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Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from silent (((((echo))))):
Gods of wallcrawling are (I'm sure that I'll forget many but I'm sorry for that, I'm not the god of knowledge Laughing ) :

-Master ZED
-Mr Potter

:(  :(  :(

*points S_E to http://www.zeromission.co.uk/5vmr/ *

kthnkbai... ;) :P
I notice that you haven't updated since november.  :P
Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from Maur:
I notice that you haven't updated since november.  :P

Updated what? SCU? or the run?
The run.
Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from Maur:
The run.

That would be due to me starting my new full-time job on the 7th Nov and thus, have vastily reduced free time until my xmas holidays.

</off topic>
Oops, sorry Andrew Mills Embarassed
I also forgot DJgrenola :(

I wasn't aware that you were doing a 5tank VMR. I'm downloading it right now! :P

EDIT : I watched all the available parts and it's very cool so far. :D
Your morph ball before missiles wallcrawl was very impressive Shocked I didn't know that it could be done that fast. 8)
I'm looking forward the next parts of the run, I can't wait to see how you will grab the fifth energy tank! :P
Yeah, unless there's no way, I probably missed this. How do you get out of a secret world?
I run this here hotel of an evening
door warp. stand in front of a door whilst in a sw state and shoot it. the room should load around you. if the room you're trying to get into is there but invisible, use a different door
Quote from Odylg:
door warp. stand in front of a door whilst in a sw state and shoot it. the room should load around you. if the room you're trying to get into is there but invisible, use a different door

Or fall into it, or activate a cut scene.  However, Odylg pointed out the door warp, which is the most useful method as it allows you to end a wallcrawl in any room you desire.
Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from DeathNoble:
However, Odylg pointed out the door warp, which is the most useful method as it allows you to end a wallcrawl in any room you desire.

Please note that's not strictly true. A reasonably large number of doors don't allow you to door warp in behind them as they have a sort of empty space behind them which makes Samus drop as if she was in morphball mode. :(

An example of such a door is the Crossway Missile door leading to HOTE Access. Otherwise, in the IBBF I would door warp in there instead of crawling (painfully) to the end of the next room.
Quote from DeathNoble:
Quote from Odylg:
door warp. stand in front of a door whilst in a sw state and shoot it. the room should load around you. if the room you're trying to get into is there but invisible, use a different door

Or fall into it, or activate a cut scene.  However, Odylg pointed out the door warp, which is the most useful method as it allows you to end a wallcrawl in any room you desire.

If the room has an open ceiling (e.g. sunchamber) simply jump/float to a skywalk and get in morph ball and fall.
Quote from Kamotu:
Quote from DeathNoble:
Quote from Odylg:
door warp. stand in front of a door whilst in a sw state and shoot it. the room should load around you. if the room you're trying to get into is there but invisible, use a different door

Or fall into it, or activate a cut scene.  However, Odylg pointed out the door warp, which is the most useful method as it allows you to end a wallcrawl in any room you desire.

If the room has an open ceiling (e.g. sunchamber) simply jump/float to a skywalk and get in morph ball and fall.
Well, I've tried shooting doors, but here's my problems:

1) It won't let me jump behind the door. It hardly lets me jump at all (I tried it in the main plaza), and when I do jump towards the door, it acts like I'm hitting the wall in the unloaded room.

2) I can get it to load the room, but due to problem one, I'm never inside the room when it loads.
Strategy Guide Writer
Watch this... ;)


Hope that helps you. :D
pretty nice..
I dont know, I think he was saying that the game is somehow blocking him from doing what was on the video..  Maybe the game has gained sentience and is attempting to limit our world bending secretworld tricks...
I run this here hotel of an evening
Quote from fIshbOnEz:
Maybe the game has gained sentience and is attempting to limit our world bending secretworld tricks...

that's the one

Edit:heh, i forgot to take the size off. oh well...
Quote from fIshbOnEz, two posts ago,:
Maybe the game has gained sentience and is attempting to limit our world bending secretworld tricks...

There we go ^^
Resize it for the masses  !
I run this here hotel of an evening
the point of not changing it was to make people squint. or resize it themselves......
ok I have a question which maybe makes no sense at all, but its bugging me for a while so:

Would the chance of stalling on the geo core slot increase once you set your cube to 60 hz instead of 50, having a few extra frames for catching the slot?

I have played geo core on the 0-00 version a few times and found stalling on the slot relatively easier than on pal, maybe it was luck but my chance is probably 10 times bigger if I would calculate it. Was the geo bomb slot stall already discovered when the pal version was released? I'm asking this cos retro obviously tried to fix spinner 3 too so why not the bomb slot (if so, they failed again though cos it can still be done)?

I'm not saying that the ntsc players have an easy geo core its just something thats bugging me so, hope someone can help me out :)

Edit: holy gunship! Seems that this does make sense, at least for the changing hz thing. I just raised spinner 3 realy fast on pal 60 hz, just as fast as on the ntsc version :o. Makes speedrunning pal 22% not so bad at all (saves 40 seconds).
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Quote from silent (((((echo))))):
...I wasn't aware that you were doing a 5tank VMR. I'm downloading it right now! :P...

Whoa, wait a minute.  Where did you download THAT from?

EDIT: Never mind, I found it.  Go actually doing the research.  Rolling Eyes
Whats up guys,  Man am I glad to have found a Metroid forum.
Ok, first of all, Super metroid rules!
Second, Just the other day I got a gamecube just for Prime and Prime 2.  Well, the problem is this, I got all the damn artifacts, and when I go to return them to the Chozo temple, some of the statues say, "this artifact has been returend" or something like that.  Well, some of them don't, they just say what they would say if you had not found the artifact.  I noticed the ones that say this dont have the "energized"  look that the ones that say "artifact returned" have.
In other words, I got all of the artifacts, in the start menue I go to artifacts and they are all there, but the symble in the middle is not completely yellow, some are still blue as if I never got them.
Do I just suck that much that I cant figure it out or what?
Ready and willing.
There's a topic for asking for help in each of the individual game forums. Merging...
if you hit start and you go to your artifacts and you see ??? where the names of them should be or any pieces that are blue, then you don't have those artifacts and will need to try to get them again. if you can't get them again, then unfortunately you may have encountered one of the game-killing item disappearing glitches present in most versions of the game (this is primarily seen with the artifact of warrior).
When I check the artifacts in the start menu it says the name of all of them, but the thing in the middle is half blue and half yellow.  Does this mean I should just start another file and try again, or is there still hope?...