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See the sticky topic titled "easier horizontal bomb jumping?"  Take a look at that.
I did.

And.. That's what I meant.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
You can horizontal bomb jump endlessly. Its just you have to avoid causing the bomb to throw Samus too far away from it to continue bomb jumping. Which involves turning Samus around 3-4 times per bomb jump.
Horizontal bomb jumping, if done perfectly, can actually move Samus in a diagonal down-right direction. Going straight right would be a bit easier.

MZM horizontal bomb jumping is like a diagonal-up Super Metroid horizontal bomb jumping, but about 50 times easier to do.

On a side note, what's LBJ?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Quote from Raccoon Sam:
Yes, I did.. But..
HBJ just doesn't work like that.
You can execute a single HBJ, boosting you a bit, but It doesn't just work like as in MZM, where you can do it continuously.

But as I said, maybe you could LBJ and then afterwards begin HBJing, and run the rest. Agh, I'll try it later today.

You mean like this http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/2345/HBJ.smv
(lazily tool assisted)

EDIT:Oh and here's Kejardon's bomb movie (the top one)
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Oh... I forgot to mention...
While reprogramming the equipment screen, I realized you can select plasma directly from anyplace in suits or misc simply by pressing diagonal. Meaning, if you press down, left, and A all at the same time, you can enable plasma and skip the spazer check. So you don't even need a boot item.
Quote from Kejardon:
MZM horizontal bomb jumping is like a diagonal-up Super Metroid horizontal bomb jumping, but about 50 times easier to do.

Only fifty times easier?  I can horizontal bomb jump across the acid pit in ZM about once in two times, and I can't HBJ on this game at all.

I'm having some trouble with the murder beam.  I've been trying it on the Mother Brain, and I follow all the directions, get all five beams on, and when I unpause, the charged up beam isn't green, but black.  If I release the black charge shot, or wait there for about ten seconds with it, all of the screen except for the energy, missiles and all that stuff up there turns black.  The mother brain music continues, but the game repeats the shot sound a lot.  Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
You have to make sure you're facing straight left when you fire, and if you want the beam to hurt MB, you have to be at point blank range.  Also, make sure you have all five beams on.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Face left, fire left (*not* diagonal, up, or down), and do not be spinjumping when you fire.
The color is semi-random. I'm sure I could figure out where it comes from and how to predict it, but I don't see a point to it. :P
None of those Video links are downloadable, and even if they were, they'd be probably ZMVs, which I can't open.

And by LBJ, I mean Ladder Bomb Jump. I'm sure you've heard of it.

And honestly I couldn't think you could bomb jump forever. Perhaps you could provide me another video?
LBJ is in Prime.  In the 2D games it's called DBJ: diagonal bomb jumping.  And in Super, every kind of bomb jumping can be extended infinitely, it's just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, hard.  Take a look at Kejardon's 14/15% walkthrough over at GameFAQS.  He has a very helpful section about the various bomb jumps at the beginning.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
I've heard the term only a few times, and I've never seen it abbreviated before now. It's more commonly called IBJ (infinite bomb jump) for the 2D games.

::edit:: Oh, ladder is diagonal? Um, nevermind this post then.
I'll give you a sample of LBJ;
Well, actually when I try the murder beam, I am facing left, not aiming diagonally, up or down, I try shooting at point blank, I don't spin jump, and I make sure I have all five beams on.

But the color of the beam doesn't matter?  Then I really don't know what's happening.
Are you positive that you're fully charging the beam before firing?  ecause I can't think of anything else that might go wrong, unless you just have a defective copy.
Probably a defective copy if there's nothing else.  I make sure it's fully charged, and I wait a few seconds after it's fully charged, just in case.  I've also tried it while I'm charging, and that doesn't work either.  Well, if it is a defective copy, I guess I'll lose a few seconds if I speedrun this game.  Oh well.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
and after you've fired, you turned off Spazer?
His problem is that the game freezes upon firion the beam, not afterward.

Wait, are you accidentally pressing fire again after you release the charge shot?  That would explain it.
No, in fact, I'm not...
Okay.  I was just throwing that idea out there just in case.
That did foil me the first few attempts, but then I read the instructions on the site.  I really feel like I'm doing something wrong, but I don't see what.  Hmm.......

Edit: Well, for some reason unknown to me, the murder beam is now working.  Well, thanks for your help, everyone.
Question to NBMB runs: How can you get Grappling beam and the e tank which is behind the locked metal door in Kraid´s area?
for the grapple beam, I think some use of secret worlds is in order, but I don't recall if a way out has been found yet.  As for the E tank, I do not believe it is attainable.  I'll dig around for Kej's old thread and see what I can find.

EDIT: well, it seems I'm not up to date.  here's the thread, and apparently both items are attainable.

Thanks , so do it, if you want!
It's been asked already, but I'm having trouble with the mid-air horizontal shinespark.. I can do the diagonal ones or vertical, but never horizontal (while in mid-air).

From Kejardon's FAQ;
"To jump horizontal, hold the direction, then hold R followed by jump"

That doesn't work for me. It does a diagonal shinespark even if I'm holding the > arrow on my controller before pressing R+jump. Can someone help me please?
The midair horizontal shinespark is kind of tricky at first, but you'll get used to it.  You have to press then release R, then press left/right and jump.