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imagine you'd have these in dks2 and could have them stack to quadruple the damage you take
does NG+ in dks2 feature a lot of revamped loot from chests and corpses? I wonder if i can rush through the game past the first playthrough. collecting everything in this game makes it last really long. i'm 60% into my second playthrough and already at 25h played. in dks i was done with my 2nd playthrough by that time. D:
Dood Trigger™
2 does have plenty new loot in NG+, yeah. Most notably the +2 rings, which are almost all earned by beating bosses. I would recommend fighting the chariot, even though it's optional it gives you the Cloranthy+2. The ring that makes you take less damage from backstabs is also exclusive to NG+ if you're into PvP.
Dood Trigger™
All the new items in NG+ and beyond:

hm so all that matters are the bossfights. good
Dood Trigger™
Well, time for NG+4. Let's see if I can beat this one fast enough.
have fun

btw shrine of amana is pretty much the same BS it's been before
Dood Trigger™
It is? Crap... I thought the mages were nerfed?

Just as I suspected: New Londo Ruins NG+ =  trivial with Gough's Greatbow. :) Kill the NPC from a distance for the key and just run to the gate. Great stuff.
Edit history:
ryu: 2014-04-28 06:18:23 pm
ryu: 2014-04-28 06:18:06 pm
well, you can now dodge their spells by walking a bit to the side, but you still need to have the positions of the frogs and abyss memorized. there's also a mage you can't engage without aggroing a frog and ogre at once. not to mention at the end (before the 3rd bonfire) there's still a spot where if you want to melee you'll have to engage like 6 enemies at once. :|

and fuck poise. i'm wearing alva's gear, have only spend 2 points unto the HP stat so far and pretty much every melee enemy since iron keep is capable of stunlocking me to death in pretty much a single combo.
just lost 50k souls and i've been in this place for probably almost an hour now. fuck...

guess i'll also cheese the 2 mages before the ogre with ranged attacks. should have done so sooner. theoretically you'd only have to do that with the one right next to the frog&ogre, BUT the damn thing still notices you from like a mile away you engaging the other one in melee will get you noticed.
Dood Trigger™
If you're in human form, try summoning the NPC and she'll engage the mages at the end while you run to the exit.
Edit history:
Da Dood: 2014-04-28 06:52:04 pm
Da Dood: 2014-04-28 06:52:03 pm
Dood Trigger™
Also, dude, Ring of Life Protection! Do you not have any? Wear this thing and you'll NEVER lose souls or humanity again. Just warp to Majula and pay 3K to repair the ring. Cheesy as fuck. I have like 10M souls on my main file.
If you're in human form, try summoning the NPC and she'll engage the mages at the end while you run to the exit.

i used her, but it's never occured to me that i could just try to make a run for it. i mainly had problems with the part before the 3rd bonfire. the last part i couldn't just run to the exit because i wanted to get one of the items lying around there.

Also, dude, Ring of Life Protection!

yeah, i've been using those a lot in this run. i just didn't feel like using them at the time.

those rings also don't excuse plain bad gamedesign.
Dood Trigger™
Finished NG+4. Smooth run overall. Nito is starting to be a pain with all the skeletons chipping away, but it's still possible to tank him to death. And Gough's Greatbow makes a world of difference. Funny that I got all the way to +4 without any ranged attacks, now it's like I discovered easy mode.

Let's see how hard +5 and +6 are.
Dood Trigger™
And... almost done with NG+5. Played through most of it in that same session, took an extra couple hours. Only DLC + Duke's segment left.

Nito is getting pretty rough in high NG+s. Tanking still is my go-to strategy, but the skeletons can easily destroy you with chip damage. I think the Man-Serpent Greatsword is saving my life in DPS races because apparently it blocks 60% physical damage as I'm spamming R1.

To me, the higher NG+s here are a nice challenge, but not quite as enjoyable as they are in DeS. Boss fights are definitely safer in the first game, and I'm more comfortable with the Dragon Bone Smasher's move set.

Also, I miss building an insane hypermode and 2HKO'ing bosses. In Demon's Souls it takes a while to build a heavy damage character, so the real treat is actually diving into NG+ and beyond to try your new stuff. In DkS, you get the OP gear super early (BKH, Gravelord, RTSR, Power Within, etc.), which is great if you want to own bosses as soon as possible (aka NG), but loses its charm in subsequent playthroughs since you only get weaker.

On the other hand, Dark Souls is a much more open game with a ton of options, and I usually can't wait to start a brand new character and see where I'm taking 'em this time. Two different beasts, I guess.
that's why i'm not too eager to check out dark souls NG+
Dood Trigger™
By the way, I do not recommend forgetting to ring the Blighttown bell after backtracking to Sen's Fortress. My stupidity still amazes me.
i almost forgot doing that as well last time i played lol
Dood Trigger™
And done, finally. All DkS difficulties beaten. Also got 7 Calamity Rings. Even though it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, I still find DeS's NG+ progression more rewarding.

Nito sucks. There must be a better strategy for that fight past NG+5, other than making a Divine weapon with like 1/3 of my current damage. O&S and the DLC bosses are absolutely amazing in high NG+s, though.

I currently hold almost 50 level up points worth of souls. I'll be sooo mad if I lose 'em. At least now I have 25+ Rings of Sacrifice and I always wear one when I die. But it almost happened several times this last run.
i don't think there's much else you can do against nito. :/

i just spent like 10 hours on the dragon shrine and ancient dragon fight. never again.
Edit history:
Da Dood: 2014-04-30 11:02:38 am
Dood Trigger™
Damn. Did you kill him at least? The trek to the boss when you die is just cruel. First (and only) time I beat him, I had cleared the whole way out of spawns.
Edit history:
ryu: 2014-04-30 01:00:34 pm
yeah i did beat him.
First (and only) time I beat him, I had cleared the whole way out of spawns.

did that both times. that's almost the worst part of the boss imo

i accidentally pushed duke's dear freja into NG+ mode, and i'm currently trying to beat her again. almost did it on my first try. the damn thing had like 2-3 hits worth of energy left. :/

the final boss was kinda interesting to fight this time around. my guess is that with white phantoms around, the area of effect those orbs increases. i couldn't stand close to the boss without losing health and getting cursed at all lol. good thing the guy i summoned destroyed one of the orbs for me
beat it. that was surprisingly easy for a NG+ boss fight that's not exactly early in the game.
Dood Trigger™
Gwyn all over again, I guess. I'm still pretty bad vs. the final boss. Had to summon NPCs all 3 times I beat her. I know she's not all bad though, mostly me being lazy/not understanding the mechanics of the fight yet. Getting kinda hyped to revisit DkS2 now...
on my first character, i beat the final boss without help on my first try. the fight didn't even last a minute, i removed like 20-30% of the bosses health with a single combo, was never effected by the orbs when i was close to it and the boss kept using that laser technique which leaves it wide open to be attacked lol

maybe i w as just super lucky with the orb placements i guess