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I posted this before a tweeted you :P
loving low%
so i personally didnt ever know its a dash where you have to get a ghetto effect? i always tried to stop the dash there (pressing r) so i can jump leftwards to the "safe place" just after i stopped there. i have absolutely garbage success rate at this dash thouugh. i have been trying to get to plasma beam door 2nd time ever lately in two different sessions and all in all i only got the dash five times in four hours. i dont get this dash at all. *sigh*
As someone just now learning to do Phendrana's Edge in bounds, it sucks.
Can confirm level of suck is up there
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-05-04 09:08:22 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-05-04 08:50:23 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-05-04 08:49:18 am
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
can someone explain me how the chykka larva fight works? i never exactly knew when it's gonna jump out of the water or when hes gonna come onto the platform >_>

i'd also like to know when exactly the weak point is damageable. (if its damageable all the time or only on certain times besides if you havent scan it)
You might want to post in the echoes section.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
oh oops..
I feel like my skill in this game has flat lined. After my 1:25, I haven't been able to improve at all. I've researched both 1:13's and taken a lot of notes. Practiced new tricks. Just nothing is doing it for me. But I don't think new tricks are the problem. R_Web got a 1:19 with the same strats he's used for a really long time. Maybe I'm just not being patient enough; not giving myself enough time to improve considering the game is ridiculously complicated when it comes to movement.

keep playing. nobody flatlines... that's your perception more than anything.
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-05-06 04:39:53 am
MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-05-06 04:39:33 am
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
with 1:25 your run's beeing nowhere near to being optimized, so flatlining wouldnt make sence; just keep playing and youll get runs with less and less mistakes over time. Dont worry if you dont get constant pb's your time will get way lower if you keep playing for a long time. Even the 1:13's are way off perfection.
See, I've been doing some RTA practice (lol) of the first part of Chozo. The splits compare against T3's 100% time, and even though I nail all of the tricks and don't bonk on the wall or anything, he still seems to be a few seconds ahead. That's what I don't understand. How do I improve movement? Practice, rather.
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-05-06 09:37:32 am
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
T3's movement is more optimized than you probably think; it takes a little more than nailing all tricks to compare to people who played for as long as him. Just keep going and you will see what is to improve on. It also might help to make a splitscreen of both runs to see which spots you lose time on. I can imagine why you lose time over him, but those things are stupid to explain. Its basically small movement stuff. Think about the frigate escape, its not very surprising everyone has worse times than T3, he probably has done it the most.
By "nailing all tricks and not bonking" I mean that the movement was literally perfect for me. I really wish I saw / understood the small things about movement.
I'm in the same boat, at least. I can lose scads of time to movement that really isn't very readily apparent to me. Ocarina of Time is so over rated for this reason - movement is you turn 180 and walk.
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Rman88: 2015-05-14 10:05:38 pm
Obviously not a crucial question, but is there any known cause for a crash when entering Research Lab Aether or Metroid Quarantine A?  It only happens occasionally, but it's a bummer when it does.  This is total speculation, but it seems like maybe it happens if I try to switch both my beam and visor right before I hit the cutscene trigger.
My complete speculation theory is that you have the scan visor equipped before it finishes loading the SCAN files used by the room, because you're lagging the game too much. Don't know for sure.
Hm. This doesn't / hasn't happened to me Rman. During my runs I jump into the cutscene trigger; changing beams and visors in the process, but that's after the room has transitioned. Maybe wait just a second for it to load completely (going off of Miles' theory)
Hmmm ok thanks guys.
Edit history:
Daryoshi: 2015-06-19 08:24:05 am
Daryoshi: 2015-06-19 07:37:20 am
Daryoshi: 2015-06-19 07:20:38 am
loving low%
Is it possible to get to Omega Pirate without Varia Suit (nor Gravity Suit) with just the three Energy Tanks you can get before doing the (first) VMR without getting out of bounds in neither Tallon Overworld nor in Chozo Ruins? I.e. is it possible to get back from Phendrana to the elevator to Tallon Overworld and get Ice Beam after having done a 3 Tank VMR in order to get Wave Beam?

fyi getting STRENGTH is pretty close with just 3 Tanks.
It seems to me that a 3T BACKWARDS VMR isn't possible (keep in mind the crates give you up to 5x10 HP on the regular VMR)?!

Can anyone verify this not being possible? T3?

EDIT: I tested it on dolphin (now with the revision itsPersonnal uses for his TAS aka pretty well emulated door loading times) and I got the Energy Tank in Transport Tunnel A (the room just after the elevator to Phendrana) and I got to the elevator to Tallon Overworld with just 41 HP left after like 10 mins of savestate-abusing semi-TASing. With better optimization I could see myself getting 50 or even 60 HP left, but 100 HP left seems impossible.
Plus, to be accurate, I'd need more than 100 HP being left since after getting the 4th Energy Tank in Transport Tunnel A, I'm already like a second or two ahead compared with starting with just the 3 Energy Tanks from before from the elevator room.

EDIT: I improved it from 41 to 63 HP left! But it's still FAR from being enough left (which would be around 120 I guess).
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Strength could be delayed until after Phazon Suit? (Wouldn't be very fast, if your end-goal is a good final time though). Also you would think Boost Ball would certainly let you go fast enough to make it back with 3 tanks? Unless you're not getting Boost for some reason? If you send me your save state, I can find time to mess around with this myself, I'm kind of curious.
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Daryoshi: 2015-06-19 08:29:36 am
loving low%
I don't speedrun it, I just wanted to know if it's possible with the same items as you do the regular 3 Tank VMR.

I'd think with Boost Ball it should definetly be possible and it's probably less hard than the regular 3 Tank VMR if you do it backwards WITH Boost Ball.

So you'd like to have a save state from where I am saved at Phendrana Shorelines Savestation before getting Boost Ball so you can look if it's possible without BB and if it turns out not to be possible you'd get BB and try it with BB (which should definetly work out)?!
Quote from Rman88:
Obviously not a crucial question, but is there any known cause for a crash when entering Research Lab Aether or Metroid Quarantine A?  It only happens occasionally, but it's a bummer when it does.  This is total speculation, but it seems like maybe it happens if I try to switch both my beam and visor right before I hit the cutscene trigger.

I know this is from a while ago but I just want to also add that I've never had this crash either...
if your goal is to reach omega pirate, why not just do the reverse thardus dash and then pass through workstation instead? i don't understand why you're going through monitor station...
Edit history:
Daryoshi: 2015-06-19 02:03:01 pm
loving low%
if your goal is to reach omega pirate

Well, that's not really the primary goal: The goal is to pull off a backwards 3 T VMR / find out if that's possible.

Jup that's an idea I had as well but I thought I'd find out (with itsPersonnal helping me out of purely his interest) if a reverse 3 T VMR is possible.
With reverse 3 T VMR we can say it may or may not be with Boost Ball (it's not the same items anymore with Wave Beam anyway, but Wave Beam is of no help in returning via Magmoor Caverns, whereas Boost Ball very well IS a help).

Also, I'm now pretty confident that a reverse 3 T VMR without Boost Ball is (if it's possible at all) definetly harder than the "regular" 3 T VMR! With Boost Ball it should be so much faster that it's probably a bit easier than the regular 3 T VMR.

EDIT: Also, PLEASE T3, I'd really appreciate a response of yours to the PMs I sent you like 2 months ago. :)
Some of you may know of the Golden challenge(http://pastebin.com/mjfKg4Tq), but if not, its essentially where you have to pick a new game you've never attempted to learn before and learn it and finish a run in 12 hours or less. I was wondering, does anyone here have any input on whether or not Metroid Prime would be a reasonable choice for this? I've always had an interest in running it, or at least learning the sequence breaks, but some of the tricks seem extremely difficult. I'm sure I could learn them, just not sure if I could do it all in 12 hours.