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Hazel: 2014-08-15 12:52:50 am
Hazel: 2014-08-15 12:52:41 am
Hazel: 2014-08-15 12:48:32 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Alright. I'll look around, I'm guessing it'd be an older thread on this site? Thanks for the help by the way! :)
Edit: I looked around and found that someone uploaded a video of almost every trick that was known back in late 2009, but they deleted their youtube account and I have no way of knowing who it was/how to contact them. apparently it's done with some kind of metroid hop, which I assume is different from just a simple space jump off a metroid ... seeing as how you can't space jump off a metroid. (unless there's something dire that I'm missing).

So I've noticed that just being on a Metroid as it unfreezes can give you a pretty high height boost, but it doesn't look high enough to make it to the door from the bottom of the room. It also leaves you with absolutely no momentum, so jumping off the ledge where the spider tracks starts onto a Metroid, and then doing that little damage boost upwards doesn't seem very possible, due to the sheer distance that has to be covered to reach the door. I also noticed that despite the fact that you can not stand on a Metroid, landing on one DOES reset the one bomb rule, meaning that a 2BJ or 2BSJ off a metroid is technically possible. I can't seem to get anywhere close to the ledge with a 2BJ though, and I haven't found a way to interrupt the camera yet, so a 2BSJ is out of the question for now.

I've been looking at this room from every possible angle, and I can't seem to figure out what it is that I'm missing. Unless there is a way to have the game consider a frozen Metroid to be something you can jump off of that I'm just not aware of. Then this makes no sense at all.
Quote from T3:
freeze metroid underneath spider track, jump on metroid before unfreezing, double jump onto ledge above spider track

The only way that I can see working with my current knowledge of the game is making a ladder out of frozen Metroids, and 2BJing from one to the next until you reach the door, but that doesn't sound feasible. Hopefully someone in here has some suggestions? Or can tell me what I'm missing with this trick to jump of a frozen Metroid.
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Daryoshi: 2014-08-15 04:58:44 am
loving low%
Maybe this can help you:
I was searching for a 21% MQA alternative back then before T3 and I found out there's a only slightly modified alternative to the original method of clearing MQA in 21%.
I just coulnd't get a Metroid Jump to work out so well that I cleared the ledge to the Ice Beam door without SJB on the actual 21% file BUUUT I made it at least 2 times on a random (e.g. 100%) file with SJB in possession. With SJB in possession, you can freeze the Metroid at a higher point than w/out SJB, obviously. I don't know about the actual upwards boost/ momentum with and without SJB though, it might differ from each other.

4 little videos, the 1st one just to show how high you can be propelled up, the 2nd and 3rd showing how it's actually done and the 4th one like the 2nd and 3rd time but with Moon Jump so it's not really reliable. But I hope it works the same on Trilogy so you can do it "rather easily", like on the version those Metroid Jumps were executed (NTSC 0-00).
Read description:
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T3: 2014-08-15 05:52:35 am
T3: 2014-08-15 05:36:05 am
yeah i probably should've elaborated a bit more. the metroid has a few different unfreeze animations. for one of them the metroid will shoot straight up. freeze the metroid a certain number of times until he does this animation (i don't remember how many but it's always after a certain number of freezes). then, right before it unfreezes jump on top of the metroid with your first jump and ride it up high. you then use your double jump to reach the ledge above the spider track. from there you can jump to the door.

the first clip in daryoshi's video is pretty much exactly what i'm describing. you can actually land on a ledge up there.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Thank you so much for that video Daryoshi. I'll give this another go tomorrow and hopefully finish 22%.
I remeber a video of itspersonnal getting artifact of world with infinite speed, but where can we activate IS and access this room in morph ball state ?
I know it's possible to do it with the ice door in the Hall of the Elders but it requires a "where is the room" glitch and it seems impossible to get out of the door without unmorphing...
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Hazel: 2014-08-18 07:29:31 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
do the IBBF wallcrawl and ceiling warp into a room that the maps not on, then all the walls will be sticky and IS-able. I believe I put the map on the pathway between HOTE and the room before Ice Beam, and the ceiling warped into HOTE.
oh I see ! Thanks for the answer, I'll try it next time
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Hazel: 2014-08-19 02:41:48 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I've overheard people saying that they've used IS to collect the power bomb in Magma Pool before on Wii, I'm not sure if they were BSing or not. It doesn't seem to work for me. I know that IS is 100% possible to activate on Trilogy/NTSC J, I've done it one both in the room with Wave Beam, but for some reason I can't get it to work in Magma Pool, the ball stops spinning after around a half second...
Is there anyone credible here who has done this before? or does anyone know of a different spot I need to activate IS for it work?
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T3: 2014-08-19 03:06:41 am
stefan did it using ntsc-j. i remember watching a video of him doing it. i wasn't able to do it when i tried though. it's a lot more specific than in the gc version for some reason.
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Hazel: 2014-08-19 04:10:54 am
Hazel: 2014-08-19 04:00:15 am
Hazel: 2014-08-19 03:58:20 am
Hazel: 2014-08-19 03:37:07 am
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Alright I've managed to get it.
Edit: You don't need to boost to hit triggers???

Edit: you do not need boost!!!
very interesting, for the original PAL version this would be really usefull for any % since it would make the IBBF and the one mines trip possible which would be a huge timesaver even with using this 1 + minute power bomb trick.

but yeh, we need to get it working on the original versions.

on a side note, it seems that you ARE boosting in this vid...you are sure you didn't boost?
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I need help again.
How is the Burning Trail SW done without SJ? I never managed to get it on GC way back when I was trying 21%, I assume I need to do some kind of ghetto?
I made it up to the top with a lock on, I just don't know what to do from here
Well, I'm trying to do the omega pirate from behind that I saw on a T3's video. But I have some troubles do enter the room from OoB with boost. I never did this kind of trick and I was wondering if there were some specific things to do to enter in a room like this. Any advices would be appreciated !
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
I'm assuming you're talking about the first boost, the one through the ceiling?
You basically just morph, lay a bomb, boost ~7 times (maybe 8 or 9 to be safe) and then unmorph. If it's not working for you, you might want to test being in a different position. Also don't have any analog input after you morph, you want to get the unmorph animation that happens when you have no horizontal momentum.
Great ! Thank you for this detailed answer
What all do you have (or is most recommended) in 22%/23% and are there any significantly hard tricks? I know it depends on what items.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
23% is commonly:
Space Jump
Main Power Bombs
12 Artifacts

And common 22% is the same, but minus boost.

23% is incredibly easy, as long as you can stay alive during the bosses, you basically just need to know how to scan dash to achieve it.
22% has 3 hard tricks, that can all be avoided with out of bounds use. Geo Thermal Core without boost, Live Grove/Live Grove Tunnel without boost, and Vent Shaft without boost.
(user is banned)
Something terrible just happened to me. I got the vent shaft bomb jump for the first time in my 21% segment attempt and died in ppc... :...(  :'( 
loving low%
why did you die?? I mean, you can avoiding death there by using my tips for PPC? well, I had to do the Vernt Shaft HPBJ 9 times in total before I finally reached the savestation in magmoor workstation, but that was BEFORE I thought about just reloading PPC and refilling my health when I'm at about 50/99 health. So this is how you can easily avoid getting game over there. good luck!
Hey guys. I need some small help with the pickup in Training Chamber. I can get to and load Training Chamber Access and all that from the Main Plaza SW, but I don't know how to morph into the room containing the pickup. For the randomizer, it's Varia, and it's required for the seed. If I could get a visual marker on a picture or maybe even a video that would be awesome.
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Littlenino: 2014-09-17 08:46:04 pm
You do it just like you would any normal Ceiling Warp, but the catch is you need to hold forward when bombing yourself because of reasons.

You can see Miles doing it on his video of the Training Chamber wallcrawl here. If you pay attention, you can also see how he seems to "sink" by a tiny bit after landing on the ceiling before unmorphing. That's the visual cue for knowing you did it right, and unmorphing after that will almost always give you the ceiling warp.

Alternatively, if that method is giving you trouble, there's a much easier method of using an instant unmorph + remorphing to clip you through the ceiling where it meets with the morph ball tunnel.

My video of the same wallcrawl shows said alternate method. This can also be done while looking toward the room (as opposed to having it behind you, like I do in the video). Literally all you do is just line yourself up, morph, unmorph (it should be instant), and then remorph again while holding Up/Down on the main stick depending on which direction you're facing when doing it (You'll want to point the stick "toward" the room with the Etank, so I held Down on the main stick in the case of my video; You would hold it Up if facing the room).
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Jack879: 2014-09-17 09:03:22 pm
Ahh. Thank you for the video references and textual guides Nino. I'll get back to you on it shortly.

EDIT: Success! Thanks again for the tips! :D
I was wondering if the trick to skip boost ball in the Life Groove can be done with the gravity suit ? I tried a bit but I didn't succeed in...
And  I assume it can be done without space jump but does someone already did it ?
i recall parax or miles trying to do that trick with gravity suit during a randomizer and it didn't work. if you have space jump, grabbing the artifact out of bounds isn't too bad. without space jump, i think you might be screwed.
one of the randomizers gave my space jump in life grove so that's confirmed, also doesn't a 21% run require the spinner trick without space jump?

with gravity I have no idea.