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Daryoshi: 2014-03-08 11:29:47 am
Daryoshi: 2014-03-08 11:28:39 am
Daryoshi: 2014-03-08 11:10:35 am
Daryoshi: 2014-03-08 11:08:50 am
loving low%
I need help on the Great Tree Chamber SW. I just can't get it again on my 2nd 21% file.
I needed a bit less than 2 hours to get it the 1st time, in my 1st 21% walkthrough, but I've been trying for about 7 (!) hours since then, to get it a second time (on my 2nd 21% file of course). Miles gets both, Ventilation Shaft (in Part 8) and Great Tree Chamber SW (in Part 14) in only a few minutes. 3 minutes into the Part 14 and he's already gone out of bounds. Since there's an IMMENSIVELY huge trick needed to get 21% Ventilation Shaft and Miles got it so fast, I'm ALMOST CERTAIN that there's also an IMMENSIVELY huge trick for the GTC SW he gets so fast in his Part 14. This would be the explanation why I can't get into the GTC SW again. Metroid177 (the other guy who's also completed 21%) finds this HBJ even more precise than Ventilation Shaft. By NOW I can understand why he told me that but back then I didn't believe my eyes as I got it so fast on my 1st 21% walkthrough! But it really seems that there's a trick (kind of at least) that I've APPARENTLY done on my 1st walkthrough and now I can't do it again because I don't know what enabled me to get it. Metroid177 also got into the GTC SW his first time just out if chance it seems; later on he could NOT EASILY AT ALL do it again.

Can craztad or T3 or Miles or anybody else who's done that freaking HBJ explain me what I've to pay attention to?! Since Miles got it in less than 2 minutes in his DEMONSTRATION, which is [quoting him:] NOT meant to be a SPEEDRUN, I take it as he got VERY consistent with and found a trick that makes it easier (or even possible in the first place) it. But how Miles, HOOOOW, could you get so consistent with it?!

Short questions; when the camera is as follows: half the TV is showing the left side of the wall and the other half of the TV is showing the right side of the wall (just averaged I mean).
Where do I have to hold the control stick during the jump and where do I have to hold the control stick during the unmorph?  Is the unmorph essential to the HBJ or should it all work out "easily" with the unmorph (itself; only the unmorphing)? Because I'm SOOOO tight like every few minutes but it seems like I'd have been supposed to hold the control stick slightly (10 degrees or so) more to the right or more to the left. Any help or step-by-step explanation would be greatly appreciated! :-)

Here's a video compilation I compiled last month:

Isn't it a huge chance that I happened to have been pausing just before/ while making the one and only time I've ever gotten the HBJ under 21% conditions?! I paused after having layed the first bomb and re-watched Miles' 21% Demonstration - Part 14 another time and then made it out of freaking nowhere. As you can see (compare my video with Miles' Part 14
and you can CLEARLY see that I did the jump completely differently than he did. Also, there's a video from craztad, doing it differently than both, me and Miles:
there isn't really a "trick" to this bomb jump. you just need to make sure that every bomb placement is optimal. practice the bomb jump by optimizing each bomb at a time until you get the timing down for each bomb. hitting the tops of bombs is really important especially the last one.

other than that, you could try turning the camera slightly more to the right. the direction you should be holding is somewhere around up-left and from your video it looks like you're holding somewhere around up.
loving low%

Those are all very close calls. I tried for another 3-4 hours (in total), since I read what you wrote back, but U still can't seem to get it. What am I doing wrong? I'm desperating more and more... :-( I hit the top of every bomb and even then, when I unmorph, I look in the wrong direction, although I hold upwards and a bit left (sometimes a bit right instead of a bit left left), I unmorph almost 90 degrees to the left. Most of the time it's how I described just in the last sentences, but te few times I'm looking into the "right" direction, I'm soooo tight. It really can't be that hard, can it????? :-(
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T3: 2014-03-11 08:27:12 am
1. the timing of your bombs can still be slightly better
2. the correct unmorph orientation is facing forward not to the left (unmorph is correct in the last attempt for example). not exactly sure what causes the unmorph to face left sometimes.
3. i think you should try unmorphing slightly sooner
4. make sure you're getting the most friction possible from the wall. play around with the direction you're holding until you find it.

that's all i can really tell you.
loving low%
How does the NSJ Thardus Dash work?
I'm not sure if I'll ever attempt to get the Missile Expansion in Quarantine Monitor (just next to Quarantine Cave = Thardus' room) on my 21% max% file. Because getting to the Missile Expansion with wallcrawling from Ice Ruins West SW from the Phendrana Shorelines Savestation takes me almost 30 minutes and then I can't get to the next savestation unless I pull off the NSJ Thardus Jump. And I've never done the Thardus Dash with the damage/ PAL-technique WITH Space Jump, so...
The PAL technique is far more random/ difficult to get somewhat consistent than the NTSC scan dash, right? And how much more difficult does it get without SJB?
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T3: 2014-04-10 06:51:39 pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGjnLUBAQdo @1:20

1. stand on the left side of the rock
2. look at the exact same spot i'm looking at in the video
3. hold L and R
4. press B as soon as you take damage
5. continue holding L and R until you land

the first 3 steps have to be done pretty quickly or else you'll get hit before you're in the corect position.
Edit history:
Daryoshi: 2014-05-26 09:16:56 am
Daryoshi: 2014-05-26 09:13:27 am
Daryoshi: 2014-05-26 09:13:01 am
Daryoshi: 2014-05-26 09:11:16 am
loving low%
I'm gonna post that post in the "I need help topic", though it's not correct to post this here, but in some sense it's legit because I need "psychological" help:

I just died against Metroid Prime. Its first form, on 4th subchamber. As it did its "missile-attack" three times (i.e. 3 salves of each 6 (or 7 or so) missiles), I was on the side on the right side and as I dashed leftwards, I - it was not because I dashed wrong, but at a wrong place if you want so - stayed more or less at the place where it aimed its missiles. I'm sure that happened to most of you as well, BUT....... Yeah, I'll get back to it later.

Well, the first whole salve hit me with all 6 or so missiles; I got from 98 health to 37 health. I quickly avoided the other 2 salves and switches side, so I was on the left side now so that I wouldn't get hit by another full salve of missiles. You know what happened then? It did another "missile-attack" and guess what; I got hit again because of the same FREAKING ANNOYING FML reason as it happened before; I was hindered to dash sidewards (to the right this time) and got Game Over.....


You know now why I need help? Because my head hurts like crazy after that: Brick wallBrick wallBrick wall

EDIT: Well, at least it's a World Record. T3 died against Meta Ridley. But what kind of WR is this? This is the worst WR you can have; "get as close to finish a 21% SS". Seriously, WTF?!

EDIT 2: If this gets ignored............ OMG I'm close to get away from MP for a long time anyway so the community would be "guilty" as well if nobody cares about me.
Don't take me too seriously on that, though, as you can imagine (#empathy) it's raging quite a bit inside of me, so.......
when i failed my 21% ss attempt to ridley i wasn't really pissed at all but more just shocked at the fact that a very slow paced 6 hour long run had just ended in the blink of an eye. 2 reasons i wasn't pissed:

1. i had already mentally prepared myself for the VERY LIKELY outcome of dying to the final bosses.
2. i had already WAY surpassed my expectation at that point.

my guess is that you probably didn't take these things into account and were focused on completing the run and had the end in sight.

just practice the final bosses a bunch and try again. the fact that you made it that far on your first 21% ss attempt is amazing and probably means that with a few more attempts you could complete it. that is if you're not traumatized by the whole thing...
Once I was working on my 22% PAL hard mode run (not a serious speedrun, just to get a decent time). I got stuck at geo of course and I think it took me a couple of months to finally get the stall in the bomb slop in the few first attemps of the segment. I continued to save at Tallon and in that long room before the elevator to tallon you have to make an R-jump to get to the other side. I fucked up the jump and fell into the lava, dead. That was my most painfull moment in prime. Anyway I finished the segment and the run eventually and im mentally still ok (according my own standard aiwebs_011).
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Badonkadonk: 2014-05-31 02:09:19 am
Can anyone give me some general tips for the dismount in Early Wild? I have the timing for the IBJ consistent enough but I've only ever made it back up to the ledge once by accident - following the instructions on metroid2002.com I find that Samus either will not unmorph (I get the "you can't do that" sound) or she'll unmorph and face the direction opposite the ledge, which results in her doing a nosedive to the bottom. I'm playing the North American first edition on a Gamecube.
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Daryoshi: 2014-05-31 04:21:45 am
loving low%
Yeah, on m2k2 it's a bit confusing the way it's written (the part with the unmorph), I think.
By all means: Unmorph as soon as possible with the stick held in the new position (change holding up-left to up-right).

What I did wrong until just some months ago, however, was that I used to "lay one last bomb" which screws up the unmorphing if you end up being too high (the best height is to be about half a Morph Ball height BELOW the ledge before unmorphing, maybe even a FULL Morph Ball height.
If you are really to low (try it, you probably won't ever have unmorphed too low until now), you would unmorph correctly but the ledge you're aiming for is just too high. But if you unmorph after a last bomb that was laid too high, you'll just get that "you can't do that" sound or screw up the unmorph and land next to those 4 uppermost enemies that are "Ocolus".
So my advice is to continue laying bombs until you think; so one more. But you don't lay that last bomb. It sound irritating but it gets easier with practice. Practice on a file with Spider Ball and many Energy Tanks until you can do it like 3 out of 4 times.
PS: Watch the video on m2k2 again. That was very closely not too high. A bit higher and it would have been one of those screwed up unmorphs, I'm sure. That person could've just omitted the last bomb and that is my advice to you. Really, you get a additional height from unmorphing after bomb jumps and as long as you have Space Jump Boots in your possession, that extra unmorphing height is far bigger than you might think; with my setup aka the setup most people use, it's possible to be too low. But being too low is far less often the problem and being too high (i.e. with the instructions you read from m2k2) is far more often what causes me to screw up the IBJ. Seriously, WHILE PRACTICING ONLY I think you should aim for being TOO low so you won't make it just so you can make out how low you can be and still make it. It might surprise you how low you can be and still make it safely onto the ledge if you change the direction you're holding the stick + unmorph as fast as possible.
Quote from Daryoshi:

Thanks for the tips, I've been bombing myself about halfway up the pillar to the left of the ledge because I figured that the easier way to do it was to drop down onto it and that boosting up to it was WR strats. A few of the YouTube videos I found seemed to back that up. I'll try again tonight doing what you were talking about.
I'm having a LOT of trouble getting the scan dash off the tree branch onto the ledge to climb up to the Ice Beam door in Frigate Crash Site.  Any tips on getting the dash?
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StefanvanDijke: 2014-06-19 07:20:23 am
StefanvanDijke: 2014-06-19 07:20:03 am
What I used to do is right after the moment you dash, push Z to pause. You do this for two reasons, letting go of L at the right moment and having time to change position of the left stick (either hold forward or backwards depending on the direction you need to go to). You could pause multiple times during the dash if you like to get a peak at the map and change directions. It sounds noobish but it has helped me a lot for the vent shaft dash and in single segment runs.
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DJGrenola: 2014-06-19 08:05:15 am
with that dash I found you needed to bend it forwards during the first jump and then backwards during the space jump, there always seems to be something blocking the way if you try to do it in a straight line
Underwater missile expansion in watery hall. Possible without sj and grav? Decent ghetto?
loving low%
It's possible, I know for sure brcause I once kade a NSJ max% and later did a 21% conditions max% and I got that Missile Expansion without SJB and without Gravity Suit. It's pretty fight though, but not too hard. Might take you several minutes though. Try to getvthe Ghetto Jump at the right side of the wall.
I'm looking to get back into running after a long period of separation from my GameCube. I've played through on a whim a few times recently, but I should probably start following a route. The WR route is well-documented, but it's beyond my ability. I've heard of the early sun route, but the video linked earlier in this thread no longer exists, and I haven't found it written up anywhere. In lieu of those, I've come up with a few variations:

general rationale: (paste)
route 1: (paste) early wild
route 2: (paste) single mines trip
route 3: (paste) early mines

Does any of these routes look significantly faster than the others? Are there better options I've missed? Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to give me advice.
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kirbymastah: 2014-07-16 08:32:29 pm
kirbymastah: 2014-07-16 08:32:19 pm
kirbymastah: 2014-07-16 08:31:03 pm
There's no reason to skip out on early wild. Not doing early wild wastes way too much time since there's completely no reason to ever go back to the sunchamber area later on, along with requiring you either:

1. get supers and spider ball (more detours no matter which route you use) or
2. wallcrawl (which takes forever and I don't think anyone wants to do more wallcrawling in mp1 speedruns).

In other words, you should really really learn early wild; it's way easier than things like gate skip, and if the IBJ method is giving you so much trouble, you can try the floaty jump method which is a lot slower but way safer.

I have a pastebin for the early sun route here - http://pastebin.com/JyLTifd6
A decent video of it is here by itspersonnal - http://www.twitch.tv/itspersonnal/c/2769165

Early Sun pretty much has nothing ridiculously hard / runkilling besides early wild and gate skip (both of which are in almost every decent any% route anyways), so I highly recommend it. It does have climbing crash site backwards, but you can probably go through chozo ruins manually if you really can't figure out how to do the climb, and it won't be the worst thing in the world.

If you're having trouble with the IBJ method for early wild, here's some advice that helped me and others a lot:

-Hold up-left the entire duration of the IBJ, until the unmorph
-For each BJ, put the next bomb right after the previous bomb blows up
-When you're high enough and ready to unmroph, before the last bomb hits you, hold up-right and keep holding that direction. Right after that bomb hits you, hit X to unmorph.

Just as a note: Twin Fires Tunnel isn't in the early sun route, but there's a very easy dash method that's slower but way easier. I'm not sure where I can find a video of it off the top of my head, but basically you enter twin fires tunnel; there's a pretty big standable spot in the left wall (facing the magma) that you can stand on. Lock on the spider track and dash; it's very lenient, and even if you miss it, you can 2BJ out of the lava.
I agree that early wild is very good; I've just never has the patience to get very good at it. It may be easier than GTH bars, but I can only handle so many Flaahgra fights...

Thanks for the early sun route details. I'll definitely try that. Spider skip might be painful in the lower mines, but I guess I could go to Phendrana right after plasma instead of after newborn if need be.

Regarding TFT, even the 2BJ out of the lava was a run killer for me several years ago, but maybe I'll try it again soon.
I learned Early Wild on a 100% file and just kept grinding it for a half hour or so until I started to pick up on what worked.

One thing that I personally had problems with was getting instant unmorphs. I fixed that by putting more time between changing directions on the joystick and hitting X.
The dash in MQB (Right before you disable the force field), I cant get it, i keep hitting the ledge.  How do you do it?
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kirbymastah: 2014-07-23 05:47:43 pm
Quote from Bryceboss:
The dash in MQB (Right before you disable the force field), I cant get it, i keep hitting the ledge.  How do you do it?

That dash is absolutely terrible. What I do is get in position (there's a spot in the ledge that juts out; I use that, but locations that others use may vary), lock on the left plasma trooper facing the force field, then dash right, holding up-left immediately after initiating the dash. Works 100% of the time for me; the hard part is nerves (I have very low health here in 100% thanks to early newborn) and getting in position in time to initiate the dash.

In any%, you want to do the dash a second time with metroids instead of plasma troopers after collecting newborn. Upon entering the room, boost and unmorph as close to the ledge as possible (you want to catch the attention of the metroid in the pit as quickly as possible so it's in a good position). Freeze that metroid then do the same dash.
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Kaysick: 2014-07-27 01:44:35 am
Hey everyone, I'm guessing this is the right place to post this.

I've been thinking about running Metroid Prime 1 for about a month now and I'm wondering where I should start. First thing I've accomplished in my first complete playthrough that's part of runs is early SJ. I do have a NTSC 0-00 copy so I don't have to worry about anything being patched or having the wrong copy.
Quote from Kaysick:
Hey everyone, I'm guessing this is the right place to post this.

I've been thinking about running Metroid Prime 1 for about a month now and I'm wondering where I should start. First thing I've accomplished in my first complete playthrough that's part of runs is early SJ. I do have a NTSC 0-00 copy so I don't have to worry about anything being patched or having the wrong copy.

First of all, you should realize what you're getting into because the Prime games have an IMMENSE learning curve, especially if you want to jump straight into the optimized routes. I would actually advise against jumping straight into the optimized routes because the optimized routes for both Any% and 100% require doing Ice Beam Before Flaahgra (IBBF for short), and IBBF is one of the most intimidating skips in this game and is something that's extremely difficult and requires A LOT of practice to get consistent with. This is coming from someone who did exactly this and regrets it deeply because I spent so much time learning IBBF that by the time I finally got the hang of it, I realized that I knew jack shit about the rest of the run. Don't let me dissuade you though, as I'm just making sure you understand what you're getting into.

In regards to where you should start, that's kind of hard to answer as that's a rather vague question, but you should probably first decide which category you want to run: Any%, 100%, or possibly even both? If you want to start with the easier of the two for the purposes of easing yourself into running the game, most seem to agree that 100% is the easier of the two categories because, while it's a longer run, it focuses almost entirely on raw optimization, whereas Any% requires you to learn quite a few tricks of varying difficulty.

Once you've decided on a category you want to try running, you need to learn the route you've decided to use. This is unfortunately where things will get a little difficult if you aren't going to do IBBF because it's a little difficult to find video references for non-IBBF routes Kirbymastah REALLY should get back to work on rectifying that problem.. Anyway, the point is you need to practice your run, and practicing should be your only concern for a while (In other words, don't even concern yourself with your time). While you're still in the process of "learning" the run, you should care less about your time and more about learning the route and the tricks involved. You can worry about your time once you're confident enough with the route to actually do your first run. At that point, it just comes down to finally doing your first real run, and from there work on practicing and optimizing to get your time lower and lower.

It also might be a good idea when starting off to NOT use the World Record runs as a reference because 1) They'll probably be using tricks that you aren't comfortable with (yet), 2) They'll probably be using tricks that you don't even understand, and 3) They'll be going so fast that you probably won't even be able to understand what they're actually doing at points. It's probably a better idea to find someone who's somewhere in the middle and use that as a reference because they'll likely be taking the run a lot slower, and you will likely be able to more easily understand what they're actually doing.