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rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
All of the L jumping is just normal L jumping. The morphball movement is kinda weird to explain but really just copy what everyone else does, you want to rock left to right in some sections to turn tighter or have more momentum at 'uphill' parts. for the pirate dash, you should be dashing basically as soon as possible and pressing R instead of letting go of L for the first dash, so you can get speed but keep the lock on. 4:32 isn't easy to achieve. You'll not only need to have solid play but really understand how to get the most speed out of all of your jumps and dashes. (which just kind of comes from practice).
Not that pirate dash...the other one. Right after it off the scan point. Is there a trick for it?
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
if you're problem is the pirate getting in the way, I always turn at the end of my dash and shoot a missile.
Is there a faster way to get to the door? I usually have to walk because jumping will get caught on something.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
getting 4:31 is already rediculously difficult so have fun with 4:32. Also yeah those dashes in the escape are really annoying. The real trick is practice
I've been on on the steady grind for about an hour and pb'd already. I was actually ahead of T3's 1:13 100% escape up until Ridley. I bonked on the door leading to the cutscene :(
@Playe I'm not using a ether jumping as part of my route, just as a practice tool so I don't have to completely reset every time I miss a jump-- I'm still learning, so I don't care about speed yet. But thanks for the explanation; that should help quite a bit.

And I know I need to hit the load trigger. My problem is either a: actually hitting it or b: the game crashing because it didn't dump Energy Core. I'm on a GameCube, not a Wii. So I guess a better way to phrase my question would have been "how do I convince the game to dump the Energy Core so it won't crash when I hit the next load trigger?"
Quote from Asher695:
"how do I convince the game to dump the Energy Core so it won't crash when I hit the next load trigger?"

Play on a Wii
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
if the game is crashing on the door transition to furnace, then you didn't dump energy core somehow, if it's crashing anywhere else than that's just because you're playing on GC and there's nothing that can really be done about that.
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Littlenino: 2015-02-18 01:41:29 pm
Quote from itsPersonnal:
If the game is crashing on the door transition to furnace, then you didn't dump energy core somehow

Which would be hard to do because, as far as I know, loading Furnace through any method (be it hitting the load trigger or by shooting the door and falling next to it to force load the room) works fine at least on a Wii and doesn't lead to a crash. I actually used to do the door load method back when I didn't entirely understand how loading the correct load triggers in Furnace Access worked.

Those are the only methods to load a room that I am aware of, so, unless there's a third way you can load Furnace that for some reason results in Energy Core not being dumped, you're probably just getting really unlucky crashes due to playing on a Gamecube.
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JustinDM: 2015-02-20 04:04:31 pm
Is it possible to enter Phazon Mines without wave beam or space jump?

Note: Can not take the Phendrana Elevator and just use power bombs because I can not get through Phendrana.

Ran into this situation in a randomizer playthrough.
At the moment it isn't, if we could we would maybe have solved 20% already.
If you have a suit, you can wallcrawl from burning trail to magmoor workstation.  You will need ice and powerbombs as well. 
Has anybody ever had a glitch during prime phase 2 where the phazon beam will not shoot if you hold A?
Do you have charge beam? If you don't you need to actually rapidly press A for the Phazon Beam to keep firing.
Wow TIL. Yea it was 22% so I didn't have charge.
I run this here hotel of an evening
can someone give me some advice for dashing off the beetle and landing on the halfpipe in the room where you get morphball? i can't seem to get enough height
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Littlenino: 2015-04-08 03:36:24 am
It has to be a very quick dash where you get as much height as possible. In other words, hold B for as few frames as possible when doing the dash, and let go of the lock a little earlier than you would normally think to.

At least that's what I personally do for it and I rarely miss it.

I also hold Up-Left on the main stick during the dash itself, but I doubt that's actually necessary for clipping onto the halfpipe. The only difference that should make is it makes you face the door more quickly.
I always move forward a little bit before dashing. Works 90% of the time.
One of you 21% wizards, can you explain the gtc bomb jump? How the control stick goes and what not.
Can someone explain to me how the bomb jump in Elder Hall works? The one that lets you skip wave beam by jumping into the tunnel to get past the force field.
You can use either an HBJ or a 3BJ.

The HBJ is a little tricky only because you hit the top of the morph ball area sometimes and it knocks you down. But it is also easy because you have the wall to slow you down during the bomb jump.

The 3BJ is a tad easier but semi-precise. It gives you just enough height to where you won't hit the top and bounce back.

I finally pulled off IBBF successfully for the first time a few minutes ago. So I just wanted to say a quick thanks to you guys here for being kind and answering my noobish questions.

I'm gonna start trying to put together a segmented 100% run now. I'll be aiming for anything under three hours, honestly. Not exactly a lofty goal, but it'll be the first serious speed run I've ever attempted.

And since this is the help topic...can anyone offer any advice to make OoB Elder Hall less awful? Specifically ways to load the room consistently without triggering the ghost, or ways to recover from a fall. Aether jumping never works for me in that room.
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JustinDM: 2015-05-01 04:23:08 pm
How do you do the dash to the tree part in Phendrana's Edge (under 21% conditions). This dash: youtu.be/4r-PSwvKGg4?t=12s
you need a ghetto effect from the branch.  i made a post about this dash in the no sj/21% topic.