lol no way
Well, mainly for the cheesing strat just understand that the feet do not hurt you, just the hands... so stay close to his tail, but don't get hit by it, and you should be alright. If you choose to not do the cheesing strategy, then I advise you get very, very good at walljumping... Ridley doesn't do his tail attack unless you're in front of him or behind him, which the cheesing strat more or less doesn't allow. However, if you're not doing the cheesing strat, you'll instead by morphing and rolling under him to avoid his tail, then when he decides to shoot lots of fireballs, don't get stomped on and shoot all of them, or if he does the tail-stab, then start walljumping and stay up on the wall like in the video I have on m2k2. Otherwise... well, your best bet is to work with the cheesing strategy. What about it isn't working for you?