No, he said why would it not, I on the other hand responed to him, in a manner of twisting his sentence into why would it not, not have SBing, in a way of confusing the situation more by giving more of a non answer than he did....
I don't see how sequence breaking could work very well in an RPG. Sequence breaking usually involves getting to an area before you're supposed to to get an item before you are supposed to. In the Metroid games, all one has to do is get better at the game to be able to kill the enemies there despite being stronger than the character is ready for (which isn't really all that tough). However, in an RPG, anything but the most minor sequence breaks would require either avoiding every single enemy in the area (or being able to escape fast enough when encountering one) or massive leveling to survive the area because, unlike the Action/Adventure Metroid games, one can't help but be attacked during battle in an RPG. Therefore, putting sequence breaking into a Metroid RPG might be sacrificing more than it's adding.
But don't get me wrong, if sequence breaking can be put into this game without having to sacrifice difficulty, that would be awesome!
There's going to be little to no sequence breaking in HBA. It just won't bode well in an RPG atmosphere. It may be more metroid than RPG, but that doesn't mean the engine is anywhere near the same of hat of a metroid game.
However, no sequence breaking != linear game. You'll be able to do alot of stuff in no particular order, just not something as huge as skipping a boss, or getting the best equipment before fighting the first bass. You'll also very rarely be told where to go. It's up to you to figure it out.
I feel... I feel strange... hang on, what's this text in front of me? Have I just been scanned?
Creature: Skreemaster. This darkling Skree has absorbed the power of the Sequence Break, and has grown to massive size due to exposure to Phazon combined with other unknown mutagens, also detected in a medicine bottle nearby, but its Ing parasite is struggling to retain even the vestiges of control over it. Genetic code is very unstable and cellular structure may collapse at any time. It is likely that this would lead to a very large explosion. Subject is endowed with extraordinary powers and armour by the Phazon, and is able to jump from ceilings and strike the ground without damage. However, its hostility is doubtful, as is its precise purpose on Aether, particularly as the Skrees on this planet were driven to extinction by Shriekbat competition. Nearby equipment suggests that Space Pirates have been performing experiments on this Skree, almost certainly involving Phazon infusion.
Samus won't be a playable character. She's the "Adam" of HBA. Except, she doesn't talk non-stop at you. Or very much at all, for that matter. She just kind of makes fun of Houston once in a while.
I never said anything about having Samus controllable
Ah, I see. You meant a fight OVER samus. Wasn't to clear about that... Anyways, the info I gave helps out anyone who was wondering if she WAS going to be playable or not.