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everybody knows it's true
Quote from Mr. Aran:

I am saying that I hadn't gotten the ice beam yet before I got the first unknown item in crateria.  I then proceeded to get the Power Grip immediately after that because I had the charge beam.
everybody knows it's true
I am having problems getting through the room with the lava and the more complex bomb jumping.....the one with all the crumbly platforms that submerge you in lava.  Anyways, I am having trouble getting on the single crumbly platform, and then IBJing up to the top part of the room.  Help?

EDIT: NVM I got the Early Varia.
(user is banned)
finally. I've killed the last zebetite and destroyed the mother brain on my normal 9%. I'm before the big security room (the one with billions of lazers everywhere).

The annoying thing is the 1-hit KO that the pirates share.  Crying or Very sad
Is it anyway possible to escape tourian without high jump?. If so please post a way.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yes. Yes it is. Just remember: Wall kicks will work.
Thanks jagger, will try that later.
How do you avoid the first space pirate in the Mother Ship?

Whenever I jump down, even with his back turned, he somehows spots me. Yeah, I watched the video, tried stunning him, but the alarm rings off anyway.
(user is banned)
Quote from TechnoMan:
How do you avoid the first space pirate in the Mother Ship?

Whenever I jump down, even with his back turned, he somehows spots me. Yeah, I watched the video, tried stunning him, but the alarm rings off anyway.

by having impeccable luck and timing. There is no real way to insure doing it, because you have to time it so perfectly.

I've never done it, but i've done the rest of the ship without being caught...
Then I guess I might as well give up.
red chamber dream
Quote from TechnoMan:
Then I guess I might as well give up.

Why, just because it's a difficult trick? The more difficult the trick, the more sense of accomplishment you will have wehn you finally do manage to pull off. And believe me, you will do it if you practice enough.

Quote from Lazylen:
by having impeccable luck and timing. There is no real way to insure doing it [...]

... you can ensure doing it by timing it perfectly.
How is HBJ done? What's the timing for it?
I may be different from others, but my way is fairly simple.

Start out with a normal diagonal bomb jump. But instead of holding the opposite direction, tap it just as you reach your previous height. You'll need to be in range of your last bomb though, so you have to find the right time to start holding the direction.

Make sure to try and place your bombs as low as possible. I don't remember if it's possible to drop by a few pixels in ZM or not, but it comes close. The best way to do it is just get a steady pattern going.

Once you get used to it, you'll just have a rhythm of "back, bomb, release... back, bomb, release..."

A good place to practice is the open area in crateria. Just start out with a normal DBJ, and work from there. It's really hard if the first place you try it is the lava pit in Kraid's lair, where it's actually useful (and painful :P).
Oh so it's just timing...

Might try... some more...
(user is banned)
its easier to just do the bomb-off the blocks method though... and faster.

Unless you are doing kraid before ridley.
OK, how do you leave Norfair if you do Ridley before Kraid..?
When it seems you are stuck because you don't have the speed booster, move to the left, there are missile blocks there. Blast 'em and escape.
Can't find the missile blocks.  I'm a n00b at this, so...yeah.
Time bomb set get out fast!
That may be because Smops meant your other left.  (If he's talking about the spot I think he is.)
I'm thinking the same thing. You drop down to the area below the broken statue, jump onto the ledge, and shoot the upper-most block with a missile or two.
Well, dyip said Norfair, not Ridley.  Smops's directions I think apply to the room at the bottom right of the main shaft, next to the save room.  The question probably was intended to be about leaving Ridley, though.
Quote from Zeke:
That may be because Smops meant your other left.  (If he's talking about the spot I think he is.)

Ack, yes. I meant right. Man, I really really suck at left and right for some reason. During driving lessons I always went the wrong way. :P

I got it now. Thanks guys.