Dood Trigger™
Day 23 - Forgotten Worlds (blind) » Done!
Pretty cool Capcom shmup for Genesis. There's a satellite thingy with you at all times, and each level has a shop with all sorts of items and upgrades. You only get one life and no continues, which is scary, but there's a health bar and helpful goodies to find/buy like armor and resurrection potions.
Controls take some getting used to... in this game, you rotate your aiming direction by holding a button. I barely did it, haha. I'm just bad at it. I tend to aim at a fixed direction while the satellite deals with the other side. That's why I kept the homing missiles for the entire run... apparently the homing laser is OP, but I didn't have money for that.
The difficulty is manageable if you're smart with money, which I guess I was, for a first timer. I bought mostly shot power upgrades, armor and potions. I always had at least one resurrect potion on me, and enough money to buy health refills. I missed the really OP stuff though. I game over'd once in stage 3, then finished the whole thing on my second attempt.
This game doesn't reach the heights of Thunder Force 3-4 or Battle Mania IMO, but it's solid.

Clear time: 1 hour
Pretty cool Capcom shmup for Genesis. There's a satellite thingy with you at all times, and each level has a shop with all sorts of items and upgrades. You only get one life and no continues, which is scary, but there's a health bar and helpful goodies to find/buy like armor and resurrection potions.
Controls take some getting used to... in this game, you rotate your aiming direction by holding a button. I barely did it, haha. I'm just bad at it. I tend to aim at a fixed direction while the satellite deals with the other side. That's why I kept the homing missiles for the entire run... apparently the homing laser is OP, but I didn't have money for that.
The difficulty is manageable if you're smart with money, which I guess I was, for a first timer. I bought mostly shot power upgrades, armor and potions. I always had at least one resurrect potion on me, and enough money to buy health refills. I missed the really OP stuff though. I game over'd once in stage 3, then finished the whole thing on my second attempt.
This game doesn't reach the heights of Thunder Force 3-4 or Battle Mania IMO, but it's solid.

Clear time: 1 hour