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I was meaning when to hold the down button to get an instant unmorph when doing a double BSJ.

In fact, I can get the instant unmorph but I can't jump after the unmorph. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
I think the problem is where you place the second bomb.

Whether or not you can get the jump to work is dependent upon the placement of the second bomb.  If you place the second bomb too high, even though you might get an instant unmorph, you will never be able jump afterwards.

In order to get the jump, you have to place the second bomb BELOW the peak of that first bomb jump, before the morphball starts to lose its upward acceleration(if you know what I mean).

Also, the higher the second bomb is, the quicker you have to press the B button after the X button.

I can post a video example(Quicktime) if you want ...

As for pressing the DOWN button, as long as you get an instant unmorph, you should be fine.

Does this help?
A very easy way is to skip DBJ-BSJ and go directly to 3BJ, like I did, and if you manage to miss the 3rd bomb, it'll still be a DBJ-BSJ.
Thanks a lot tjp7154 and Graveworm, I willn try that.

Tjp7154, don't waste your time with doing a vid for me, Sparky does a lot of BSJs in his 100% run. I've only to rewatch the BSJs.
Yeah, I know it's been a long long time since I posted here and hope that you old vets remember me..,

Anyway, I finally beat Echoes after a very long hiatus.  I was at the final battle with thyne Emperor when RE:4 came out.  Needless to say, but I will, I got hooked big time on that game and shoved Echoes to the side.  I know, I know... but still. 

Now after RE:4 and some other games, I finally got back into Echoes and decided to whoop up on the grand daddy of all Ing.  Before I fought him, I made it a point to not collect all the items.  I left a final Power Bomb pickup alone and wanted to see what the 99% ending was compared to the 100% ending, if in fact there is one.

Well, I beat him and watched the final clip.  After that, I set out and collected that last pickup and noticed my % stayed at 99.  I thought, "OK" maybe the final energy controller I get after killing him will make it 100%.  Nope.  I beat the game again and I get nothing extra.

Now, my question is, what else might I have overlooked?

I have:

250/250 missles
250/250 light and dark ammo.
10/10 power bombs.
All the beams, visors and suit upgrades.

WTF?  What else is left?  Where might I have gone wrong?  If you can help me out in this it would be greatly appreciated.

always move fast
255 missiles
Uh, seriously?  Damn....  Now which one would it be I wonder...  Know of any hard to find/locate ones?
Quote from Kaotikeval:
Uh, seriously?  Damn....  Now which one would it be I wonder...  Know of any hard to find/locate ones?

I think that the most difficult missile expansion to find
is the one in underwater dark torvus bog, in a room called undertransit 1 or 2. Something like that
. I will tell you later the exact name of the room.
Thanks everyone, now I can do the double BSJ. :D
My all items run stopped at 100%, I still miss a missile expansion. :(
I think I know of which one you're talking about.  Is it in one of those water tubes that connect the outer ring at the very bottom of Dark Torvus Bog where the fans push you along one way or the other?  If so, I already have that one...

I'm just gonna have to spend a lot of time roaming around and listening for its hum.  That's how I found my last Power Bomb expansion in Dark Agon Wastes underwater.. damn, when I finally found that one I kicked myself in thyn balls.
Yes this is this one I'm talking about but it's in dark torvus bog.
Never mind, I found it.  It was in Dark Agon Wastes, right under my nose, just that I haven't taken that particular path in so long that I forgot to go back after I got the Spider Ball.

Thanks for your help.
I need help defeating the Spider Guardian. Pathetic, right? I've injured it enough to where there is a half pipe, and you have to boost ball up to get it, but I cant hurt it.
How much do you need/want to know?  Do you want hints or an outright explanation?

Hint: let the machines do your dirty work.

Outright Explanation: You must use the bomb slots that are provided and make him roll into the energy fields the slot creates.  If I remember correctly, there are three different color schemes that you must cycle through.  The last one aggrivates him enough to force him into the energy field, therefore hurting him and continuing on his path to the next section. three or four in total.

Each consectuive area will have more and more energy fields for you to make him run into.  The last section is the hardest.  Even when I figured it out, it was still hard enough to get the timing right and to make the hinged platforms be where you need them and to get to the next bomb slot and activate it before he goes back...  Trust me, you'll get frustrated, if you haven't already, but you'll soon understand his pattern and you will surely destroy that mo fo and it will definitely be worth it, as all boss battles are.
I'll be back. Maybe...
So you've hit it up to the second area. There are two ways to hit it in this section. The first is to boost up the left-hand side and fall down, dropping bombs, to weaken it. The other way is to boost up the right-hand side, and drop bombs as falling. The way on the right is easier, as you will not accidentally boost into the electric field. If you get quite low on health, there is 150 health before the final area. I died the first two times on Spider Guardian... it's not as hard as Boost Guardian, but some parts are quite irritating, especially if you have difficulty avoiding it on half-pipes.
I said exactly what Skreemaster said, though without as much detail...


Anyway, good luck.
Thanks for the help guys. that smoothed things out for me. In fact, I beat the Spider Guardian today.
I can't do the HoCM MAM. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could someone give me any tips
Quote from silent (((((echo))))):
I can't do the HoCM MAM. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could someone give me any tips

I couldn't do it either until reading this post:
I've been playing through Echoes again, and I'm come to a huge, screeching hault.

I was fighting the grapple guardian like normal, but his eye wasn't vulnerable or anything, and he never used that grapple beam on anything, so it took a lot longer to get shots off to his backside without being hurt. I figured I could just keep going and beat him.

I kept fighting him, and he had a third of his health left and his tail fell off, and that's when it started to suck. None of my attacks are hurting him, so I reset the game and started over, but the thing is still the same.

Any advice? I'd appreciate it if it was a bit quick, too.

Edit: removed the color tags //TRH
always move fast
his eye in cannot be targeted until you scan him.

same goes for chykka larva as well.
I run this here hotel of an evening
this took me forever to figure out. as for chykka larva, you can lock on, but not to the weakest point
That doesn't explain why I can't hurt him after his tail falls off, though?

Edit: removed the color tags //TRH
always move fast
you have to stun him to hurt him after he loses his tail.  shoot him in the eye a few times, and he will shake his head around.  you have only a brief moment to hurt it before it is invulnerable again and you have to stun it, so make it count.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Odylg:
this took me forever to figure out. as for chykka larva, you can lock on, but not to the weakest point

I was wondering why it took so long to kill him in my second run.