Graveworm, remember to have a power bomb when you get the artifact of strength...
My personal advice would be not to worry about really small things like a fraction of a second picking up the energy tank behind OP. Even using an extra bomb in the early wild bomb jump is no big deal. I say this because if you make the segments more difficult with really minor things, you'll be more apt to accept a lower quality segment. I would suggest not focusing on the number of bombs in the early wild bomb jump but making sure you get up so you can fight the ghosts. There is a ton of luck in that battle, and that is what's going to make the segment quick or slow. And you wouldn't want to die on the luckiest prime battle ever because you saved a tenth of a second by skipping an energy tank. This is just my advice. Seconds won't make a difference in the end, so don't sweat it.
Also, I am having problems beating OP on Hard mode. Any tips to beat him? I have all charge combos except Flamethrower and I got about 10 or so energy tanks.
idrone is ~47 seconds according to tests djgrenola did a while ago (assuming they are accurate) not sure, but i would say in the 15-20 second range.
and for op, either the pb method, or the charged plasma method (see site vids for further details) should suffice.
I do not really want to use those tricks. I want to beat him without using any tricks besides the sleeping one. I cannot seem to survive after about 3/4ths of the way through the battle.
Graveworm, remember to have a power bomb when you get the artifact of strength...
My personal advice would be not to worry about really small things like a fraction of a second picking up the energy tank behind OP. Even using an extra bomb in the early wild bomb jump is no big deal. I say this because if you make the segments more difficult with really minor things, you'll be more apt to accept a lower quality segment. I would suggest not focusing on the number of bombs in the early wild bomb jump but making sure you get up so you can fight the ghosts. There is a ton of luck in that battle, and that is what's going to make the segment quick or slow. And you wouldn't want to die on the luckiest prime battle ever because you saved a tenth of a second by skipping an energy tank. This is just my advice. Seconds won't make a difference in the end, so don't sweat it.
I can find a PB in monitor station.
And it's all about the looking cool factor, And every second counts, if someone does another 1:04, but that one's like 15 seconds faster, that'd be the fastest one.
And I can do a 40-50 second fight with the Chozo ghosts like 1/4 times. I don't know if it's me, or if I'm just lucky.
For people having trouble with the arboretum runic gate bomb jump my suggestion is, don't use it! If you scan the symbol at the top of arboretum as your last one and time your jump well enough you can warp in front of the morph ball tunnel via the cutscene. This makes pal actually just as fast as ntsc, and in case you're doing a double bomb jump you waste time compared to the way where you scan all the symbols. I cutted out the cutscene in the pal vid to see that its pretty much equally fast as the ntsc one (from smilingjack's 22% run).
I need help obtaining the Space Jump early. I still can't for the life of me do it. I have a PAL version, so I can't scan dash.
Here's my problem: I follow exactly what the video does by going forward to the impact crater entrance and locking onto the blue spike thing. The I walk backwards and fall off the ledge just like the video does, but the darn thing unlocks. I've tried SO many times, but I just can't seem to keep it locked on.
Don't let the lock cross the closed door or you lose it. Another tip is to step into the room when the seedling is as close to the door as possible, it will start shooting at you and stop moving. Now quickly walk backwards then to the left. Remember you barely keep your lock on once on the ship but this will give you more room on the ship cos the seedling is closer to you, for some reason it stops moving once the door is closed.
I never get "stuck" at the spot where the, umm, 'bridge' and the rock meet. Is there any trick to this or should I just keep trying?
For the other one, I'm really inconsistent with the ghetto that you need to do. Sometimes I get it, but it seems random. Is there anything imporant I should know?
EDIT: Got the ghetto jump for the missile expansion right. I was doing it wrong before. I still need help with the Main Quarry jump, though.
i need some help with the vent shaft dash. the main reason i'm doing the dash rather than the bomb jump, is because i suck at bomb jumps. at least that kind. and tbj's. anyway, i can't seem to get enough height to get to the ledge. i seem to hit the ceiling on the way over. any advice? i dunno if something slightly different is done on the video. i can't tell if there is or not. just that sparky locks on to a puffer at the beginning of the second jump.
btw, does this trick only work in PAL? i notice the video's done in PAL
Also possible in NTSC, vid done by Pirate109 iirc.
I think I can help you with this, I posted this earlyer in this topic
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
First of all dash to the right and let go of the L buttun as soon as possible after the dash, this will give you more height rather than distance (you realy need the height). Press z (or start)
Bend you dash holding the control stick between down and down right. exit the map (or start menu). When you're at the peak of your first jump, jump again (still hold the stick in the down- down right possition).
You can chose wether to press z again or just press L + down when you think you're in front of the ledge. Better press z, gives you time to think and time your jump. Now hold the controlstick down and tap L as soon as you think you're in front of the ledge. Remeber to only tap the L button not hold it.
If you don't like to pause during a dash or are good enough to do it without then this method can still be used of course.
If your head hits the ceiling then you get enough hight wich is good, though you have to spacejump later on in the dash. Here are 2 vids of the above discribed method:
I remember doing something for the Main Quarry jump that made me much more consistent with it, but I forget exactly what that was. IIRC, you want to face the right edge of the wall right by the ledge you want to stall on. You should try to be just about up against the wall to your left before you jump. All you have to do is a normal jump where you let go of L as you first jump, and tap L again after your space jump. Definitely don't play with R. The biggest piece of advice I have though is the part that I recall the worst. I believe you want to start turning to your left as soon as you do your first jump. Turn as much as you can without causing yourself to bump into the wall on your left. Now when you pass the edge of the wall on your left, you should only have to turn slightly more to your left to be headed towards where you want to land. And you would want to hold L just before you land so you can direct yourself right onto the little spot.
i assumed it was sparky since that was where credit was given
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
First of all dash to the right and let go of the L buttun as soon as possible after the dash, this will give you more height rather than distance (you realy need the height). Press z (or start)
Bend your dash holding the control stick between down and down right. exit the map (or start menu). When you're at the peak of your first jump, jump again (still hold the stick in the down- down right possition).
You can chose wether to press z again or just press L + down when you think you're in front of the ledge. Better press z, gives you time to think and time your jump. Now hold the controlstick down and tap L as soon as you think you're in front of the ledge. Remeber to only tap the L button not hold it.
If you don't like to pause during a dash or are good enough to do it without then this method can still be used of course.
so, i pause at peak of first jump? or at another time? *goes to attempt*
i hope this works. i saw the vid and thought this was going to be easy, at least compared to the bomb jump. i'm sure this is easier than the bomb jump, but i can't tell, as i haven't made it
EDIT: just saw the vid, now i know when to pause. btw, does it matter that you got hit in that vid?
EDIT #2: ok, this makes me wanna throw my gc controller at the wall. or at a person. i can't get the dash or the bomb jump. and now, after doing the dash so many times, i really have begun to hate wave troopers. anyway, i don't suppose there's any other advice for this is there? besides patience, i know that one already
EDIT#3: screw it, i'm going to just wallcrawl past vent shaft
I don't think hitting the puffer helped. Do you have a capture card so you can make a vid of a few close attemps? Then I can give advise and tell you if you're close enough.
now it seems i don't even hit my head on the ceiling anymore. i've tried bending it, i've tried the pausing thing, i've tried holding L and tapping L (diff attempts, of course), i've even tried dashing off of energy or missile pickups, and i tried to use the other wave trooper. i just don't get what i'm doing wrong
i've also tried the bomb jump, but i can't get past bomb 3. i suck at bomb jumps in general though, the best one i can do is a 3bj
it froze whilst i was trying to load Elite Control. i'm assuming that Omega Research didn't dump all the way. or it reloaded or whatever, so i'm back to trying to dash. still failing
Ok, after working at Early Plasma Beam for over three weeks and not being able to hit the bomb slot...
Does anybody know if the Secret World in Magmoor Workstation has been made? A video or even just a description of getting into the Secret World would help greatly... Since I heard that that Secret World could be used to get the Plasma Beam without having to go through all the sequence breaking stuff in Early Plasma Beam...