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Quote from ryu:

Yeah. I tried to fight Allant, but his AoE attack wiped my entire stamina bar and one-shot me. Obviously, there's some trick to fighting him, but what...?
just back off when he does that attack, there's enough time to run out of its range and heal up
Alright, I'll give it a shot.
good luck. he's pretty tough!
Dood Trigger™
You can cancel his AoE by hitting him a couple times.

Best boss in the game!
Edit history:
Idkbutlike2: 2014-03-29 07:21:55 pm
Nah, I'd say that honor goes to the either the Flamelurker or the Tower Knight. Turns out Allant is really easy if you use a bow and a light set of armor, like the Black Leather set, so you can easily dodge his attacks. Anyway, I beat the game! Now to either wait for DkS2 on PC or just buy the PS3 version digitally... Probably the former.
Quote from Da Dood:
You can cancel his AoE by hitting him a couple times.

Not even a couple of times. A single arrow stops him from using it.
Well Envy, looks like your hopes were for naught. The lighting engine from the E3 demo was completely scrapped in Dark Souls II, even on the PC version.


Welp, time to wait for mods.
Dood Trigger™
I made a new DeS file and have pretty much all items possible now. This will be my new main file because I wanted one with a lower SL (for online). So I'm using my old main file to give items to people who want them. If anyone's playing DeS and want a specific item, just add me on PSN at Ren_Dood (SL167, NA server)

Other than that, I'm planning to make a DkS1 and 2 file where I get the most OP possible before fighting any bosses. Looking forward to it.
you're pretty into it.

did you guys hear of the calibration patch that's supposed to nerf those mages in the shrine of amana? I wonder how that'll turn out.
Dood Trigger™
I actually just started a new character to check out that patch. I'm not very far, currently trying to collect stuff before fighting bosses. I'll report back when I reach Amana. Apparently,
Lost Sinner
was nerfed too.
Edit history:
ryu: 2014-04-24 08:16:19 am
so did you check out the patched stuff yet?

i'm starting a faith based character in dark souls II and going to check out twinblades. my guess is that i'll be switching out weapons a lot even though their durability got buffed
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ryu: 2014-04-24 10:28:02 am
oh wow you can just block the attacks from those guys near the tower of flame. they were so annoying to beat last time when i only dodged their attacks
Dood Trigger™
Haha, nice. You can also circle around them at close range and their attacks will pass right over your head. Funny how enemies that used to give us trouble are suddenly no big deal.

I didn't play through the whole game that time 'cause I'm working on 1M souls before fighting bosses, and that might take a while. However, from watching speed runs and such, it seems that the Amana mages are ridiculously lame now. You basically have to stand still right in front of the shot to get hit.

I kept playing through my main file in DeS, and also started one from scratch in Dark Souls. Having a blast exploring this game again. Such a classic. I'm even farming rare item drops 'cause the drop rate in this game is so lenient compared to DeS.
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ryu: 2014-04-24 11:00:32 am
yeah, i spent hours just farming stones when i playe dark souls.

just beat the pursuer in the little arena close to the cardinal tower. turns out that fight is kind of easy on a fresh file, just takes a little while.
Dood Trigger™
Yeah, I wish there was a better reward for killing him over there. But like you said, it's not a difficult fight.

This playthrough of Dark Souls was the first time I ever killed the bridge dragon and the Ash Lake hydra. They're not as hard as I thought... I think I tried to fight them on my very first playthrough and got destroyed.

Tomorrow the PC version of DkS2 comes out. I'm curious to see the differences in performance I've been reading about.
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ryu: 2014-04-24 01:10:45 pm
the hydra's pretty easy once you know how to fight it. the dragon i've only killed cheesing him with magic attacks from below the bridge. i tried luring him down to fight him properly once before, but i just couldn't trigger him to come down at that time.
so apparently using a shield without the proper stats to wield it will reduce the amount of damage that can be blocked? unless the
old dragonslayer
deals something other than physical damage
Dood Trigger™
According to Wiki: "Old Dragonslayer has some new additions to his moves, including what appears to be dark damage in addition to the lightning fans are used to."

But there should definitely be a drawback for blocking without proper stats. I was under the impression that it was just more stamina eaten, although maybe ultimately that's the same thing as blocking less damage.
what happened is that i took damage while blocking with a shield that has 100% physical dmg absorption :/
Dood Trigger™
Ah, then it was probably elemental damage.
Probably. Guess i'll try using that shield again sometime.

I didn't have many problems with the lost bastille on my first character because i went there kinda late in the game, after i had already been down the hole and through the no-man's wharf. now i went there much earlier and got my shit wrecked by the ruin sentinels. i don't think i could have beaten them without the help of phantoms lol
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Da Dood: 2014-04-25 08:14:20 am
Dood Trigger™
Haha, for me was the other way around. I got crushed by the Ruin Sentinels 'cause I went there so early, but when I dropped into the hole, it was super easy.

I finished the game last night, and I also switched to the Black Knight Halberd. Well, it's an amazing weapon the first time through, but it's super heavy and can't be enchanted. Not unlike the Gravelord Sword, but anyway, I was hoping to switch to a lighter and buffable weapon for NG+.
let's be honest though

almost every weapon in these games is amazing
Dood Trigger™
First time I beat the game I used an unupgraded Lightning Spear. XD No idea how I got through Four Kings with that thing.

Pretty much decided that I'm switching to the Man-Serpent Greatsword. At +15 it doesn't deal much more than half the damage I'm doing right now, BUT it has A scaling with STR, it's enchantable, and much lighter. Can't wait to play some more tonight.