I think you're also supposed to hold fire, and although L and R are deafult it should be Aim Up and Aim Down, just in case you might change the controls. So it's Aim down + Aim up + Down + Fire.
Here's a picture of a Crystal Flash: Courtesy of Deathnoble's avatars
EDIT: And of course LifeMega and Deathnoble simuposts me with the same information i have, only less detailed.
Don't even know if it should be considered a simupost, since I just take my time with my posts, and right when I'm done I remember your avvy, so I copy my text, go to your avatar folder and copy the image location... bad move. So there went my text and I had to rewrite it all, in my typical "slow-but-safe" manner. During which time, you and LifeMega manage to post exactly the same stuff I was going to.
My recollection is that it's specifically L and R, not aim up and aim down. Actually, my further recollection is that there's some restriction on L and R so that either only certain commands can be assigned to them or that aim up/down can only be assigned to L/R. Can someone confirm/contradict?
My recollection is that it's specifically L and R, not aim up and aim down. Actually, my further recollection is that there's some restriction on L and R so that either only certain commands can be assigned to them or that aim up/down can only be assigned to L/R. Can someone confirm/contradict?
Indeed, aim up and down can only be assigned to L and R. Which foiled my attempts at making a sane control scheme for that game.
However, I think the the first part is true at the same time.
Why hello thar, long time reader, first time poster
Anyway, since I've discovered this site a while ago, I've been speed runnin SM. Got my time down to 00:44, which, in my opinion, isn't that bad.
Was hoping someone could help me with the quick charge technique. I understand the whole concept of taking a few steps walking, then running to get a 'quicker charge', for I can do it in the early wrecked ship break-in. There's one spot in particular though that I've tried hundreds of times and can't get. In lower norfair(i hope, im bad with the names of locations heh), on the way to ridley, I can't seem to get the timing down right while trying to spineshark through those pilars.
I enter the door to the left, go all the way back, take a few steps walking, run, shoot while in the door(so when I come out, a shot will already be firing), but I always seem to get stopped by the door. I've tried taking more steps walking, hoping to slow down a bit before i reach the door before hitting it. It worked, but i still didn't seem to get enough speed to be able to charge my spineshark.
Any advice? Besides the obvious 'practice more'? :P
A handy tip is that if you release the run button while still holding the direction you are going on your controller, you will stay at your current speed and not lose/gain momentum; that's what I do in there so I don't bop my head into the door going to the pillars room.
IIRC, I let go of run during the room transition from the green gate room to the next one, then shoot in the next room and then hold run again after the shot goes off.
Also, an easier but slower method that I made up before I found that particular post was to start on the right and run to the left, using a standard quick charge (ie take two walking steps and run), which should allow you to reach blue suit speed shortly before reaching the green gate.
Thanks a lot guys, finally got it to work...somewhat :P
I used the 'blue dot' picture from random's link, but still wasn't able to keep holding the run button. Have to let go for a little less than a second, then continue pressing it. I get the charge right in the middle of transferring rooms, and if I don't get it then, I don't get it at all, *sigh* frusterating :D
Hey, I have a question concerning time management. During the Draygon fight, if you have the grappling beam you can reduce the time that battle takes by a specific amount. However, taking the time to get the grappling beam, meaning getting there, fighting Crocomire, and getting back does take quite some time too. Which would be faster? Fighting Draygon normally, and saving time by not getting the grappling beam, or vice versa?
I'm working on figuring out how to do a reverse boss order run, and have some questions. Well, actually, quite a few questions.
First, my items: 130 missiles -- not going to list where I found them all because this is plenty. 20 super missiles -- Spore Spawn's set, the ones just inside Brinstar, the ones near the old escape shaft, and the set in the Etacoons' lair. 30 power bombs -- The two sets in the area above the huge Brinstar shaft, the set near the big Brinstar room, Crocomire's set, the set above the landing site, and the set behind the ball. 7 energy tanks -- the one above the ship, the one on the way to Brinstar, the one in old Brinstar from the first Metroid game, the one in the Etacoons' lair, the one in front of the high jump boots, the one in the sidehopper lair off the main Brinstar room, and Crocomire's tank 2 reserve tanks -- the one near the entrance to Brinstar, and the one near the bubble room in Norfair All beams except plasma. I did get the grapple, and am actually using it. Speed boots, high jump boots, bombs, morph ball.
I could use more of any of these items. Energy tanks and reserve tanks for obvious reasons, super missiles because they can potentially be used for the Crystal Flash, and powerbombs for both the Crystal Flash and the fact that you have to use a whole mess of them in Norfair.
Are there any I missed that I could reasonably get?
Is there a better place to start the run into Lower Norfair than the energy recharge room right above it?
I have to use my first Crystal Flash right after getting through the lava room at the entrance. Is this any good?
Is there a faster way through the grapple room to the right of the energy recharge room than actually using the grapple beam?
Can I use the elevator into Lower Norfair without losing a tank and a half of energy?
Can anyone explain the timing for doing the green gate glitch? The run from the entrance to the giant Ridley face's energy tank is pain without the screw attack. As is the next chunk of the run, for that matter.
In case it's impossible to get the screw attack because of energy constraints: Any suggestions on doing the room full of colums with rising lava? How about on the timing needed to run through a Kihunter without damage?
Is there any good way to replenish my super missile and power bomb supplies when I hit the energy tank by the big Ridley statue?
First of all, you definitely want to go and grab several items in Maridia, especially the relatively easy two super missile tanks, two energy tanks, and reserve tank (if you don't know how, consult an NBMB guide or Red Scarlet's NBMB run). Also grab the energy tank below the charge beam
I'm pretty sure the energy recharge room is the best place to start.
It's actually possible to use our crystal flash after going down the elevator, but you have to be fast.
Grappling is the best way (without space jump).
You can start in the same room as the gate. Run left, then, when about three blocks away, TAP the jump button andshoot just before reaching the gate.
Refilling power bombs is easy - use the fire fleas. For super missiles, the best way is to screw attack red KiHunters and pray for luck.
Also, when leaving the screw attack room, you can jump up from the energy recharge room if you stand on level with the door but as far from it as possible, walk for a step or two, then run and jump just before the room transition. Good luck with Ridley. He's evil.
Ah, looking at a NBMB run to figure this out completely slipped my mind. Thanks!
...I'm so glad the grapple beam means I don't have to do Mount Doom.
I can't believe I didn't realize it was possible to get the energy tank under the charge beam with a shine spark. Oy.
With the extra energy tanks, getting past the elavator should be fairly possible. Which also makes losing that energy heading down it less agrivating.
Your description of how to do the green gate glitch got me through, though it's still going to take a lot of practice before I can use it in a legitimate run. Thanks.
With that 400 extra energy and access to the screw attack recharge room, I'll only need one crystal flash before the midway energy tank, so I'll probably just do without a full recharge. Though if I was faster it might be possible to do entirely without a crystal flash, which would be a huge boon.
I can't pull off the mockball. I can't even get it with slowdown feature on. I'm attempting it to get the early Super Missiles before Spore Spawn. And I do believe I'm on Player's choice, although not sure if that makes a difference. I've gotten to the fourth crumble block then fallen.
Practice somewhere nice and flat, like where you get the morphball or the road to statue room. Getting it your first time is hard enough without having to worry about jumping into the room at the right angle.
Run and take a jump. Don't worry about what buttons you're pressing unless you're on an emulator with a lousy keyboard and you have to release some (you can release all but the jump button and the direction button once you're midair).
Wait for your jump to reach its crest.
Once you're falling, press down to aim down. When you're about to hit the ground, press down to ball up. Then just keep pressing your direction and you're good.
Then, to do the mockball sequence break near the start of the game, do all that after jumping out of the door.
Watch either Smokey's run or the version on the main site if you need timing help. Red Scarlet's version of the timing looks nice, but is harder.
Yeah, somebody got to the thread before I could remove my post. Yeah, I'm on PAL version. So I, uh.... Just... Rolled by the gates without a mockball...
Here's to looking up version differences after asking for help!
Go as far down and to the right in Norfair as you can, where there's a big pit of lava leading to a dragon head with a door in the mouth. The room before this one is a fairly vertical room with a yellow door in the bottom left (which leads to the lava).
I can't glitch through the zebetites :( , does anyone know some tips to perform that trick please?
The site doesn't give the best description of how to do this. You must first freeze the lower Rinka as soon as it appears, as shown in the video, then you must get hit, and, while still flashing (make sure you turn off Screw Attack first) spin jump toward the frozen Rinka, then just jump through the Zebebite.