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Quote from Littlenino:

It may be a vague question, but people can have a varying answer to the question. How you mention not going straight off the optimized routes (which is a great idea since I did this with SM3DW and it kinda killed it for me) and learning 100% is a smart idea. Every game that I've thought about getting into, I'll mention it to someone that streams it and they'll say how hard it is, etc etc. I know its not trying to scare me, but I like the heads up for the reasons why. I may start with that since my first full casual run of the game was 73% in 11 hours. I don't think that's bad at all and can definitely improve from there. I've had the game since the release in 2002 and I never beat it as a kid, but it was still really close to my heart. Loved Samus since Smash 64 (Didn't know who she was since I never played Super Metroid until later in life) and since I've had the game back when I got my Gamecube.
if you're just starting out with the game, i think the best advice would be not to think about what you're learning. don't think about learning any% or 100% or following x route getting x items. go on m2k2, learn a few important tricks like space jump first, and then explore around and have fun. try to break things for yourself. once you find out how to dash jump/ghetto jump try applying this in places to do things you're not supposed to. this will be a lot more fun and rewarding than following some set out "route". if you approach the game by following some guide you'll likely lose interest very quickly.
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2014-07-27 04:29:47 pm
Quote from T3:
if you're just starting out with the game, i think the best advice would be not to think about what you're learning. don't think about learning any% or 100% or following x route getting x items. go on m2k2, learn a few important tricks like space jump first, and then explore around and have fun. try to break things for yourself. once you find out how to dash jump/ghetto jump try applying this in places to do things you're not supposed to. this will be a lot more fun and rewarding than following some set out "route". if you approach the game by following some guide you'll likely lose interest very quickly.

Actually, T3 makes a very good point. I second his suggestion because this is a much better way of easing yourself into running the game in a way that won't kill the experience for you right out of the gate. My suggestion mostly came from my personal experience since I had already been glitching the game for months before I decided to run it, so I didn't even consider taking into account those who probably aren't comfortable with breaking the game.
I always liked this mentality. It encourages you to find strats that work for you, as opposed to using unsafe, wr strats. It could even lead to discovering something that was maybe overlooked and faster than what is currently done.
Thanks everyone, I really do appreciate it. I'm actually going to start my 2nd play through today and hopefully finish it a bit faster than I did last time. @Littlenino I don't mind breaking games at all, I find glitches and sequence breaks a ton of fun haha. I've broken other games that aren't Metroid so I'm used to it. I already find dash jumping not too hard to do and I was just now doing the early SJ motions spot on.

If any of you have any other suggestions for me, feel free to tell me. I definitely have a lot to learn and I'll of course post here if I have any questions since I'm pretty new to Prime 1.
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2014-07-27 05:09:11 pm
Quote from Kaysick:
@Littlenino I don't mind breaking games at all, I find glitches and sequence breaks a ton of fun haha. I've broken other games that aren't Metroid so I'm used to it. I already find dash jumping not too hard to do and I was just now doing the early SJ motions spot on.

I meant it more in the sense of being comfortable enough with breaking the game to actually want to try speedrunning it. You can be comfortable with glitching a game all you want, but actually applying those glitches in a race against the clock is a completely different kind of mindset, so you have to really make sure it's the kind of thing for you. That's true for speedrunning any game really.
Quote from Littlenino:
Quote from Kaysick:
@Littlenino I don't mind breaking games at all, I find glitches and sequence breaks a ton of fun haha. I've broken other games that aren't Metroid so I'm used to it. I already find dash jumping not too hard to do and I was just now doing the early SJ motions spot on.

I meant it more in the sense of being comfortable enough with breaking the game to actually want to try speedrunning it. You can be comfortable with glitching a game all you want, but actually applying those glitches in a race against the clock is a completely different kind of mindset, so you have to really make sure it's the kind of thing for you. That's true for speedrunning any game really.

I understand what you're getting at. I've done it with SM3DW and Cloudbuilt so I'll hopefully be comfortable with this game as well in due time. I'll take it slow this time around instead of just going straight into speedrunning. I didn't do that with SM3DW but I just got burnt out of it. I really do appreciate your help and insight.
Edit history:
Kaysick: 2014-07-29 01:56:02 am
Kaysick: 2014-07-29 01:55:58 am
Kaysick: 2014-07-29 01:15:11 am
Kaysick: 2014-07-29 01:14:32 am
Kaysick: 2014-07-29 01:12:49 am
Shameless double post

So what can you do with the Secret World in the Gathering Hall? I was able to OoB pretty consistently but since I really don't know exactly how OoB stuff works, I dont really know how to get around. I understand that you have to load the level, you can gain vertical height by going in and out of the "box", and morph ball sends you down almost no matter what. I also pulled off Plasma Beam without Grapple tonight. I think I found a way to ghetto jump onto the box you're supposed to start the skip with, but I only did it twice and I couldn't get it after. Got it on my stream though. I did the one strat based off the video where you essentially ghetto jump onto the spider ball tracks then traverse upwards until you land in front of the ice door. I think I saw Miles doing a ghetto jump straight to the door and essentially skip that part of the route, was wondering how you could do that.

Also I found a way to get the artifact from Control Tower without Plasma its probably already known and I'm not sure if it really saves time in runs since I don't have any real route planned.
loving low%
I think I saw Miles doing a ghetto jump straight to the door and essentially skip that part of the route, was wondering how you could do that.

It's apparently not easy at all to learn that. Some guy called Izzy Axel on Youtube/ IzzyAxel1024 on Twitch makes videos of such tricks:

Also I found a way to get the artifact from Control Tower without Plasma its probably already known and I'm not sure if it really saves time in runs since I don't have any real route planned.

Nice that you found it yourself, but it's already known that you can just jump so high that you can shoot a missile hitting the tank (if you're in a good enough position so that the missile won't hit the yellow/orange force field. It DOES save time (I don't know how many seconds, not too many I guess) in both any% and 100% (and all low% except 21% since it's not possible without Space Jump).

Also, about how you can get started with the game, I can tell you how I did it:



NTSC 0-00 version bought after I found out that one of my favourite games of all time is actually even far cooler/ better/ more fascinating, since you can sequence break it.
This was in September 2012. From September 2012 until December 2012 I leanred/ discovered for myself many "easier" sequence breaks and practiced/ tried out some speedtricks, watched many videos about how tricks are done on the original m2k2 site (which is pretty outdated by now but very good for beginners to learn the basics). Learned how to wallcrawl, mainly in Chozo Ruins via Main Plaza SW and Gathering Hall SW (oh boy I rememver IBBF took me about 15 hours until I pulled it off for the first time; guess I should have practiced the basics of Out of Bounds more beforehand LOL).
There's an AMAZING guide by Flamancipator, one of the guys that was making Out of Bounds-maneuver to what it is now.
Check it out here: http://web.archive.org/web/20041028142001/http://www.samus.co.uk/mprime/wallcrawling/
It's probably the best you can find, at least for the basics of wallcrawling.

In January - February 2013 I did my 22% playthrough and made an account on here shortly AFTER I completed it. After finishing 22% and asking for a route to start with, I "casually" run any%, primarily segmented at first and then doing it without restarting during the run (=Single Segment = SS). My first finished any% SS was in March 2013 and I continued to casually run any% with a beginner route until I sticked to the first more "serious" route; the fastest route that doesn't yet involve doing IBBF and/ or climbing the Spider Shafts in Phazon Mines. I contiuned until I got 1:19. The way to that time was fun and almost never pissed me off because I knew I was just starting and coulnd't excpect to run this game nearly as fluently as one can do after years of practice. Later, in July 2013 I changed the any% SS route to the WR route and runned 1-2 weeks straight and got a 6 minute imporvement from 1:19 to 1:13.

From time to time, during running any% SS rather casually, I found myself becoming interested in learning more and more tricks and wanted to discover tricks myself that nobody had discovered before. I did MANY segmented casual speedruns of categories like 23%, natural route natural low% (=29%), no-sequence break speedrun of the PAL trilogy version, etc. etc. etc.
For fun and also a little because it was all making me better. I also learned a few harder/ 21% tricks and made like a bigger pause from August to December 2013 where I just played a bit from time to time. In December 2013, I improved my Personal Best in 100% SS down to 1:43 withing like 10 attempts (using the standard in-bounds route). And from 2nd January until 1st February I was in hell again (after 22% in Jan/ Feb 2013) because I was doing 21%. Since then I've basically just been involved in 22% SS, 22% hard mode segmented, 21% segmented, 21% segmented on hard mode. I'm currently doing 21% SS (normal mode) attempts and going for the WR in 22% SS (normal mode). I might start 22% SS on hard mode after I've completed 21% SS on (normal mode). So you see; the learing/ skill curve in Metroid Prime is INCREDIBLE. Games like this are the reason why real-life-sports are MORE limiting/ limited in terms of how far you can go; you're still a human and nobody will ever run 100 meters in 2 seconds, right? But in video games you're less physically limited and the border between human and robot kinda disappears from time to time when watching high-quality speedruns.

Imagine that; I've actually never run any% since I got the 1:13 (with which I was pretty satisfied) in July 2013, because this game is so freaking motivating. I f you already loved playing this game  "normally" and then you find out that there's sequence breaking and speedrunning and so many things that you can pass the time with, you can't escape this game if you search for challenges (well, you could change to MP2: Echoes but that would be even more masochistic). I just want to say: Many people, including me, come back to this game again and again after a pause of a few weeks or even several months, just to search for another challenge. By now, however I've done basically everything possible in the game that's worth mentioning and there're FEW things except for speedrunning of course, that I can work on since I've basically done every single challenge you can be willing to attempt/ complete. But hey, from all the time I spent with playing video games since September 2012, I basically played Metroid Prime for 3/4 of that time and just 1/4 of the time I played somehting else. That's almost 2 years and I still love this game.

Edit history:
Daryoshi: 2014-08-04 05:14:36 pm
loving low%
Wow I wrote quite a wall of text on 29th of July. It's especially huge when considering that English isn't even my first language. @ Kaysick: You're welcome, but a response of yours would (have) be(en) nice, though. ;-)


I know this topic is for in-game-I-need-help-only, but you don't even have to write in here (do it either on SDA_tech support or at m2k2_gaming) which is why I don't think this is "too much "against the rules"". :p




I'd like/ I want any help I can get which is why I posted that in 3 threads. Considering not everybody here has an account/ is willing to make on at SDA and considering that the "m2k2 forum --> community/ social --> gaming" path isn't something that I believe would be enough in terms of people getting by and happen to take note of my post... So yeah that's why I see myself justyfied in posting it 3 times. :p
Quote from lavosprime:
I agree that early wild is very good; I've just never has the patience to get very good at it. It may be easier than GTH bars, but I can only handle so many Flaahgra fights...

Early Wild really clicked for me when I discovered the order of operations for the inputs. The text about it on m2k2 is pretty misleading and makes it sound like you should be doing something other than what actually works - after the last bomb explodes you need to move the stick to u/r and press X, but you actually need to leave the stick at u/r for a short amount of time before pressing X, otherwise you won't actually make it around the corner. It also helps to know what each kind of failure means:

You got the "can't unmorph" sound: You were too high up, try again with one or two fewer bombs

You didn't make it around the corner: You didn't hold u/r for long enough before you pressed X

You got an instant unmorph and did a nosedive down the shaft: You held u/r for too long before pressing X

Source: Many failed Early Wild attempts
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2014-08-09 10:54:43 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-09 10:49:30 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-09 10:49:19 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-09 10:07:29 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-09 10:02:51 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-09 10:01:38 pm
Any tips for the dashes to climb Tower of Light? I'm able to do the final 2 dashes off of the Oculi easily enough, but the first dash is giving me a lot more trouble for some reason and I don't understand why, which leads me to believe that I'm doing something wrong.

EDIT - Also, on the subject of Tower of Light, which direction do you hold after grabbing Wavebuster in order to fall all the way down to the water without hitting the platforms on the way down (Assuming that's even possible)? Nothing I've tried has worked so far.
I'm assuming you climb the tower with space jump (can't be done without I guess)?

You should R-Jump in my opinion, the jump is really not that difficult.
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2014-08-11 04:30:24 am
Littlenino: 2014-08-11 04:25:38 am
I currently use the R-Jump as a fail-safe, but that's slower. I'm trying to learn the dashes because they're faster.
The first ledge might  be a bit higher than the 2nd and 3rd but I'm not sure. You could r-jump the first one and dash the others. Should't be that much slower.

Maybe someone else can help you regarding the dash..


Quote from Littlenino:
Also, on the subject of Tower of Light, which direction do you hold after grabbing Wavebuster in order to fall all the way down to the water without hitting the platforms on the way down (Assuming that's even possible)? Nothing I've tried has worked so far.

Did you try going into morph ball, this always seems to give some forward momentum in mid-air.
The important thing for the dashes is to hold B as little as possible (so you have to very sharply/shortly tap B) which gives the most height. The second jump of each dash needs to be at the peak of the first jump, so the second B should be much earlier than typical dashes. I personally bend them a tiny bit forward then, when against the wall, press against it to get in the notch. The first dash is the hardest of the three.

For what to do right after getting wavebuster, I don't think there's a consistent way. I just hold forward and mash X and hope I morph; i THINK it's frame-perfect.
Edit history:
Littlenino: 2014-08-11 07:13:56 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-11 07:10:56 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-11 07:10:28 pm
Littlenino: 2014-08-11 07:09:58 pm
Okay, the advice to actually press against the wall helped a bunch. I at least understand how the dash works now, so now I just gotta practice it until it's at least somewhat consistent. Thanks.

Also the suggestion to use morph ball worked out a lot better than trying to just shoot the gap in human form.
Well, I'm learning half pipe bomb jump for no SJ seeds (yes, better late than never)
I managed to do the main plaza one within 5 minutes (beginner's luck), and now I'm trying the ruined shrine one but... I can't.
If I keep my joystick to the upper right, I never hit the last bombs, and if I release the joystick I don't have enough height at all.
Is there somehing special to do there ? And by the way, I'll be interested to have a list of the HPBJ from the easiest one to the most difficult one, it can be wise to start with easy ones...
loving low%
That one is hard as fuck to learn cuz it's so weird. One thing you could do as an alternative is dashing to the wave beam door and from there, dash back, ON TOP OF THE halfpipe platfrom and then you can collect the item. It's possible with no SJB.

re: list: Well, there are a few halfpipes which aren't possible (e.g. Tallon Canyon) and there are a few that have no use (e.g. Furnace, where you usually need a Power Bomb, Boost Ball and Spider Ball). Making a list should be something you do on your own but I can give you an advice: Start practicing those halfpipe Bomb Jumos (HPBJ) WITH SJB in possession so that when you get the timing downand can make it more or less consistently (22% Vent Shaft) you can try it w/o SJB (21% Vent Shaft).
Also, you could try bomb jumping your way out of Life Grove Tunnel (here it makes no difference whether you have SJB in possession because you can't unmorph anyway which would make for the difference). When practicing LGT,you should take Boost Ball with you, just in case you don't wanna get stuck every time you fail the DBJs there.
i have a question.

Is it possible in any way to stream my play through a samsung smart tv? I know there are apps available to watch streams from twitch, my question concerns broadcasting my own play..
Thanks Daryoshi, I'll keep training !
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Does anyone in here know how to do all the rooms before Omega Pirate in low% on the Wii versions of the game? When I did 23% I just wallcrawled to Omega Pirate from the back, but that requires boost, and I'm wanting to do 22%...

MQA I remember someone saying requires a dash?
Fungal Hall A seems like a nightmare without grapple, I can't think of how to get up.
And in MQB I know it's possible to ghetto out of the phazon, but it's stupid hard to get enough height. If there's a better way to do that one, I'd like to hear it.
mqa - freeze metroid underneath spider track, jump on metroid before unfreezing, double jump onto ledge above spider track
fha - freeze glider above highest platform, ghetto onto glider
mqb - hidden ledge along the upper right side of the room
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
is there a video of that metroid trick? or like a picture to show where I should be freezing it?
probably. i'm certainly not digging for it though.

i don't think the positioning is very specific.