Why does that remind me of my own native language, Dutch? Nothing is set in stone and it's all subjective to interpretation and even taste in some cases. ;)
There are like 3 names in all of the universe where it's proper to use a single ' without the s at the end to show possessive. I can't remember what they are right now, but I'm pretty sure at least 2 of them are Spanish surnames.
So, linguistics aside - what about the name itself? I mean, are you moderators/administrators really going to let him run around with a name like that?
So, linguistics aside - what about the name itself? I mean, are you moderators/administrators really going to let him run around with a name like that?
Because some moderation on naming is required for any forum that takes itself seriously. And, from a forum member's point of view - the name is childish, insulting and just a sign of a lack of imagination. I can see though that general consensus is against me here, I suppose I'm a stricter administrator/moderator (which i was on more forums than I'd like to remember) than others.
Because some moderation on naming is required for any forum that takes itself seriously. And, from a forum member's point of view - the name is childish, insulting and just a sign of a lack of imagination. I can see though that general consensus is against me here, I suppose I'm a stricter administrator/moderator (which i was on more forums than I'd like to remember) than others.
You clearly haven't witnessed the amount of "urmom" in this forum.