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Ah, I have to release R.. the FAQ said to hold it. I was able to do a couple of them, thanks for the tips. Need to practice them now...
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
... wow, yeah, that should be *tap* R, not hold R.
Although, what I actually do is tap R when I want to stop, then hold forward and press jump. o_O I really don't remember ever doing mid-air horizontal jumps like that.
>_< My old walkthrough seems like it's getting more and more embarrasing as time goes on.
How do you do the super quick charge where it seems as though Samus is almost running in place?
Only press run when Samus's front foot touches the ground.  It's impossible to do with complete perfection without slowdown.
Thanks, but how do they do it going even slower than if you would be pressing right or left without run held?
Oh, right, the "shortest charge/super-short charge" found recently and entirely independantly bythree people.  Something like you have to start then stop Samus's movement constantly until you reach the point where you first press Run.  I think the SM tricks page over at TASvideos has a better description.
Haaaaaaallp! Where I find FAQ for SMLimit? Stuck :'<.

Yay for terrible grammar that's bound to get ridiculed!
Ready and willing.
There's a separate topic a little down the page for hack help.
ok either A im stupid or B i just simply cannot pull off the Crystal Flash, i had all the req's, 10 or less missles/super missles, 11 or less power bombs and 47 or less energy, i held down + L + R + fire, Power Bomb went off nothin happen, i AM doing this on an emulator, i tried it with the keyboard and the computer controler, nothin but a power bomb exsplosion, and off topic, i made it to and through the  wrecked ship with out the graple beam
Were your reserve tanks empty?  And it's 10/11 or MORE missiles/SMs/PBs.
Also 50 or less energy, not sure where you got 47.  The move uses up 10 each of missiles, super missiles, and power bombs, and the 11th power bomb is needed to trigger it.

People have also mentioned having trouble with their keyboards not recognizing more than three keys pressed down at once.
Its very tricky to do it on emulators, even if you try to set multiple buttons to one key. I personally have never gotten it on an emulator.
How do I play downloaded smvs? I just feel clueless right now.
You need to be holding the "down" button too.  I don't think you mentioned holding that one down.
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
For a Crystal Flash, its 29 or less energy with empty reserves, 11 or more of Missles, Super Missles, and Power Bombs. I got it to work last night after trying it with less then 50 and then remembering that my SM strategy guide says 29 or less. and you have to HOLD all 4 buttons down after you lay the power bomb.
No, it's defiitely 49 or less with no reserves, but yes, you do need to be holding all four buttons when the PB explosion ends.
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
For those that are asking about Crystal Flash, I have attached a screenshot straight from my Nintendo Power Super Metroid strategy guide. The screenshot includes the minimum requirements for weaponry, the proper energy requirement, and the instructions on how to do it.

Armor Guardian
Strategy guides have mistakes.  This is one of them.

Also, though, Super's strategy guide was awesome.  I wish we hadn't lost it.
i can't get grapple beam. ive killed crocomire andnow i'm stuck
I'll be back. Maybe...
you've killed crocomire and then fell down a long shaft; there's a room with power bomb blocks and a huge open space at the bottom of the shaft, and also off to the right of the shaft there's a room with rising and falling lava, and a missiles

you can get back if your timing is good without the grapple, but you probably want to get the grapple anyway

use the speed booster to your advantage
I am currently in the process of recording a NBMB run in ZMV 1.51 format (since I've pretty much given up on RBO Evil or Very Mad ) and I've gotten up to Maridia after the Turtle room, only to find out that after exiting the room with the pink space pirates on my way back to the save room, I can't get back! Please help; I've enclosed a pic of where I am.

You can either use a Super to knock that crab off the wall, then freeze it, or go out one of the other two doors of the pink pirate room.

And shouldn't this go in the help topic?