not very. no bombs forces vmr. vmr ends with a morph ball tunnel. so you can get the chozo stuff, ibbf, and then you're pretty much done except for some oddball SWs for missile expansions. you can midair morph into the morph ball tunnel in the save room near ice to get to a few more rooms.
the trilogy version would let you get a little farther due to flick jump. I don't think you can escape wave room (you can SW in). so this would let you get boost in addition. if I'm wrong about wave then the next problem would probably be gth bars/the underwater frigate room where you bomb jump with the water jets.
and i have ice beam and 4 energy tanks think i could pull this off with heavy glitch and SW use (by pull this off i mean do a vmr and find some way past the ball pipe in magmoor)
anyone have any tips on how to do the bomb jump over the gate for early phazon mines in the trilogy, its much harder to do on the wii and i cant seem to get it
i can stand on the toads thats how i got up to ice beam like half an hour ago when i was trying on my 23% file
well this means its time for somthing new to get by the gate i'm thinking the SW in great tree chamber could be done with a BSjump but i cant do tho's on the trilogy very well
that's my video and probably the reason retro put those invisible blocks there.
they did work in the jp version so i thought people just sucked when they were leaving comments that they couldn't do them but later i tried and noticed what everyone with the trilogy faced.
Yeah, the point is if you want ot sequence break the Wii version, play the Japanese version of MP1 for Wii. (you'll have to import a japanese Wii though)
ok but i dont have a japanese game so i'm trying to get the best low% in that game, so i guess i need gravity to get to phazon mines or power bombs and spider ball to get in from the back so right now 24% looks doable but theres blocks in others spots i think ummm grapple?
do you need grapple for any of the rooms on the way to OP i can think of to spots that could really be a piss off
spider ball i think has been skiped but i dont know how to dash in this game so im kinda thinking i might need it
ghetto jump onto the first ledge using a lock-on and then scale the rest of it by morph ball boosting and using damage boosts from enemies. it may also be possible to use a series of ghetto jumps while locked-on to climb the entire room but i can't remember if this was confirmed.