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Quote from Chanoire:
My recollection is that it's specifically L and R, not aim up and aim down.  Actually, my further recollection is that there's some restriction on L and R so that either only certain commands can be assigned to them or that aim up/down can only be assigned to L/R.  Can someone confirm/contradict?

I'm not sure if anyone already answered this...
But I just tried it with aim up set to R and run to L and it worked.  So I guess its power bomb holding Down, L, R, and Fire, with less than 50 energy.

I registered to find this out but just went and tried it.
Sorry, but I did search for this...

What is the Space/Time beam?  People are always talking about it here and I have no clue what it is.  I'm also seeing people talk about the "blue suit."  Sorry for the noob questions.
Ready and willing.
I'm thinking a blue suit technique page might be good for a SM update, nate, when you don't have other more important things to work on and have time.

Anyway, let me go find topics about these...

EDIT 1: Blue Suit
most def. just need good vid(s) and a desc. and a discoverer too if applicable.
Dunno where else to post this (and didn't feel like making a new thread)

Is Ridley supposed to drop  the Metroid Larva in the intro?!
I got a movie (sadly in ZSNES format)

Check it yo:
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Only if you're good. :P
If you hit Ridley 100 times before dropping below 29 health, Ridley will fumble with the metroid, then escape. And that's a 100 hit counter - using the hyper beam will not change the numbe of times you have to hit him.
Ooooh, I see.
I was trying to kill him, I obviously had infinite health ;)
The game always bugs up whenever I try to put missiles before I land on the planet though... :(

Edit: I just managed to die with blue suit+infinite health..
Quote from Distort:
The game always bugs up whenever I try to put missiles before I land on the planet though... :(
Yeah, if you use the space-time beam to reset the game, save, quit, and reload the file, you'll end up on Ceres Station with everything but your missiles. :?
Mister ...
No really a desperate cry for help, but a question instead:

There are a couple of different "shields" that you can perform in the game. One is combine only the Charge Beam and Ice beam and you get a temporary Ice shield. ANother is Just Charge and Wave, and you get another "shield'. 
Isn't there like a couple more that you can do?
Each beam (other than the Charge), obviously, has its own shield, and they're all activated the same way.
Which one is the "damagiest"? Is it the one with the plasma or the wave?
Plasma and wave beam shields each have four shots, each of which causes damage equal to 1 super missile.  The plasma shots go through any enemy the plasma beam goes through.  This makes the plasma shield better for clearing out regular enemies, but the wave shield makes it much easier to hit one target with all four shots (if properly timed), making it better for big things like bosses.
The Plasma Shield is, indeed, the most powerful as it goes through walls and enemies and doesn't stop until it's time is up.  However, it's time is up very quickly.  The shots come in from off-screen, circle you once, then fly away and the shield is over.

With Wave Beam, they come in from off-screen, and make a continous x pattern with Samus at the very center of the x.  The Wave shield lasts a lot longer than the Plasma, but when one of the "bullets" hits an enemy, that's the end of that "bullet."

However, you can glitch the game by activating a shield then quickly switching beams.  I made a sig out of all the combos you can possibly think of over at SCU and posted a regular picture in the glitch thread.  But I'm not sure if switching beams to cause the glitch also changes the strength of the bullets to the beam you've equipped.  I>E.- if you activate the Ice Shield then turn on Plasma, I have no idea if it has the strength of the Ice Shield or the strength of the Plasma Shield.

As usual when it comes to Super Metroid...  Ask Kej.  Kej will know.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Changing beams only changes the graphics. The game knows which shot is from what, it doesn't check Samus's equipment when the shot hits.
The reason the graphics change is that there isn't enough room in vram for all the beams, so only 1 is loaded at a time.
Rats.  No super-mega-awesome-giga Murder Beam Shield.  Well, it at least you get the graphics of it...
Thanks. I saw those things about power beam long ago, on my cartridge, after the title screen (those little demos you see if you don't do anything, it's shown in a videogame store you see?), and it was also showing shinespark, cristal flash, bomb jump, (not walljump though)etc... But I didn't know the shield had a supermissile firepower, that is awesome.
(user is banned)
On my Super Metroid Rom, somewhere in Planet Zebes is a room which makes you float in the air. and its very hard to get into the exit to get in the next room.
The thing is, how do i get out?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
could you give a discription of the room or post a pic
EDIT:2nd room apparently try redownloading the rom
(user is banned)
Quote from P.JBoy:
could you give a discription of the room or post a pic
EDIT:2nd room apparently try redownloading the rom

Did it, Realized my brother made my comp account from Admin to Manged, And now cant get permission from him :(
And i dont know his password.
I need my own computer.
I am currently doing an RBO run in Super Metroid. I finally killed Ridley today(WOHOO) and need help glitching through the Speed blocks before Botwoon (Bottown?...). I can do it just fine with Gravity Suit though. You can easily lure one of these jumping enemy-things (see Spring Ball w/o Grapple) under the Speed blocks and I suppose it is easier to use them instead of mocktroids,but I still haven't benn able to glitch through the Speed blocks. Any help?
Can't help ya XtraX, never tried a RBO run  :(

If anyone has any advice on Norfair Gate Hater, that'd be awesome. Do you just need quick fingers to mockball close enough to the ground to not lose any speed? Or does it have something to do with the room transition?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Morph into a ball and lure a mochtroid over to the four crumble blocks. Let the mochtroid at least touch you, then demorph and freeze it. Then jump up and press down. You should end up crouching on the mochtroid, if not keep jumping and aiming down. When you're on the mochtroid, press up to stand, then jump.
Wow, haha, just tried Norfair Gate Hater for the first time. I wasn't aware you could let go of jump, then hold it again. Amazing, I love life now.
Thanks @ Kejardon, did it on my first try :)
Only "hard" part left now is Draygon.

I think I could record a RBO run if anyone would like to see one. I would go just for completion (like Scarlet's NBMB run), Speedrunning would probably be too hard. I skipped one E-Tank in the current RBO run (the one after Botwoon) and had all 35 Super missiles; I am not sure if I could do it with fewer ones. The run would be done on the Pal version aswell,which runs slower and is a bit easier.
Are any of these 30-somethin speed runs possible on the Console version? I seriously need to know because my p.r. right now is 1:07 which I know I can beat by a long shot. but really is it poss to kill, oh Idk, Ridley with 10 missle 10 super missles and dinky charge shots?