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Ok thanks for the answers, I think this trick is linked to the slow physics in water without gravity.

Quote from StefanvanDijke:
also doesn't a 21% run require the spinner trick without space jump?

Runners use the Great Tree Chamber SW to take the artifact from out of bounds, the Great Tree Hall bomb jumps to clear the magnetic rail are insane
loving low%
Posting a post of mine here, in the topic it actually belongs into as far as I can tell:

I guess Ice Spreader is collected in hard any%? What does differ hard <--> normal in any% for room strats/ boss strats etc./ maybe even the route?

Also I just came up with another (random) question: If you make 23% with 21%+SJB+charge beam, wouldnt that be faster than a 21%+SJB+Boost Ball? because skipping Charge Beam should make the run longer than skipping Boost Ball (and of course Spider Ball cuz Spider Ball doesn't cost too much time to skip in any room with the old in-bounds any% route).

I'm just asking cuz I might casually speedrun THAT NEW 23% to improve my 1:37 23% SS which was the ordinary 21%+SJB+Boost Ball. Also I might look for a new faster route for 23% considering a new 22% route probably wont be found too soon if there is a better route at all...
wait a minute, you think picking up charge beam is faster than boostball for 23% SS? I can't find any reason why that would be the case other than boss fights. Good luck on doing geo-core, vent shaft (probably skipped) and life grove without boost.

Boosting through the game saves a lot of time... and remember boosting ridley will save a chunk of time too.
Quote from Daryoshi:
because skipping Charge Beam should make the run longer than skipping Boost Ball

where on earth does Charge Beam save more time than Boost Ball? Boost saves a ton of time on Ridley alone. That's not even getting into just the general much improved movement speed, being able to do Geo Core much faster, etc.
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Daryoshi: 2014-10-13 08:18:36 am
loving low%
In fact, I forgot about Meta Ridley entirely. I thought it should make a huge time saver for Metroid Prime alone, but as I said, I forgot about Meta Ridley. Geo Core can be done like 1-2 mins slower than perfect in-bounds by getting Floaty Jump. For MP it should be a 7/8 instead of a 11/12/13/14 minute segment (if you save in 23% SS after Meta Ridley) and compare after having compoleted the run unedr SS conditions.

I seriously have NO clue how big the difference between no Boost Ball vs w/ Boost Ball is for "general much improved movement speed".

Well, would you say it is slower on HARD mode as well to skip BB instead of Charge Beam? Meta Ridley takes even longer then, but MP does take longer as well, and Charge Beam DOES speed up the Meta Ridley fight (charged plasma shots in ground phase make the ground phase much faster + on flying phase it is still faster to charge Plasma shots vs not being able to charge Plasma shots).
Charge Beam just doesn't speed up the fight as much as Boost Ball does cuz of this bug you can use to deal so much damage.
you could run both and remove the times in the run where you lost some time that you would normally not loose. Then compare and see what's faster. My intuition just tells me that boost is so much faster than charge.
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BioSpark: 2014-10-19 05:20:51 pm
Is it anywhere near possible to vmr with less than 3 tanks?

Just wondering.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
heh heh heh heh
I run this here hotel of an evening
nicely done. man i want springball for gc
well, did anyone ever try quickly lifting the gamecube controler while in morphball mode? Maybe it works!!
Well, Prime 1 does have the Spring Ball sound effect...
(user is banned)
nice 2 tank vmr. i've tried some 3-tank-Vmr attempts on the GC version myself too, and i haven't managed to survive yet, but i was pretty close, i got to the door to the elevator, i shot the door and the door started to open and i touched the door but then died.. that's the closest i could get so far, i've survived 3-tank-VMR about 99% so far.
that's really close, I find this 3 tank vmr one of the craziest things to do in this game. I remember smilingjack's 3 tank vmr, such a talented player..
21% is craziest.
loving low%
T3 said that beating Metroid Prime (when havng saved in Impact Crater) in 21% on HARD mode, that segment alone is in his opinion much harder than a 3 T VMR.
Well, he sticked to it and I can not really argue with him because I have never done/ attempted a 3 T VMR but of course once you're so godly at controlling Samus, surviving for 50 seconds seems to be easier than a 25-45 minute fight. I might try 3 T VMR in near future.

I'm quite sure it's not possible to have more than 50 health left, even with perfect RNG-manipulated energy-refill drops, because those crates along the way can only give you 10 health drops iirc?! I have to state here that I fully agree with StefanvanDijeke statements about 3 T VMR and Smilingjack13. :)
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Daryoshi: 2014-11-22 08:00:36 pm
loving low%
3 stupid questions:

1) Is the DBJ off the ship possible for SJE in (PAL) Trilogy?

Quote by T3 in January 2013:
i remember trying this for a long time back when trilogy came out but i could never manage it. keep in mind though that this was around when i started playing so it very well could have been because i wasn't very good. i bet this is still possible on trilogy.

2) Is it possible to get from the rock next to the ship onto the ledge we all love with a regular DBJ ON NTSC version? like, with 3 bombs in total? I know it's complete nonsense to try to do this at home since it's dangerous to your health due to how stupid it is to do this trick - on top of that doing it on GC with just 3 bombs as in a Wii-version.
I've started to believe it's not possible W/O THE ABILITY to flip the wii-mote so I'm waiting to go get work on that insanely stupid trick again until I'll have gotten an answer to that.

Quote by T3 in January 2013:
[Space Jump Boots Early]
it's possible by bomb jumping off the tiny rock just right of the ship. it's pretty tough to do in the trilogy version though because it requires you to do what was called a "dsbj". dsbj stands for double spring bomb jump (iirc). it looks similar to a regular dbj except you get a lot more height. to do it, basically just do a dbj but spring ball before bombs 1 and 2 hit you. this will give you a lot more height. this bomb jump works in echoes and maybe corruption as well (iirc).

3) Does PAL/ NTSC Trilogy or Wii de Asobu make a difference in any of those two ways of SJE?
I'm trying to get to Magmoor Workstation without the wave beam from out of bounds.  I'm currently stuck in Twin Fires because I can't find the loading zone for the next room.  How do I load that room?
The loading zone is somewhere around the center tunnel. You're gonna have to jump around there til you manage to hit it. Shoot around the direction of North Core Tunnel to check if you activated it.

I assume you have the Ice Beam and you're planning to go to the Phazon Mines? Cuz I can't think of a whole lot else you can do in Magmoor Workstation without Wave Beam.
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MrSpEeDrUn: 2015-01-03 12:05:05 pm
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
I want to read out the ingame time of saves with dolphin. I want to do this for Timing purposes (segmented runs, finding out the exact timing after finishing a run)
i managed to Install gcmm on my SD card, ran it and made a backup save (.gci file) which i have on my computer now. but i dont know how to check what ingame time it is, supposingly you want to open dolphin and check there somehow, would be awesome if someone can tell how to do it.
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Hazel: 2015-01-27 04:09:45 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I'm having a really hard time with the dash to the ice beam door in MQA without space jump. Is there some tech there that's hard to notice in a video? because I can not seem to get enough height.
(Also I'm sure metroid boosting can be alternative strat, does anyone have a set up to get the metroid in a good spot? I've messed around with a lot but whenever I freeze it in a spot that should work, I can't get enough height to land on it).
I personally find MQA to be extremely easy.  Start watching this video at 4:28:

As I do in the video, get really, really close to the edge, using Plasma to see better. 

Lock on to the lower metroid like I do.  You want to do a r dash bent backwards all the way.  Initiate the dash exactly when I do in the video, when the Metroid's position lines up with the right edge of the "door"  (the orange line in the wall) before the mushroom. 

I actually think I do it a bit before the metroid lines up with the door.  I make it pretty much every time though like this so yeah...

IBBF help. I'm having serious trouble getting the Energy Core to dump and the Furnace to secretize. The method I'm using comes straight from Miles' unfinished segmented any% run from...a long time ago. The problem is that the Furnace access keeps loading almost as soon as I land next to the door. Then it becomes almost impossible to get Energy Core to dump.

Also, could someone explain how to do aether jumping? It never works for me and I'm sick of resetting any time I fall off.

I'm still just learning these tricks, so consistency is more important than speed.
What you need to do is hit the load trigger in the tunnel between Energy Core and Furnace, it's around the spot where Miles morphs in the segment you're talking about.

You shouldn't need Aether jumping at all in Prime 1 either unless you're doing 21% (Unless some new stuff was found since I've been away) but I'll still explain it.

Each room is in a box, and outside this box is what we call aether, when you're in aether you slowly float up. When you move outside of the aether and back into the box you have a 3 frame window to jump or otherwise fall back down to the bottom of the room's box. In Prime 1 if you miss this 3 frame window you can't move back into the aether unless you're moving backwards and not holding L.

I recommend watching Miles' single-segment runs for a better method for IBBF, it doesn't use Aether jumping because it can be really punishing in Prime 1 if you miss it even once.
Alright. I need some frigate escape tips. I know big time saves are the 3 dashes (2 Parasite and the pirate). What I'm asking though, is there a specific way to L jump in those tubes? Like get a ghetto off the side for extra height? And is there specific morph ball movement? I'm looking for a 4:32 or higher.

I did study t3's wr video and he was 2 seconds ahead of my Pb after the "pirate" dash. Is there a technique to that I am missing?