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Quote from BlueGlass:
You can either use a Super to knock that crab off the wall, then freeze it, or go out one of the other two doors of the pink pirate room.

And shouldn't this go in the help topic?

Thanks. And yes, it was moved to the help topic; I forgot about that. Embarassed
Almost happy
Sorry if anyone have asked this before, but i need to know if the ingame clock differs any between the PAL and NTSC version. I already knoew how muck the realtime differs but does the ingame time do that also?

Also does anyone know if Armpump works on PAL
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
The armpumping works on PAL too, but it's less affective than on USA version.
Is there any way to get accross the room with the missile tank before the wrecked ship without the speed booster, grapple beam, or Hi-Jump boots other than bomb jumping?
There certainly is. Try this speed walljump method:

During the first time entering green brinstar in the room where you mockball under the gates to get super missles early, what if instead of mockballing the first time you enter the room you just fall under the bridge and get the missles, then go out, run back in, and mockball under the gates.  This way you wouldn't have to go in the ceiling twice.  You could use the missles you just got to enter the door, then just come back, get the super missle, fall down and exit.

I think this would be faster, does anyone else agree with me?
Yes.  That's actually what I'm planning to do in my 100% run I'm working on.

On another note, is the help topic the best place for this?
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I uh...don't see the problem here. Maybe I just haven't played this in a long time, but I don't see any reason that getting the missiles and leaving first is faster than, or even as fast as, getting the super missile and getting the missiles as you leave. O_o
How do you get into Lower Norfair in a low% run?

My bomb jumps get stopped by the third shooty guy, and a Gravity Jump doesn't quite cut it...
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
You have to do a gravity wall-jump
Basically turns off your suit 3 seconds before you wall-jump off the left fune
Quote from JaggerG:
I uh...don't see the problem here. Maybe I just haven't played this in a long time, but I don't see any reason that getting the missiles and leaving first is faster than, or even as fast as, getting the super missile and getting the missiles as you leave. O_o
In a speedrun, you'd use up all your missiles opening the door to the room, so to get through the door to the rtank/2 missiles room, you need more missiles.
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent

I edited all my posts in here cause I don't know what Im talking about with this game and I will just let the pros do all the talking
That takes more time than the above way.
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
It's also possible to mockball to the left on the way out over the collapsing bridge. So another option would be to mockball in, go up to get the supers, backtrack to open the second pink door, grab the items, then mockball again to get out, collecting the missiles under the bridge along the way.

I don't believe that's any faster, since it has a longer path over which to backtrack (though it offers opportunities for damage boosts). It's also more difficult, and messing it up costs you more time than messing up the other way.

This was mainly in response to dave mentioning needing to go up into the ceiling twice.
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
Quote from Lawrence Reyome:
Backtracking is what you want to avoid if you are really trying for speed, and with the method I suggested, you only go over that bridge once.

Notice that early speed runs did get that second Brinstar missile pack. Recent speed runs do not. That suggests the runners discovered that it was faster to not get them.

While it may be generally true that an optimal route generally avoids needless backtracking, you can't discount a route as slower simply because it involves backtracking. If it's faster, then it's faster, backtracking or not.

Also, not that it matters, but in a 100% run, which is what BlueGlass is talking about, your suggestion results in just as much backtracking as what I described.
Thanks for the confirmation.  Has anyone else done that or is it sort of a new method?  I wanted to know because I'm recording a 100% run.  I'm going for the lowest time I can just for a personal achievement.  There's no way I'm going to go for any kind of record, I just wanted to do it for myself.  I'm hoping it'll be 1:09 or something.
Almost happy
Can anyone link to a page with a good explanation on how to do the short charge on PAL.

Is it very hard to do?

Also where are the most optional places to use it?
It's the same on PAL, I looked up the Super Metroid tricks -section from TASvideos.org and learned it on console that way.

Good places to test whether you've mastered the super short charge are:

-Before pillar room (LN)
-Before Gravity Suit, shinespark the spike room
-Draygon fight, try to get the blue suit

It's easy. I did this everything in SS run. Still came up with a 48 min but my overall speed sucks and I'm not all that good.  laugh new  Aren't you the guy who has 42 min on PAL version?  aiwebs_016  WR on PAL?
Almost happy
Yes i got 42 on PAL version, but i don´t think it´s WR. There is att least one more person in sweden only with this time, incidently i happen to semi know that person also. And btw it´s not THAT good i mean it ads up to 35 min on ntsc  version so it´s better then smokey but still far from houtaburi. 35 also happen to be my record on NTSC so it all makes sense, only thing is that it is a little harder to do the NTSC run since i can only play with keyboard on a n emulator.

Haha lol i tried the short charde and did it on first try, the irony is that this is a trick i never even tried to learn beacuse i thought it was hard laugh new
Quote from Cpadolf:
And btw it´s not THAT good i mean it ads up to 35 min on ntsc  version so it´s better then smokey but still far from houtaburi.

Sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't add up to anything, since Samus runs with the same relative speed in both games. 42 minutes on PAL version means approximately the same time for NTSC version.
Almost happy
Oh well that sucks, but then still i find it a little weird that no one seems to get good times on the PAL version, maybe no one tries hard enough...or europa sucks. Another weird thing is that i barly notice any differens at all betwen smokeys 00:36 run and my 00:42 run, we screw up about as often and we use the same rout and tricks, only differense is that i do more damage boost and shoulder pump.
Also someone said to me before that ingame clock also differ between  the versions.

Plus the fact that i got WAY better times on Emulator running the NTSC version,
Quote from Cpadolf:
Oh well that sucks, but then still i find it a little weird that no one seems to get good times on the PAL version, maybe no one tries hard enough...or europa sucks.

That may be due to several possible reasons:
1) not many speedrunners like 50 fps;
2) there aren't many european spedrunners that are that good at the game and willing to do the runs on the european version.

Quote from Cpadolf:
Also someone said to me before that ingame clock also differ between  the versions.

Well, you could check yourself: one in-game second translates to one realtime second adequately (50 frames for PAL and 60 frames for NTSC) in either version. There is no real difference in timing.

Quote from Cpadolf:
Plus the fact that i got WAY better times on Emulator running the NTSC version

I find the NTSC version a bit easier to control because the system calls for input 10 more times per second, allowing for more precision. Also, the timed sequences weren't fully accomodated to PAL version, so, for example, all the doors open relatively slower (same number of frames drawn in more time), thus prohibiting some cool shinesparks. Some tricks, namely shortcharge, are easier done on the PAL version, though, due to the engine's specifics.