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Roll jumps are much easier than scan dashes, you should forget the kip dash for the moment.
Quote from medigodoom:
And how would having that white door previously scanned make it easier? I can't even move when I scan it.

If you're good with Metroid Prime 1 sequence breaking, load it up and practice dash jumping. Moving after you scan the door should be more or less the same as dash jumping on a scan point that's already been scanned. I remember when I started sequence breaking Metroid, I had trouble with dash jumps. It took me a few days to get Space Jump First right, and even then I still hadn't mastered dash jumps. Now I can get it on my first try every time. It just goes to show that practice makes perfect. You need to do all in this order but as quick as you can: start moving, hit L, press B. Move stick down left, release L, quickly press L again but not all the way and hold it, 1.5 seconds later jump. That's what you should do for the scan dash method.
Just to make sure for myself...

I looked on SDA and the low-percent run on there is 22%.  I know the percent can be lowered with secret worlds, but I ain't gonna do that.  So just confirmation, 22% is still the lowest possible percent allowed on SDA, right?
everybody knows it's true
grapple or sj = 21%

Grapple is better for speed because of the ing hive bsj.
Hmmm...  Eenie minnie minny moe...

I s'ppose that's what your location in your profile means, Mr. Aran?  Wink

I don't care about Speed.  So I think I'll lean towards Space Jump.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from DeathNoble:
I s'ppose that's what your location in your profile means, Mr. Aran?  Wink
And I was inches away, too!  Evil or Very Mad Maybe millimeters...

Yes, I'm doing a 21% run.
Who's achieved a 21% Echoes run, anyways?
everybody knows it's true
DJ did that 20% secret world run.
:?  If there's only one name that comes up for 21% and lower, I think I'll stick to 22%...
The SJ skip uses secret worlds, so it cannot be done for a legal 21%.
Huh.  I haven't looked at your Space Jump skip in Echoes progress since segment three, Mr. Potter.  I need to get around to checking it out.

I don't care about legal and stuff.  It's not like I'm going for SDA or anything.  I just want a percent that's as low as can be but still high enough for someone like me that's not half of what some of the guys around here are.  If that makes any sense.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from DeathNoble:
It's not like I'm going for SDA or anything.  I just want a percent that's as low as can be but still high enough for someone like me that's not half of what some of the guys around here are.  If that makes any sense.
It does.

It seems that I am the "other half". I'm trying to qualify myself for the low percent for sda. So far it's pretty well, except the fact that I'll never get a sub ten minute fight against Chykka :/


btw, the stats so far is 14% 1:33.
the grapple beam is the only item which can be skipped without SWs and this skip is very useful in any% runs, save 3mins30.

It's good to know that someone is working in a new run for metroid prime 2 and it's also good to know that I'm not the only one who is pawned by that robot :D

good luck Mr.Aran Wink
Whoa.  Skipping Grapple is the Robot Riding technique? Shocked Okay, definetly not for me.  I tried to ride one of those things on a hundred percent run just for fun one day...  Then I tried again 'cuz I thought I was pretty close...  Then again...  I ended spending hours trying to do it and never managed.  I think I'll take 22% for a low percent.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from silent (((((echo))))):
It's good to know that someone is working in a new run for metroid prime 2 and it's also good to know that I'm not the only one who is pawned by that robot :D
Well, it's not an actual run yet... just to see if I'm in. No recording, unless you want to see it on webcam in a horrible angle  :P

Does inverting the y-angle make you go farther than keeping it normal? I'm getting reeeaaalll close more often now, but still no landing. :)
Hello, I just received MP2:echos for Christmas and it is a great game.  However, while playing the game, the disc is constantly being scanned.  Is this normal?  It gets very annoying.  The original Metroid Prime never did this.  Also, it freezes up in some rooms for about a half second.  Thanks for any info.
everybody knows it's true
if you just got it, it may just be the cube. Get that endust stufs for the laser.
yeah, dust out the cube and clean off the disc with a soft towel and water. other than that i can't really recommend anything as this behavior does not sound familiar.
well im gonig trow my frist time in this game an di god a little question..

when you fight to get the dark visor, when its the first boss (the big look-like wale) he send to you some little enemy to get some life/ammo.

my question is, those he send both dark and light enemy cause i scanned a light enemy but i thnik there is a dark one and i didnt scan im :( , i was trying to get a 100% scan but if maybe i will get 99% :'(

thx like always for a answer.
The scans about the Chykka Larva say that he is a creature with both a light and dark nature.  This simply is telling you that the Light and Dark beams will damage him equally, due to the fact that he's not either light or dark himself.  During the larva stage--yes when he looks like a whale--you have two things to scan.  One is the Chykka Larva itself, the whale, and two is the little things that splash out of the water and float towards you.  They're called Dark Shredders.  During the next stage, when he's the wasp-like bug, there's one thing to scan.  Him, the wasp-like bug, the Chykka itself which is vulnerable to the Dark Beam.  After you blast his wings enough, he'll fall in the water.  He'll shoot back up, absorbing so much dark water that his nature will change, which means he's become vulnerable now to the Light Beam.  During this stage, you have two things to scan.  The Chykka (Again, because now he's Dark Chykka) and the little swarm of bugs he sends out after you, the Chykklings.

To wrap things up in a nutshell, check your logbook for these scans:

Dark Shredder*

Chykka Larva


Dark Chykka


*-Note that the Dark Shredders will be in the "flying darklings" section of your log book while the others will be in Chykka section under "Gaurdians."
, and two is the little things that splash out of the water and float towards you.

this was what i was talking about cause i scanned the wale and 1 little things that float :P, the light an ddark butterfly and 1 thing that was a mass of little stuff :P

i will check my logs this nigh and if its right im so happy that i didnt miss anything yet :D
Quote from Bp_:
this was what i was talking about cause i scanned the wale

Chykka Larva.  Check.

Quote from Bp_:
, and two is the little things that splash out of the water and float towards you.  and 1 little things that float :P,

Dark Shredders.  Check.

Quote from Bp_:
the light an ddark butterfly

Dark & Light Cykka.  Check--check.

Quote from Bp_:
and 1 thing that was a mass of little stuff :P

Chykklings.  Check.

Yeah, sounds like you got everything unless my brain is totally off and I don't remember.  And good luck with the runs man, 100%-100% runs are always the best kind, IMO.
yeah they are the best for me too :D

just that its hard when its your first run at the game :)
Mr.Aran, in fact I didn't invert the axis when I did it in my run. I pushed the back button after the instant unmorph, you get the same effect as if you inverted the axis. Though, I don't know if you go really further when you do that.
I didn't know you could invert the axis....does it help?