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Practice. Essentially you alternate between double jumps and single jumps to climb it, until you reach the top. It's important to know when you can hug the "wall" (which is every other jump), because every other jump you land on a bar in the hole of the "wall".
I've been just double jumping every time.  thanks for advice
Just remember that it's the same piece of beam every 3 jumps worth of height. One hop will get you on the next bit, two hops will get you on the other, repeat.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
can you collect the PB at ice ruins west from OoB?
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Metroid177: 2013-12-30 02:35:41 pm
I doubt this would work but maybe if ice ruins west takes a while load you can collect the pb by letting the room load around you.  However, there would still be the ice blocking your bath which requires plasma.  You would have the same problem if you tried to wrong room warp to collect the pb. 
I also remember ages ago that stefan tried to collect that pb with IS glitch but that didn't seem to work either.  He just keep taking damage from the enemies in the room. 

edit:  path not bath
You can IS it if I recall correctly 
Quote from Baby Sheegoth:
You can IS it if I recall correctly 

In which room would you acquire IS?
I could have sworn stefan messed around with that ages ago and never got it to work.  Maybe I'm wrong. 
Has anyone recorded this being done?
When I read "Ice Ruins", i thought we were talking about ALBW for a second..

MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
i was messing around for around 3 hours; you most likely cant collect that PB from out of bounds, the hitbox of the PB is just too small.
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Daryoshi: 2014-01-08 12:47:07 pm
loving low%
Do you have to do something differently when doing Vent Shaft 21% compared to 22% besides hoping for high bounces and high bombs and ultra precise timing and a super unmorph? I've gotten so close some times, but I've never QUITE made it...
On the other side, I most likely just have to spend some more hours in that ultra annoying room, seeing as I've "only" been spending about 3-4 hours until now and hoping that I won't mess up the unmorph just after an awesome HPBJ...
Any help would be greatly appreciated, though! :-)

Btw how could you, Miles, pull of this trick in less than 2 minutes in Part 8 of your 21% Demonstration?! Did you reset after some minutes or what?! Do you have got any strategy/ method which is quite constant? O_o
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StefanvanDijke: 2014-01-08 11:10:52 am
StefanvanDijke: 2014-01-08 11:10:23 am
this should help


but yeah, you have no spacejump so the unmorph will be a little less high.
getting a high bounce on the first bomb makes the bomb jump 10000x easier. i'd highly recommend restarting the bomb jump after the first bomb if you don't get it. you'll know when you get it because the morph ball will go sigificantly higher than usual. just practice that first bomb until you get it once so that you'll know what to look for once you actually try the bomb jump in full. this bomb jump took many, many hours to do before finding this out and i can now do it within like 10 minutes pretty easily.
loving low%
Thanks guys! I'm now still stuck in Vent Shaft, but I can get close every few minutes.
It's no problem on a file with SJB, I even got quite a bit of "extra" height in the video #4 (the video below is a compilation of 6 videos). I'd highly appreciate if one of you could look into this.

T3, I wanted to get your trick down, but the only times I got a significant boost from the halfpipe itself, the timing for the bomb was messed up. So I never got a really good attempt with your trick, as you have to time the bombs slightly different then. Do you have a video of yourself doing it if you can do it so constantly? 10 minutes sounds pretty damn incredible! o_O
This sounds like you could just get the hang of it and then pull it off easily, but I couldn't figure out how to time the bombs way better than I did in my video #6... 

If nothing works out, is there a way to "easily" bypass Vent Shaft (altogether w/ PPC?)?
I couldn't figure out how to get into the SW in Omega Research, but I came to the part before you jump to the pillar or what from where you can just DBJ out into the SW. Can you really get out of the map in Omega Research?
Edit history:
T3: 2014-01-10 11:59:02 am
T3: 2014-01-10 11:54:27 am
well your placement of bomb 1 wasn't right in any attempt. the correct placement is just before you peak when rolling up the wall. it's similar to your placemet in the first attempt except later than that. i might be able to record a video later today or tomorrow.

edit: actually nvm. it's similar to your placement in attempts 3, 4, 5, 6. just play around with timing the first bomb similar to that and eventually you'll get it. also getting the extended boost might have something to do with twisting the morph ball a bit as you lay/get hit by the first bomb.

also the boost i'm referring to is not the boost from the halfpipe, just additional height you get after hitting the first bomb.

it is possible to bypass vent shaft but not in your current save file. you'd have to get plasma beam before entering phazon mines (same wallcrawl), go to mqb after pbs, and then use the sw there to bypass vent shaft.
Edit history:
Daryoshi: 2014-01-10 10:52:56 pm
loving low%
Thanks for your help!

also the boost i'm referring to is not the boost from the halfpipe, just additional height you get after hitting the first bomb.

This is what I confused with the other.

But until now (since I've written that text above), I did FINALLY manage to pull it off - THREE times! :-)
But I messed up PPC of course...

it is possible to bypass vent shaft but not in your current save file. you'd have to get plasma beam before entering phazon mines (same wallcrawl), go to mqb after pbs, and then use the sw there to bypass vent shaft.

Oh, good to now. That would've been quite annoying as well, but probably less annoying than doing 21% Vent Shaft WITHOUT your trick.

i can now do it within like 10 minutes pretty easily.

That now applied to me as well, more or less at least. I hope that stays so until I'll have saved in Magmoor Workstation... Wish me luck! ;-)

After a few more hours (making for 12-20 in total), I finally saved in Magmoor Workstation Savestation. It feels sooo good! Dancing
PPC really is a bitch as well...
Thanks again for the help, T3 (and BabySheegoth per PM). :-)
I had to do Vent Shaft nine (9) times in total, but it really wasn't that much of a problem anymore after I experienced how to do it the way you're supposed to do it in 21%.

One could as well explain further on this on the m2k2 site of Skipping SJB in Vent Shaft, as there's not explicitely mentioned that you've got to (or BARELY can do without) that boost described by T3...
loving low%
Any tips for getting into the Burning Trail SW in 21%?!
Although I got it four times in total yesterday and today, I can't seem to get it again. What exactly am I supposed to do on this metal thing? And what do I do when I get stuck between the branch and the wall? Flip the control stick, but in a specific way? I for sure tried to get into this SW for like 3 hours or more in total, probably even 5 hours, and I got it 4 times...
i'm still not entirely sure how this sw works but this is more or less my setup:

1. stand about halfway up the left side of the metal thing. if you move high enough up you'll realize that you start heading diagonal-right instead of straight up, this means you've gone too far. you want to stand a little bit before that starts to happen and on the very left side.
2. aim about halfway between the door and the blue column on the wall. the vertical stone on the wall is what you want to aim at.
3. the ghetto is the hardest part. you want to ghetto backwards and then hold some direction right (sorry can't remember the exact angle) to get stuck against the wall. the thing is, though it may appear that you've gotten stuck in the correct spot, you'll probably have to get stuck several times before actually getting the exact right spot since it's pretty specific.
4. right after you realize you've gotten stuck, move the control to some direction left (might be straight left) immediately. i'm pretty sure hesitating makes it harder to clip or something.
Just a quick question about PAL, PAL is NOT the Player's Choice version, right?
loving low%
Correct, Player's Choice is similar to PAL, but even more butchered. I do not know any details, though, but there's a door lock on the Ice Beam door in Geothermal Core until after you've collected Grapple Beam IIRC.
Ya its all the sequence break fixes, plus none of the useful stuff of PAL (power bombing troopers, narration, missile counter)
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
pretty  sure theres also loading differences.
yes that would be included in 'useful stuff'
This is more of a question to something outside of the game but still kinda related.  What is the most inexpensive-but-still-good capture/streaming device for the Wii?  I've been wanted to stream this game to my friends for a while now but don't have any way to capture/stream since I don't have a device, can someone either post here or PM me some advice so I can start showing this game off to my friends?
loving low%
So, I'm on Miles' Part 15 of his 21% Demonstration and messed up MQA - PERMANENTLY.
I did something terrible... After having deactivated the force field, reloaded MQA and then blown up the two Bendezium walls, I went back to Central Dynamo and SAVED.
The problem now is the following: Those 2 Tallon Metroids just after the force field (nr. 3 & nr. 4 in the room) now do not ignore me anymore as they used to when entering MQA after having reloaded it for the 1st time! :-(
Why, oh why did I just save without first going to see if it'd still work. I just didn't think at that... Embarassed

Please tell me it's still possbile to finish the game and how. PLEEEEEASE!

I'd estimate you could use this one Scan Point from the big mushrooms near the force field and Tallon Metroid nr. 3 & nr. 4, but that would mean you either:
1) have to do an R-Dash from the platform where the Missile Expansion is to the Ice Beam door directly o_O or
2) dash to the platform where you go in any% while skipping Spider Ball first, but WITHOUT LETTING GO of L, as you can not lock-on to the Scan Point from the mushroom anymore from there. Then move backwards and halfway up this one little piece of metal (the one nearer the Ice Beam door). From this little piece of metal that sticks out of the large pipe you're standing on, do the "regular" R-Dash to the Ice Beam door. The biggest problem here would be to get the first dash, because you can't let go of L which makes the only option for a dash to be an R-Dash with L pressed immediately after pressing R. This, however, isn't very viable for as of how exactly you have to estimate the distance you need to get in order to land on the pipe. But still, possibility 2) seems like the more likely to be doable.
Quote from Daryoshi:
1) have to do an R-Dash from the platform where the Missile Expansion is to the Ice Beam door directly o_O

Is this not how 21% is done?