I'm a little bit stuck on Bryyo...
I think it my be in the Thorn Jungle, but I can't remember, where there's two generators you have to deactivate. I already defeated the first one, but the second one is frustrating me. You know how there's three clamps, so you have to pull all three levers to deactivate each one? And, how the Space Pirates can set them back after you pull them?
Well, I'm not fast enough... D; As soon as I think I got all three, the first two are activated again.
Is there any way to keep the Space Pirates away?
I think it my be in the Thorn Jungle, but I can't remember, where there's two generators you have to deactivate. I already defeated the first one, but the second one is frustrating me. You know how there's three clamps, so you have to pull all three levers to deactivate each one? And, how the Space Pirates can set them back after you pull them?
Well, I'm not fast enough... D; As soon as I think I got all three, the first two are activated again.
Is there any way to keep the Space Pirates away?