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The elevator rooms are not heated.  Burning Trail is not heated.  Any room after Twin Fires (The room to the left of the Tallon elevator) are not heated.
Oh yeah. I just played Prime this morning, so i refreshed my mind in sense of rooms. I thought the elevator rooms were the only non-heated rooms? Oh well
Does the powerbomb, missile, e-tank expansions add percent?
Yes, all the collectable items in Metroid Prime add to your percentage, including the 12 Chozo Artifacts.
does the percent change if you have no e-tanks, or other upgrades?
(user is banned)
Quote from Glitch:
does the percent change if you have no e-tanks, or other upgrades?

every item picked up gives you a % besides the phazon Suit/Beam. those give you a % at about 98% or something (someone correct me on that). this includes:

all main items
all power bomb expansions
all energy tanks
all missile expansions.

So yes, it would change.

Look back at other topics that you've asked this in.
I think i answered that same question for Glitch in another topic. I said "yes, all the items add a %" Wonder why he asked the same question...
red chamber dream
Because he didn't see your answer in the other topic?
Quote from Cracklingdarksamus:
I think i answered that same question for Glitch in another topic. I said "yes, all the items add a %" Wonder why he asked the same question...
i did it here because someone told me not to post topics like that anymore so i post it here.
well if you already knew it, then why did you ask it again if i already answered it for you?
Quote from Cracklingdarksamus:
well if you already knew it, then why did you ask it again if i already answered it for you?
i dont know, is it a big deal?
no, but im thinkin you dont trust me... *scratches chin*  :?
Quote from Cracklingdarksamus:
no, but im thinkin you dont trust me... *scratches chin*  :?
i trust you, i just wanted to see if the people here treated the noobs like crap
What happens if you skip the varia and the gravity (if possible)then beat prime form 2 and he takes your Phazon suit? and why does the suit keep changing in the ending. first your phazon gets taken away, then you are in the grav. suit, but when you jump to your ship you have varia then when you are on your ship it is grav again.
Ready and willing.
Please don't double post.
Quote from Glitch:
What happens if you skip the varia and the gravity (if possible)then beat prime form 2 and he takes your Phazon suit? and why does the suit keep changing in the ending. first your phazon gets taken away, then you are in the grav. suit, but when you jump to your ship you have varia then when you are on your ship it is grav again.

Some cut scenes were amde for the game to check your items, some are cut scenes where your items don't matter.  For instance, walking into a new place will trigger a cutscene that shows Samus walking into and observing the area.  Therefore, the game checks your items to display Samus properly.  Some, like triggering the Wave Beam Pirates in Phazon Mines have nothing to do with Showing Samus, threfore, don't check your items, only your location as a trigger.

The end cut scenes can be explained by: in the Phazon Suit stealing part, the cut scene was made because you were never intended to skip the suits, therefore the natural order is Varia-Gravity-Phazon.  Like numbers.  +1 +1 +1 = 3.  Therefore, -1 would give you a product of 2, the Gravity Suit.  But the escaping cutscene checks to see you only have +1, the Varia.  So it shows you in the Varia.  And the final, final cutscene (Where she removes the helmet) is actually a reward cut scene.  You only see it depending on how well you've played the game.  Therefore, as it's a reward, it was made only one way.

Hope all that helps you to understand.
ok thanks.
I wasn’t sure where to post this because it is not quite game related.

Anyway, I need help getting in contact with Radix at Speed Demos Archive.  I have emailed him, but I have yet to receive any kind of response.  In the sda submission faq, he suggests contacting him though either AIM or ICQ, but I don’t have either of these messaging services, so thus the sent email.

I guess I am asking if there is anyone out there who frequently contacts Radix through AIM or ICQ, and if so, could you please ask him to check his email.

Radix does post here on occasion.  Try a PM.  You can look him up in the memberlist easy enough (he's on the first page for me).
Thanks for the advice Master ZED; my message has been sent.  Hopefully between the email and the PM he will see it.
i think that this is right topic, i have problems with the early power bomb, i dont know where i have to do the l-lock spring jump from, is it end of the root or that small cliff at end of it or something else, and i,m not even sure is it working, could someone help me?
oh and there were something about snowy cliffs or something, but i cant find any, what cliffs was it about?
i havent played Prime in a while (or gotten power bombs early) but if i remember, you need to l-lock jump to the little root in the wall. Then do a ghetto jump from there to the platfrom. I've been working on Echoes so i cant really remember.
I try to use the dash jump to get the space jump boots early but it doesn't work so how do I get them easier or in another way?

Trust me, the only other method (that I know of at least) to get Space Jump early involves a very difficult laddered bomb jump off the back of the ship.  The dash jump is much easier.  Just practice.

My guess is that you are not letting go of the left trigger early enough.  You should pretty much let go of everything the moment you dash.  With a little practice, I think you will find that there is actually a lot of playroom and plenty of fudge factor involved with landing on the ledge.

On average, I would say I make a successful jump about 90% of the time.

Good luck.
* scan-dashes in *
* scan-dashes away *