Slah: We wish we had a Retro Studios employee here, but Scarlet's just refering to the fact that her nick initials are RS. (Usually we just call it Retro around here.)
Can someone help me? I'm trying to skip the Dark Suit. I'm at the Abandoned Base in the Dark World. I see the Light Portal, but I can't reach it. Does anyone have a video of them doing it?
As for the GJ, the difficulty of finding the "boost" of the jump is about the same as the landing site, except with a health limit and bogged view. Keep in mind that learning about all the moves are in the "watch and learn" category
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I cannot get the technique down for boosting off the second dynamo ring. Can someone please give me some helpful hints? I have tried over and over again and I cannot do it.
1. Since this game has been out for more than two months, you do not need to have spoiler tags.
2. That was not a spoiler anyway.
3. Let go of the control stick at the end before you boost. You may also be connecting to the track incorrectly... when you are moving on the track, it should be a steady motion. If you attach sideways, the morph ball will wobble a lot, and you will not be able to boost properly.
Ok 2 kurrent techniques problem. How do you get that instant 1st person view after a bomb jump so I kould execute that BSJ, and how do I do that jump where during the jump you look up for the extra boost but still moving foward full speed? Thanx.
Well for the 2nd technique, when I'm watching it (by Kip and friends) what I saw is they moving forward and jumped then look up with the "R" button to get an extra boost forward and up(just like doing the "L jump" instead of regular jump). When I do it though, either Samus stops moving forward or just slows down, and didn't get any extra height neither. So I just wanna know what I'm doing wrong.
By the way Skreemaster, whats that Rodeo jump and where kan I find instructions about it?
Press up on the controller stick, like me, kip uses reverse Y-axis, so by pressing up on the controller stick, we look up, if you watch Pirates Prime runs, you'll see that he looks down when doing this.