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Mister ...
If my Emulater hadn't kept crashing everytime I loaded a game (and by crashing I mean freeze up) then I would be playing SM, and doing the whole Murder Beam Trick, if I would ever figure it out.  I know what I need to do, it's just a matter of getting the timing right.  Plus, I lack patience.  Something that I shouldn't.
I've seen in other posts in this forum that there are three enemys that aren't seen in the game. Reflector, Stoke and Bang. I know what the reflector and Stoke are, but what is a Bang and what does it do?

Quote from nn12000:
If my Emulater hadn't kept crashing everytime I loaded a game (and by crashing I mean freeze up) then I would be playing SM, and doing the whole Murder Beam Trick, if I would ever figure it out.  I know what I need to do, it's just a matter of getting the timing right.  Plus, I lack patience.  Something that I shouldn't.

Have you tried downloading the ROM again but keeping the SRM file? If the worse comes to the worse, you can just start again.

The Murder Beam is really easy to activate on the emulator. Just set the left + A buttons as the same button on your keyboard/controller. Just make sure to set them back to normal after wards :P
Quote from Kejardon:
For ice beam 14%, you also don't need to bomb jump across the lake anymore, since you can do the running walljump to cross the entire lake. It's a frame-perfect jump, but the timing is still much easier to grasp than bomb jump timing.

Sorry to reply to a rather old post, but I've never seen this technique documented anywhere. From that short description, it sounds like you'd have to grab the missile, head back to the left bank, get a running start, jump over the pillar, and, without landing or facing left, wall jump off its right side to the other bank. Is that correct?

Another question:

In the Wrecked Ship, the door immediately below the save room leads to a room with a ledge that you normally can't clear without the gravity suit since the jump needs to begin with Samus standing in water. It is possible, with the high-jump boots, to jump above the water level and then wall jump off the ledge to clear it. It's also possible to use the speed booster to jump high enough out of the water to wall jump over the ledge.

But has anyone ever found a way -- short of horizontally bomb-jumping across the room -- to clear this ledge using no equipment other than the morphing ball and bombs? Perhaps something involving the enemy in the room?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Close, but not quite.
The easiest way is to start at the door in the previous room (Run into it so Samus is on an exact spot in front of the door) with high jump and speed booster *unequipped*. Open the door, then run right, and jump at the *last* frame possible, right before Samus's foot goes in the water. You should clear the pillar if you jumped at the right frame.
It doesn't matter if you picked up the missiles already or not. They don't affect the gameplay at ALL, aside from giving you 5 more missiles. And possibly screwing up the player's timing.
When you pass the pillar, you'll have a few frames in which to wall jump. Samus will keep all her speed when you walljump like this, and easily reach the other side.

In the wrecked ship... With only morphing ball and bombs, I think you're stuck with lotsa hbjing.
Quote from Kejardon:
And possibly screwing up the player's timing.

That's why I was thinking about getting them first. But you're absolutely right; it wouldn't be necessary.

Thanks for the explanation; that was the only thing I figured it could be. With your timing advice, I was able to make it across the moat after about 10 tries. Very cool.

How long ago was this trick discovered?


And I managed to get over that Wrecked Ship ledge without resorting to horizontally bomb jumping. I got the enemy in the room (I think it's called a bull) to help me do a double bomb jump out of the water. Whew.

That means I've managed to get 53% using nothing but the morphing ball and bombs (plus missiles, super missiles, power bombs, and energy/reserve tanks). (That's 61% if you count the items I could have gotten but skipped because they weren't morphing ball or bombs.) I think that's the limit.
So if you like, go through Brinstar and enter Maridia via the glass tube, then work your way (Suitless) all the way back into Crateria, and enter the Wrecked Ship backwards, then those after-Phantoon "only" parts are not yet active, right?  Well, the Energy Tank doesn't show up unless the parts are active.  You know, where you have to grapple across water with spikes at the bottom.  There's a Chozo standing up (One of few Chozos that are actually standing) holding an energy tank.  Well, it's not there if the power is off.  It's supposed to be like that, right?
Yes, the lack of energy tank is mentioned in brickroad's glitch FAQ.
I've been trying and trying to learn the mockball so I could get ice beam early but I can't seem to do it.  I've read the guide on how to but it doesn't seem to be working for me...

I open up the door, start dashing into the door
A split second after entering the door, I dashjump
I let go of all buttons then hold jump and press down once
right before touching the ground infront of the first gate, i press down again to morph
I pass the first gate, but i'm still moving at regular speed and can't make the second one.

I can't seem to do this right, what am I not doing.
Ready and willing.
Why is it always so insanely hard to notice the sticky for asking help questions?
Mav...  You can tell whether or not if you've got a Mockball going or not by if it bounces when the ball hits the ground.
twenty eight fifty
any suggestions for how to do crateria 1? no matter how much i try, i can't come close to nailing it.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
the most important thing is that you wall jump off the top right wall

once done, hold left so you only need press down once to morph
As Jman said, when you wall jump, you only need to tap down once in order to morph into a ball. So you wall jump off the wall and tap down and quickly hold left.

Anyway. I gots me a question.

I've been able to pull it off, but I can't figure it out reliably.

How do you do a midair horizontal super jump?
eh mh thats my way
spin jump to midair
push up and directly to left/right where you want it to.. :>
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
What I personally do is get the charge, spin jump, tap aim up, hold forward and press jump.
Okay. Now how the hell do you do the freaking Glitch through Zebetites. I've never been able to pull it off. Maybe once or twice, but I never figured out how I did it those times or what I did differently that allowed me to do it.

So please. There's got to be something.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
  • Turn off Screw Attack
  • Enter the room and freeze the bottem Rinka before it moves, which is easyer from underneath the platform if you dont have wave beam
  • Get hit, spin jump into the Zebitite (you're now partially inside the wall), then jump again (without touching right) through the Zebetite, while still invincable[/list:o]
  • I suppose that helped. Well really only the "Don't Press Right" part. But thanks. I still can't do it reliably, but I've done it twice.
    Ok, im a little bit ashamed to ask this couse ive been playin Super Metroid for about 7 years, not completly 7 years but anyhow, my question is how the bloddy hell am i supposed to do a vertical Shine Spark, im gettin realy annoyed couse i think ive tryed every thing about now aiwebs_016
    I like Big Butts and I can not lie
    Get a speed boost, press down, stop, jump
    When you press down you pretty much automatically stop, so there was no point in saying that. Anyway. Just saying thanks for the help P.J.
    I like Big Butts and I can not lie
    8-) when you press down you only stop for 1 frame (maybe) if your still holding left/right
    But you really don't have to stop at all if you don't want to. I'm pretty sure all you need to do is press up. And if not, then if you're still moving, press jump then up. Or jump, then jump again, then up. *shrugs* One of those.
    I like Big Butts and I can not lie
    you have to press down to charge your spark, then you can shinespark, even if you've got the "blue suit" you have to press down to shinespark
    When I said stop, I meant stop entirely. As you said, if you are running and just tap down you'll only stop for a frame or so and then you'll re-start your run.