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Question: Could a SS 9% run of normal be on SDA( meaning record it?)
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Should be, 9% Normal is less than 10% Hard  (5 missiles vs 2 missiles and a Super Missile) so it's 5 missiles vs 7 missiles
Eh?  The SDA ZM page says: "Runs on easy are not accepted as it's not different enough from normal. Similar for the low% category: 10% on Hard is actually less than 9% on Normal (4 vs 5 missiles). 9% Hard is possible on the European version."

There does not appear to be a single-segment low% on any mode currently posted, however.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Quote from Chanoire:
Eh?  The SDA ZM page says: "Runs on easy are not accepted as it's not different enough from normal. Similar for the low% category: 10% on Hard is actually less than 9% on Normal (4 vs 5 missiles). 9% Hard is possible on the European version."

A lot of contradiction on SDA isn't there laugh new
Where is that contradicted elsewhere on SDA?

As long as one option for 10% hard gives you less to work with than 9% normal, you can't argue that 9% normal is least.  I suppose one could make a case for 10% hard with screw attack being lowest considering the boss battles and zebetites, but regardless, 10% hard with missiles is less than 9% normal no matter what the ending screen says, so a 9% normal run would not be lowest.

I have no idea how the SDA people would feel about SS 9% normal, I just think your reasoning is faulty.
10% hard with missiles is definitely less than 9% normal, but the current run on SDA uses the Super Missile.  If 10% hard with the Super Missile is allowed, I think a 9% normal single segment should go on SDA, unless the clear time is like 1:30.
Chozodia: I'm trying to get into the room that's halfway down the big shaft in the Chozo ruins. It's cordoned off by speed booster blocks.

in the area after the fight to regain the suit, there's a bit where you get to try out your brand-new Gravity addition. There's an easy Super tank at the end of a shinespark-length hall, but the more intrepid can use a series of ledges going up the vertical shaft to recharge the spark, then screw attack through some blocks in the next room, allowing you to drop down the shaft and use your charge to bust into the room detailed above.

I can hold the charge just fine up to the top; my real problem is twofold: how to consistently screw through the blocks in the next room, and thereafter, how to hold the charge for that somewhat long drop down to the pertinent area?

(I'm sure that was quite a muddle, considering the time of morning I'm posting. --;; )
In that shaft there's a ledge on the left side that's higher than the one you need to actually spark from.  The 100% runs I've seen use that higher-up ledge to recharge (and also collect the missile tank there) before dropping to the last ledge.
I completely forgot about that ledge, even though I've already grabbed the tank. Thanks. ^^; I still need to work on screwing through those blocks succssfully, though... I wish I had the time to download even one segment of a 100% run and watch it; I rarely have more than five to fifteen minutes of box time at one sitting. T_T
If you download the low quality, it won't take more than a couple minutes.  It may be hard to see how much energy and missiles the runner has, but you can tell what's going on.
Managed to dload Dragondarch's 100% SS run on SDA, flash format. Subsequently finished my 100% game (can't be called a run, as it was a mess-around file more than anything; I had never done a 100% run on ZM before). Metal Ridley gets easier every time I fight him.
I watch long time ago Kridly 100% Hard mode run. He use double super missile shots against Mother brain.

Is it hard trick and how much you can save time if you play normal mode?

My Mother brain goal was 31 seconds my 57.15 run, i break glass lot faster because i uses Super missiles. I not use double SM shots against boss, this is very new trick. I not never practice that.

Annoying i not can watch Kridly video now, but can somebody tell me is it good/faster idea use double SM shots here?
If you have the supers to spare, I think it would be better.  The trick isn't really hard.  By the way, does that 31 second goal for the Mother Brain include destroying the zebetites and the MB, or just the MB and its tank?
My battle 31 seconds includes barriers +Mother brain. Transience any-% MB battle was 45 sec my 100% battle was 14 sec faster.

I think Kridly method was faster on hard mode, but he not use super missiles against glass, because you not have enought SM on hard mode. I uses SM on glass my normal mode run.

I must be practice that if i try new WR time, probably it is faster.
Oh yes, on hard mode I think you shouldn't use supers on the case.
i cant do it. can some one help me
Metronome is a fine helper.
I used the shortcut to Ridley (the tunnel in the wall after the statue after the  Ice Beam), WITHOUT getting the varia, speed booster, or Screw Attack. I've beaten Ridley but I can't find a way out I can get to. The only way out I can see requires Items I don't have.  IS there any way out?
Hrm, I assume there is. However it must require wall-jumping or some advanced technique like that. I don't know the exact route but I'm sure there is one.
Simply head right after ridley.  In the room where the enemies are trapped behind speed booster blocks, the top path can be cleared with a simple shot, and then it's pretty straight foward to climb the shaft and leave Ridley.  Also note this can be done without the high jump boots as well.
My problem was the room with the morph ball launchers.  One needed the speed booster, another needed the Screw Attack.  Found a hidden missile block in the wall after bomb-jumping out of frustration (Take that you evil wall!) I found it.
Don't read this! Please don't! I said NO!
Ok. In the videos with the Mother Brain tricks you see that his screw attack is clear; you can see Samus's suit. However, I also noticed he had no Varia suit, so, I didn't pick it up, and I got to the Screw Attack, and WHAT? It showed normal screw attack. aiwebs_016
And another Question
Are you supposed to hold run as soon as mother brain explodes to get the shine? If so, then I gotta do that more often.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Yes, you can build up a charge by running into Mother Brain as she explodes.  It's odd, but handy.

As for the Screw Attack graphics, I'm not sure what you mean by "clear," but don't panic if what you see in the actual game is a little different from what you see in low-quality QuickTime video clips.  It's to be expected.
I'll be back. Maybe...
it also works against insect barriers, doesn't it?