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Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
For the 1st technique, I just added the demo video for the Instant Unmorph in the BSJ section.

Here's the video (QuickTime required): Video

Please don't mind the -quality-
I run this here hotel of an evening
on the grapple skip using the sw, in Sentinals Path or whatever, you're supposed to destroy the body of the enemy and jump on it's head. problem is, i can't seem to destroy the body without the head getting destroyed. the enemies in the room are the one's attached to the ceiling and i was wondering if these are the same enemies used to get into the sw. i watched the video and didn't actually see the body being destroyed
I think you are seeing Mekenobites (sp?), instead of Quads.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Mekenobites? i'm lost now. are they in the light world? only thing i've seen in there are those annoying things on the ceiling you use seekers to kill. i watched the video and i can't figure out what he was using. i thought it was a quad, but when i tried it i couldn't find one in there. i tried the dark world too, but all it had were those purple dot things. i had grapple beam already at the time, because i didn't have a save near there without grapple. could that have something to do with it?
Hi all,
I need help for the trick in the hydrodynamo station (torvus bog) to skip the seeker launcher. I tried during 30-45 min but I still unable to do it. I have seen videos, I know you have to hold B and R but I can't do it...
So if someone has others advices, it would be great, thanks by advance.
I run this here hotel of an evening
what trick are you talking about? wait a sec, what do you need seekers for in hydrodynamo station? oh yeah, that purple door. so, you're talking about the underwater dash, i assume?
assuming the above is correct, line yourself up so straight to your left (or right) is the dark (or light) door. i'm gonna type this as if you were going left, but it can be done to the right as well. hold L, strafe left and hit R and B at the same time. after you get off the ground, let go of left, hold B and R. you might not have to hold B and R, but i could be wrong there. if done right, you should get good distance. timing the second jump is equally as important as initiating the dash, as if you do the second jump to early, you'll just miss the edge, and if you do it to late, you'll hit the platform that circles the room, the one you dashed from. the second jump should be just after a second after the first one, but you may need to change the timing, as i could be wrong on my time.

just be carefull, doing this can get you stuck if you don't open the gate to the portal in room the seeker door leads to, and beat grapple guardian. unless you have early pb's, but i don't think you can get it that early

hope this helps
Yay! I just did it! Thank you very much for your help odylg :)
I run this here hotel of an evening
anytime. well, i'm off to work on my Prime run
I was thinking about running this game on a low%, I did play to beating alpha blogg, grapple guardian and boost guardian, but then I stopped playing and for some reason I deleted the file, but my question is, is skipping Grapple beam realistic for a low% run? I've never attempted the robot-jumping, but if it's possible to do without having it having to do with luck, I might as well try, or should I go for 22%?
Quote from Kip (about the robot-jump):
well I can't do it again, and I don't know why. I've bumped the robot hundreds of times, but I seemed to make it easy in the video for some reason.

Seeing as kip is an experienced sequence breaker and he can't do the jump consitently, I don't think it will be to easy for anyone to do the grapple skip in a low percent run without a lot of luck.
Man, I shouldn't have said anything besides I did it. It seems like this has really scared people. But it's never going to become easier if people don't try it.

I don't get what the deal is with that. Almost everybody tried 22% geo in Prime. It never became easier, but it wasn't because of a lack of effort. This is just another geo level thing... except it's (IMO) harder because you have to reset after every failure, which means only one try every few minutes.

It's true I couldn't replicate it after so many hours, but I'm just giving it to you straight. It's not an absolute. I don't mean for you to read it and think "omg I'm never gonna be able to do that." I just said it so people would know I wasn't lazy about trying to make it easier. But I'm seriously out of ideas as far as that goes... and you don't know how many things I've tried.
Maybe I should have said that in another way. I didn't want to say that skipping grapple would be impossible, but that it's very hard to do, which is what you said, too. It maybe possible to get do the jump consitently with enough patience to try it over and over again, though. Sorry if I got anything wrong or something.
No your post was fine :P .. just have a feeling that I scared away everyone because of that 20 hour thing I said. that's my fault. should've said it was easy (i will when grav or whatever is skipped).
Nah, it's better to say that it's hard than saying it's easy, when it actually isn't. That way people trying it already know what they have to expect and don't complain about how hard it was afterwards...if they didn't commit suicide already ^^
I'm thinking of trying to skip the grapple, but you'll need to first do the robot-jumping, and then jump on a Rezbit in vault, right?

But if at least one more item is skipped, I'm gonna record a low% speedrun. I've played through the game 3 times now, and I've already skipped dark suit, done all sequence breaks I know about, except for the dash at "Great bridge" or whatever it's called in Torvus, 'cause I don't know how to get ontop of the gate.
One more time I need help, I swear it's the last time  Embarassed

So, could someone explain very simply how to do the jump to get the early screw attack (kip dash?) ? It's the only major trick I can't do... I've seen kip's description but I don't really understand cause my english isn't enough good.
Hmm...if you read all the instruction on the kip dash, there's not much you can do, except practicing it over and over again. If you can't make the dash at all, you might consider reading this post at SCU about another method of getting over the gap.
Thanks  Wink  the other method seems to be very easier, I will try it later today.

Edit: I've tried the second method and I can't do it neither :(
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Someone should probably wiki the second method, but anyway...

That trick can be well, tricky, but if you keep trying you'll get it. if you've seen the video you already know how to start. The problem I assume is your timing, watch the vid a few times until you feel you know the timing of the unmorph then go try it, you have to hit B and X at almost exactly the same time. Be persistent and you'll get it.
I tried to do the grapple skip in my new 21% run, currently at main gyro chamber. :) Tried the Grand abyss 5 times, failed all of them. :P I'll try later again if I find time to.
I watched Sparky's run in which he uses a bunch of tricks to skip going into the dark world for getting the screw attack. Would you concider doing the same trick if you have done the GA without grapple, might be too hard to do all without mistakes. How much does it actually saves, those screw attack tricks?
After around 200 tries, I did once the jump. I was very very near the wall but it didn't work :(
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Which wall were you against? I've only done it against the right wall, try to move a bit away from the wall. It took me a while to get too, make sure you hold L after you unmorph, that's the only way I've been able to get it.
I need some help with the scan dash in the Temple Grounds: Sacred Path. I get on the hive, and scan the hive across from me just like sparky, and then attempt to do the kip dash, which is what I think I'm supposed to do here, and I can dash right up to it freezing just fine, but then after I get stuck and never get the distance to get on the ledge. I just need to know if I'm doing the wrong scan dash, or what to press exactly after it freezes. I mean I assume that's what you do, after seeing what sparky does, I start off the same, and do what he does, but I'm not 100 percent sure. Without doing that, my first segment is 8 minutes, so I'm sure I can get 7 just like sparky by doing this dash to the ledge, then the door etc. I just can't seem to get it going, or I'm doing the wrong scan dash. I appreciate any help.
well, it doesn't save time if you do it like sparky and scan the targets (I think he didn't know better at the time).

But as far as I know there is no trick to it, they're just hard dashes. I've done it before without mistakes and timed it at 6 seconds saved, so unless you're doing a serious run, it's not really worth it. If you just want :07 at agon you don't need to do it, sparky got it without saving time of this because of his scanning.

There are different things you can use for the dashes, like the portal for the first dash and the door you came in from for the second, so you may want to play around with that. I'm also curious if it's possible to roll off the hive and do the L&R move in place of the first dash.. not enough to play the game though.