Man, the Adjudicator may be the easiest boss in this game aside from Phalanx. All I had to do to beat him was run around the perimeter of the second floor of the boss room and spam fire magic at him. Didn't die once and only had to heal myself three times during the whole fight.
bahhhhhh, can't get Dark Souls to loud up for some reason. I get to the start screen fine, get all the way to loading a character, then a white screen.
I'm 100% sure it's because of the mods I have installed, but it's enough on an inconvenience to make me just want to wait for DS II.
there's a reason i don't even bother with pc gaming anymore.
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Man, the Adjudicator may be the easiest boss in this game aside from Phalanx. All I had to do to beat him was run around the perimeter of the second floor of the boss room and spam fire magic at him. Didn't die once and only had to heal myself three times during the whole fight.
absolutely. i didn't have trouble with him as well and i melee'd him. you can easily bait him into repeating the same attack that can always be dodged by walking straight backwards...
So there's an optional boss fight in Dark Souls 2 who's
basically impossible without doing a minor side quest. I've collected all the requirements to make the fight easier, but I might upgrade some weapons to see if I have a better chance.
Not much else I want to do right now, just exploring old areas and collecting items. I'm not going for all the achievements at the moment because that requires NG++, and I don't even think I'm good enough at regular NG. NG+ in this game seems even more brutal than PBWT on Demon's Souls.
And yeah, Adjudicator is pretty easy. Most bosses in Demon's Souls either have a gimmick that you can exploit or aren't too dangerous overall. There are some exceptions like Maneater and Flamelurker.
there's a reason i don't even bother with pc gaming anymore.
And whys that? You do realize I was modding my game, right?
I figured out what was wrong, all I had to do was turn off the in-game AA. I'm enjoying DS at full 1080p now, at 120 FPS, with 2440p downsampling and high res fonts and texture replacements. Oh and no shitty motion blur or depth blur.
But if you wanna play mine craft with the ability to tumble go ahead ;)
yeah but you need to mod the game so it runs fine, right?
last pc game i bought was crysis which didn't even start up for me. never bothered with pc games again after that (save for touhou, emulation and rpg maker stuff)
Vendrick. If you hit him enough times in his grave, he'll aggro and turn into an actual boss, but the thing is, he has like 60x defense if you go in there naked -- naked meaning with no Souls of Giants. Each Soul of Giant you collect (and keep in your inventory) lowers his defense until he's... beatable. There are 5 SoGs in all.
Couldn't find the time to play tonight. I'll have a good 8-9 hours tomorrow to do nothing though. Maybe I'll try to beat those bosses.
Man, 3-2 in DeS would make a great setting for a medieval horror game of some sort. Gargoyles, weird bugs with human faces on them, a moat of blood beneath the castle... This shit is so cool and so spooky.
pretty interesting read. not trying to be like HURFDURF GRAPHICS, but it's nice to finally hear word about what went wrong between the trailer, demo-gampeplay, and the final product.
Man, 3-2 in DeS would make a great setting for a medieval horror game of some sort. Gargoyles, weird bugs with human faces on them, a moat of blood beneath the castle... This shit is so cool and so spooky.
Latria as a whole is so beautiful. 3-1 is like you're playing a Silent Hill prison level.
It is... :\ Anyway, I've just beaten the Ancient Dragon and now all bosses are done! :D
My impressions:
1. King Vendrick
Easiest of the 3 thanks to those items. Helps that he's pretty slow too.
2. Darklurker
Not only this boss is hard to defeat, finding him is a pain in the ass. Let's just say that there's a real possibility of running out of a certain important item permanently. The boss seems easy until about halfway through when he goes berserk. So satisfying to kill, though!
3. Ancient Dragon
Well, everything is a OHKO, so yeah. His pattern isn't all that hard if you follow the tail when he flies, otherwise it's just a tedious long fight where you can't make any mistakes.
what's up with this following his tail stuff? i read about that on the gamefaqs boards too, but beat him by just staying in front of him and attacking his front legs when he did a forward or sideways breath attack. the airborne spit attack seemed to my like it wouldn't directly target your character, but rather target specific spots on the ground. staying close to the ring mark on the ground ensured for me that he'd always spit into the middle of the ring. it also appeared to me like the target spot is chosen shortly before the boss goes airborne, and not chosen at the time the boss spits the fire. so the trick is not to close in on him while he goes into the air, because if you run back at that time you'll run right into the spot where he'll spit! that's my theory anyways... i didn't get to confirm it on my final try since he never did the attack twice in a row, and that seems to be what people are struggling with. :/
i see. that only happened to me on my first attempt i believe.
so about that other boss lol
i got the darklurker down to 40% on my second try, but am all out of effigies now. the boss fight is pretty cool, but the questline to get there is really underwhelming. and the effigy shtick just really blows. dunno if i'll attempt him again. definitely not today though.
Yeah, that sucks. I must have wasted 10-12 Effigies between trying to beat his dungeons and then the boss. I had only 5 or 6 at the end. The boss only took me 2 tries, though, thankfully.
I haven't tested this, but someone suggested using a Bonfire Ascetic at Majula to respawn the skeleton in the mansion. Apparently, he has a 100% drop rate of Effigies. Not only that, more skeletons should appear with each ascentic, and there would be no real danger since only the Majula pigs would get stronger around that bonfire (other than the skeles).
thankfully it didn't take me that many effigies to complete these dungeons, otherwise i wouldn't even have made it to the boss. that would have been a completely wasted hour then. >_>
i've read about that farming strategy as well, but i think i'll just farm souls and buy a bunch of effigies from the guy in the
. that should be more efficient since he sells a lot of them for quite cheap.
btw about the boss
did you manage to avoid his dark spell? i couldn't figure out how to dodge that at all... :/
Oh right, that guy sells like 13. I bought them all, which is why I considered that strategy. :\
About the boss,
I escaped that spell just timing rolls as the orb touched the ground. To be honest I kinda just spammed roll, and even if the orb hit me, I could still survive and heal. One thing that helps against Darklurker, at least in my experience, is to lure his melee 'cause it's so damn slow. You can lure one of the clones and buy some time to dodge/hit the other.
So I just found the
Dull Ember after 60 hours of gameplay haha. Still haven't collected those items in the lava except the first one.