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ryu: 2014-03-04 07:46:14 pm
beat the boss. it wasn't that bad... i guess. took me like 5 tries, and i had almost managed to beat him on the second try. at that time i couldn't get the final hit in because i still hadn't figured out how to dodge some of smoughs attacks.
Dood Trigger™
Who did you kill first? You get different rewards depending on who you fight last. :) And of course, the second part of the fight is different.

Congrats on beating O&S. They are, for most people, the hardest in the game.
thanks! i can see why people find them hard. the first part of the battle was a major pain for me too, even though i did do some decent damage with great soul arrow. i imagine that battle to be a major pain if you can only melee them.

i killed ornstein first. smough alone is pretty easy once you figure out you only need to move backwards with a shield raised for almost the entire fight.
you know what's a major roadblock?

the golem on the way down the crystal cave... the damn thing 1-shots me, takes almost no damage and there's not much space to allow for it to be properly kited.

i got myself a strike weapon i can use with my low strength stat that does a little more damage, but that won't even make these things flinch (like my zweihander does). : /
Dood Trigger™
I never mess with that guy. Stand at a certain distance from him, which most of the time triggers his jump attack. Run forward when you notice the move (before he jumps or while he's jumping), dodge him to either side and just keep running.

If he follows you to the invisible bridge, as soon as you drop turn around and you'll see a tunnel. Go inside that tunnel and you can poke him from there, he's too big to enter. Either way you'll lose him very shortly since usually he can't follow you to the next part.
hmm, to be honest i couldn't make much sense of your way of avoiding him. i think we were thinking of different golems. but i made it safely through the cave anyways, beat the boss and got the moonlight greatsword! next is farming some humanity and eyes of death before i'll head down into the tomb of giants
.... for the gravelord covenant you have to go to some place in the catacombs? great...

i hope that will still work after having started the battle with nito in the tomb of giants before. ._.
Dood Trigger™
I think you can still join the covenant as long as he's not dead. Not 100% sure but those are the key words the guides talk about.

The weapon you get from that covenant is GREAT. It's the Gravelord Sword, the one I talked about earlier that needs Prowling Demon kills for upgrades. With a bit of practice, you can arrive in Lordran at the start of the game, go straight to the Catacombs, join the covenant and use the GS for the rest of the game. Feels great.
sounds cool. with my int build i won't have any use for it though, i only joined the covenant for those miracles...

so yeah, i could still enter the covenant.
Dood Trigger™
Extremely hyped for Dark Souls 2. I hate having to wait 10 days (after release) to play the game, but knowing the game stores around here, it could have been worse... *fingers crossed* *praise the sun* *Umbasa*
does nobody inside your country bother getting games delivered to be sold on streetdate?

just beat the demon firesage... good thing i invested souls into sorcery. the room's structure doesn't stand in the favor of melee strategies.
Dood Trigger™
Importing electronics is basically a nightmare here. Everything costs like 3x due to taxes. If it takes too long I can buy digital, but I really want a physical copy of this game.

I look forward to reading your horror stories about the last boss of the lava area, haha. What a pain.
that sounds terrible.

I look forward to reading your horror stories about the last boss of the lava area, haha. What a pain.

you mean the demon centipede?
Dood Trigger™
Not... exactly. Also, my description wasn't the best, it's the boss of the area that ends the whole big lava segment that you're in right now.
so it'll be even worse? oh man.

that demon centipede was some dumb shit. all i could do was stand around shield raised and heal myself or cast a spell. i couldn't see shit and there wasn't exacty much space to move around anyways >_>

in other news, i failed to save that knight from catarina. thanks auto save!
Dood Trigger™
It's no big deal as long as he dropped the ring when he died. If you finish his quest you get a Titanite Slab (and a cute scene), but you're a lucky owner of the DLC, where they were nice enough to scatter all the important slabs as normal collectables.
uh.. so.. what do you even do to damage bed of chaos lol

i hit those weird "weakspots" on both sides, but apparently even if i try to get into range to do any attacks on the actual boss the whole floor in front of it just starts crumbling apart.

my guess is the player is supposed to bait the whole floor to crumble so the boss falls into the lava, but...

no way right lol
if only they had put a bonfire right before the boss room : /
Dood Trigger™
Meet the most annoying boss in the game! You'll figure it out. If you don't,
you have to fall onto a branch in the center and run inside of the main tree.
thanks, i thought of that but wasn't confident enough about to actually try it out (yet)
got it first try. i was probably just lucky though
just got the key to get deeper into the ruins of new londo.

time for spooky
Dood Trigger™
Yay! Easy win: equip whatever heavy armor you have and trade hits.
is that the so called poise imbalance i've been hearing about?
Dood Trigger™
Could be related to that, but all I know is that if you equip Havel's set or the Stone Armor you can tank him pretty safely. 2-hand your weapon and go nuts.