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I'd say "slightly" means "a little bit".
That trick is hard. I tried to read the descriptions, but it was just too much information. I'm more of a trial and error, or someone has to teach me IRL. :P
I find Echoes a lot harder to sequence break in than in Prime.
I never got any sequence breaks in prime 1. the Space Jump First is too hard for me on pal so i never tried the other things. But at Metroid Prime 2 I nearly got all the ghetto jump stuff working. I don't know if it's me but ghetto jumps seem to be the easiest stuff. So as far as my progress goes, metroid prime 2 sequence breaks are a lot easier for me :)
You should learn to combat dash in Prime, it is really awarding to get the SJB first. I tried it for weeks until I did it, and now I find it easy. Otherwise the combat dashes are hard...
Yes, ghetto jumps are often easier. I do many of them too. But I have only tried two sequence breaks in Echoes this far, and that is to get the early missile expansion and to get the missile launcher twice, to get 101%.
But I can't do the advanced stuff. :P
Well.....how much to say:
1. I tried WSA scan dash.  Whew.....too hard because of the fact that I was at my friend's house for the past 1.5 weeks, and they had NO VIDEO capabilities, so I was unable to watch the video.  Then, after I read the description, I tried to make it work by scan dashing off the door, but with my front facing the VERY LARGE GAP in WSA.  Amazingly, the gap in WSA looks short enough to do an L-Lock Spring Space Jump over, but don't let it decieve you ;).  Now, after watching the video, I learned what I did wrong, but I still don't get how you do it.  Suggestions?
2.  Shocked Now that I have played through the game until right after getting the Screw Attack, I must say this:  What the hell is with all those EXTREMELY ODD-LOOKING ROOMS?!?!  (Exs. Sandcanyon, Grand Windchamber, Grand Abyss, Vault, etc.).  It must seem that Retro has truely lost their sense of reality! :)
3. BRAG: My time as of saving right after Screw Attack gainage was:
73% items, 88% scans, 16:13 time, and it's my first time through.  I think that's awesome. /brag
4. I need help with the Ing Hive key inside the dark Hall of Combat Mastery (forgot name of room).  How do you obtain it?
5. I also need help with the Hive Dynamo Works (Dark Aether version).  After you get the Spider Ball and you get over into the Dark side and you have that big-ass abyss, how do you get across the abyss?  Also, what is of great importance over on top of that ledge across the abyss?  I cannot see what is on the ledge because there appears to be nothing.
6. I also need help doing underwater dashes.  I attempted to get the Gravity Boost item early, but I could not do the so-called "Underwater Dash".  Suggestions?
7. Now that I have played Echoes, I also must say this:  Retro has also made oddities inside the rooms and the placement of all the expansions.  Examples of expansions that makes me wonder why they placed them there include:  The room right outside of the Light Agon Temple where you got into the temple (Missle Expansion on the Spider Ball track about 50 feet off the ground.) 
Grand Windchamber (Sunburst, obviously), Mining Plaza (Energy Tank behind Echo Visor door), etc. etc.
8. How do you obtain the energy tank in Mining Plaza?  Must you have the Screw Attack to get it?
9. How come the Floaty Jump isn't under Techniques on MP2E's section of this website?
10. Exactly how many times must you scan Quadraxis and Emperor Ing in order to get 100% scans?
11. What is of such great importance in the one Hydrochamber Transit Tunnel that is guarded by dual Annihilator Beam doors?
Ok, that just about does it.  Now I am all out of questions! :)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
#4, you get the key in the same way you get the missile expansion in Light Aether, look for a Spider Ball track.
Quote from Razorflame:
1. [WSA blah blah] Suggestions?

Use the roll jump. WAY easier, if you ask me.
2.  Shocked Now that I have played through the game until right after getting the Screw Attack, I must say this:  What the hell is with all those EXTREMELY ODD-LOOKING ROOMS?!?!  (Exs. Sandcanyon, Grand Windchamber, Grand Abyss, Vault, etc.).  It must seem that Retro has truely lost their sense of reality! :)

All those rooms are missing at least one wall... coincidence?
3. BRAG: My time as of saving right after Screw Attack gainage was:
73% items, 88% scans, 16:13 time, and it's my first time through.  I think that's awesome. /brag

Think I had about the same... lost about three hours getting the last five percent or so, though.  :?
5. I also need help with the Hive Dynamo Works (Dark Aether version).  After you get the Spider Ball and you get over into the Dark side and you have that big-ass abyss, how do you get across the abyss?  Also, what is of great importance over on top of that ledge across the abyss?  I cannot see what is on the ledge because there appears to be nothing.

Spider Ball + Boost.  Also, try using another visor.  Wink
6. I also need help doing underwater dashes.  I attempted to get the Gravity Boost item early, but I could not do the so-called "Underwater Dash".  Suggestions?

That is a very easy trick to pull off; just keep trying and you should notice that sometimes you go forward VERY fast.  If you notice that, you are doing it right and just missing the ledge.
7. Now that I have played Echoes, I also must say this:  Retro has also made oddities inside the rooms and the placement of all the expansions.  Examples of expansions that makes me wonder why they placed them there include:  The room right outside of the Light Agon Temple where you got into the temple (Missle Expansion on the Spider Ball track about 50 feet off the ground.) 
Grand Windchamber (Sunburst, obviously), Mining Plaza (Energy Tank behind Echo Visor door), etc. etc.

Really?  Seemed like they were just distributing them in such a way that you could use all of the new features/abilities/items they included.
8. How do you obtain the energy tank in Mining Plaza?  Must you have the Screw Attack to get it?

9. How come the Floaty Jump isn't under Techniques on MP2E's section of this website?

It is completely useless in every sort of run AFAIK.
10. Exactly how many times must you scan Quadraxis and Emperor Ing in order to get 100% scans?

Five each.
11. What is of such great importance in the one Hydrochamber Transit Tunnel that is guarded by dual Annihilator Beam doors?

Nothing unusual.  Just a missile expansion, or maybe an energy tank.
red chamber dream
Quote from Random Zelda Person:
9. How come the Floaty Jump isn't under Techniques on MP2E's section of this website?

It is completely useless in every sort of run AFAIK.

Yeah, but it gets you that early Energy Tank. I, too, feel that it should be on the site.
It's in the Other section...
red chamber dream
Quote from Ekarderif:
It's in the Other section...

Oh. Shows how much I look at the Echoes section. >.<
Yeah, I still would like to figure out why (even though they are all missing one wall, why they chose to make all those big-ass rooms with HUGE GAPS in between all the platforms.

I think Retro is nuts.

Also, I have LOTS of problems with roll jumps.  Suggestions?  I already looked at Roll Jump section on the Echoes part of the website, I still don't get it. >_<
Beware: off duty ninja
well, to start, I can tell you what works for me to get the instant unmorph. time the unmorph so that when you actually do it, the ball is hidden by the ledge but before the camera moves to show the ball again. after that, I think that the jumping in midair is like a bsj, requires you to have an extremley fast jump (as in two fingers to press the x and b buttons at nearly the same time) that's how I get to the instant unmorph aprt, but have yet to actually do a roll jump on the whole (too much working to practice all of these tricks I think I'll call in sick for a few days :D)
Thanks for the help.  Now I have a question:
How do you get the Power Bomb expansion in Sandcanyon?  Does it require the Screw Attack, because if it does, then I was correct in my thinking.
always move fast
if its the one im thinking of, you just powerbomb the powerbombable wall.
Quote from Razorflame:
Thanks for the help.  Now I have a question:
How do you get the Power Bomb expansion in Sandcanyon?  Does it require the Screw Attack, because if it does, then I was correct in my thinking.

Yes, you need it. Then you PB the PBable... I guess you could call it a wall. ;P

I found using two fingers and holding R for the roll jump too much for these old hands. I pressed the controller into my knee for the R button.
Quote from doninss:
Quote from Razorflame:
Thanks for the help.  Now I have a question:
How do you get the Power Bomb expansion in Sandcanyon?  Does it require the Screw Attack, because if it does, then I was correct in my thinking.

I found using two fingers and holding R for the roll jump too much for these old hands. I pressed the controller into my knee for the R button.
That is going to be a very helpful
tip for me to remember the next time I rent MP2E and feel like SB'ing it.
Quote from Arkarian:
Quote from Ekarderif:
It's in the Other section...

Oh. Shows how much I look at the Echoes section. >.<

I think the structure is better on the Prime page. :P
how so?
everybody knows it's true
lack of speed tricks topic in Echoes page.
and you care ... why? do you ever run anything?
everybody knows it's true
Run anything like a game, of site? If game, yes. I run through the game plenty of times and I would like to know what could be done on Game.
always move fast
thats what speedruns are for.
Roll jumps.  Plain and simple, I can't do them!
everybody knows it's true
techniques are hard to redescribe.  Every word on the tech page basically says all.
Quote from Mr. Aran:
techniques are hard to redescribe.  Every word on the tech page basically says all.

But it didn't.  I tried the technique on the homepage, and they did not work.

AFK, going to stuff my face with chewy granola bars.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Razorflame:
AFK, going to stuff my face with chewy granola bars.

It's a forum. <_<