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So I have a couple questions... I found an old save of mine where I was trying an ice beam-less run (inspired by itspersonnal's wave beam-less run) and I've run into a couple things where I could use some other opinions. I'm basically just trying to get as many of the main upgrades as I can before callin it quits because of an impass.

The first one I'm having trouble with is getting plasma. I know of SW's that will get me to the door itself, but w/o the ice beam I can't get the room with the beam to load and I'm not finding any triggers that will load the room allowing me to just morph thru the ceiling :/ So I've skipped that for now haha.

Now my next problem I have is getting to either the gravity suit or to the mines. I'm thinkin about just tryin to go for gravity considering mines w/o ice and plasma sounds impossible. My only issues with this are either wallcrawling to behind the ice beam door in crashed frigate or the door past the ice beam in ruins. Does anyone have any ideas??
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from mpfanatic:
The first one I'm having trouble with is getting plasma. I know of SW's that will get me to the door itself, but w/o the ice beam I can't get the room with the beam to load and I'm not finding any triggers that will load the room allowing me to just morph thru the ceiling :/ So I've skipped that for now haha.

just go infront of the door wall around till you hear the disc spin then jump into a SW go on top of the door load the room with plasma switch back to Geo and ceiling warp inbounds, not that hard :P:P
Thanks for the video! Does sound pretty easy!  ...except I cant get into the SW you used in the video >.< super noob status haha. Did you wallcrawl to geothermal core then fall to the door? For the life of me I cant seem to replicate the SW entry. Am I perhaps not jumping high enough from the last little spider ball block, or is it only possible if the ceiling is lowered??
not evil,just hungry
The ceiling needs to be lowered.  In order to get about the roof like that, you will have to wallcrawl from the Burning Trail or Workstation SW entrance to Geo.  If the ceiling is lowered, you can just fall to the door and then get back out as in that video.
This method will not be possible with the ceiling raised.

iirc, someone else tried to hit this loading trigger from the sw, but i cant remember if they pulled it off or not.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from Jerry9:
someone else tried to hit this loading trigger from the sw, but i cant remember if they pulled it off or not.

Paraxade did in one of his streams, Its harder to do, but much faster
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Edit history:
tate: 2011-10-05 04:35:21 pm
So I was doing some final timings to see if a 100% route I had been working on was plausible at the end going through the sunken frigate backwards like sparky had suggested. How is this done? I added a video of where I get stuck. The only way I can see getting around this is if you can bomb jump through the vent into the secret world to get around :(
not evil,just hungry
pretty sure you can
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
yeah that door is locked but you can just wall crawl past it, I've done it...
well thats a little depressing, was hoping for a method not needing to enter the secret world :( hopefully I can ceiling warp into the next room or door warp very soon after otherwise this is looking less promising a route then doing crashed frigate earlier in the route in the normal direction.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
that plasma beam first is the route i will use in my tas <.<
sparky said it may save lots of time
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from MrSpEeDrUn:
that plasma beam first is the route i will use in my tas <.<
sparky said it may save lots of time

thats one that like
into stuff
wave boost
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
or like plasma before wave?
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
plasma before wave
70% items collected thus far w/o ice beam and i think i may finally be completely stuck... Phendrana, Magmoor, and Ruins (except World and ice beam) are completed. is it possible to access sunken frigate via sw through the front? i have tried EVERYTHING but theres that insanely huge solid surface above the door. access to mines was halted as well from the lack of a sw in transport to magmoor south. is there anything else i can do?
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
didnt sound that hard...
Is it possible to climb the Suntower from secret world without aether jumping or floating all the way up?
Edit history:
Hazel: 2011-10-09 07:38:22 pm
Hazel: 2011-10-09 07:37:28 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from syncthetic:
Is it possible to climb the Suntower from secret world without aether jumping or floating all the way up?

I had the same question a while ago, for starters you should really just use the easy ather jump methed, but if you really don't want to then you can bomb your way up the side, then do a very weird/well time unmorph off a bomb just before hitting a spot in the wall that stops you from making it to the top and you can land on the bottem ather of the next room (I forget the name of it ), that way its ether 3 ather jumps or a 10 minutes float to get up ,insted of like 10 ather jumps and a 40 minute float
What do you mean by easy aether jump method?  I know about using the corners of rooms if thats what you mean.
If you are using the corners of the room to get height, you should be able to easily get to the top of the room. A good method and safe method for nearly all rooms would be to jump up in the corners until you reach the top of the aether, then position yourself above the door and just morph and fall on it.

A little practice makes the corner method very easy.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
so i know it "didnt sound that hard" but i still cant figure it out.. i dont care about a full page description or a video. please yes or no has it been known to even be possible land on the door to sunken frigate in crashed frigate via sw... thanks for everyones help so far and my bad ill stop wasting everyones time after this...
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
crashed frigate doors are a pain, you can switch rooms, but its so hard to do, you need to just kinda jump at the door and like clip a little and you will switch rooms,

its hard because theres a "box" around the door and almost all of the "trgger" that switches rooms is in that "box" but you can get lucky and hit the trigger sometimes
Quote from itsPersonnal:

After a lot of tries I still can't seem to get the boost through the ceiling to work in processing centre access at the start of this video. Any advice?
Edit history:
Hazel: 2011-10-20 08:37:08 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
dont hold any direction when morphing

morph in the air

hold forward when you land

boost at lest 10 or so times just to be sure