doubt they would be useful in a single segment run.
I run this here hotel of an evening
well, one thing i've figured out in my countless hours in geo core is that you get more stalls if you are facing directly at the slot, not to the left a bit, not to the right a bit, but directly at the slot. i've gotten 2 stalls at the slot itself, but my morph was too slow on one, and the other i was facing to the right and still got the stall, but fell anyway.
Quote from supermpaddict:
I need to know how to make the spores in geo core appear. I don't know how to make them appear, would someone tell me how to because they aren't there for me.

They disappear once you have the graple beam iirc. Its actually pretty funny, if you don't have the graple beam use a combat dash, once you have the graple beam the spores are useless and you can simply grapple to the first spinner.
They disappear once you have the graple beam iirc. Its actually pretty funny, if you don't have the graple beam use a combat dash, once you have the graple beam the spores are useless and you can simply grapple to the first spinner.

For me they disappear once I have the Gravity Suit.  Version difference, maybe?
No, pretty much same for all, stefan has the PAL version and I have the NTSC version.I just got it to work so I'm pretty sure it's not a VD. Unless you own the PC version, which I'm not so sure, about. On the case does it say Player's Choice.
Thanks Sparky

I tried it a bunch of times, but I could never get it to occur.  So this is definitely going to be a trick that I am just not going to rely on.

Btw, I just love watching your 100% run. 


I’m just not quite sure what I should do with my run.  As of now, I am going for as many tricks as I possibly can.  The problem is, I often make major mistakes throughout the run costing me lots of time.  My personal best SS 100% time is still just 2:12.  But I am positive that if I where to just play more conservatively, I could easily get a sub 2hr time.

A major problem with my run is that I don’t get the Artifact of Newborn in Phazon Mining Tunnel until after I acquire the Phazon Suit.  It’s not that I am unable to pull off the tick, but I am far from good enough to pull it off consistently.  Each and every time I have done it, I had full health, and after exiting, I had 10 or less health.  So just getting to the save station to heal is equally as hard as getting the Artifact itself.  I lose about 2 minutes back tracking to the Artifact, but I just don’t see how I can take the risk for the Artifact so late in the run.

I think if I have any hope of getting a descent single segment time, I should just go for consistency, and then slowly start to incorporate risky ticks to bring the time down as needed.  What do other Single Segment runners suggest?
Nope...  Got my copy of Prime before it was a Player's Choice.  Three days after it was released.  $60 at Target.  [/brag]

It only happens in my hundred percent runs...  I get the spider ball, take the transport right behind Thardus and go to the Tallon Overworld transport in Magmoor.  The Puddle Spores are there.

I get the Ice Beam and all the other stuff in Chozo Ruins, go through Magmoor to the Phandrena Drifts South transport.  The Puddles Spores are still there.  I get the Gravity Suit, and head on back the way I came to get to the Tallon Overworld transport in Magmoor and the Puddle Spores are gone!

*Shrugs*  It'll only really kill you if you're going for a 100% speed run or if you're palying the Japanese version, right?  So Ijust kinda always have thought that's the trigge to make them go bye-bye...