BEST: Getting 100% on normal in under two hours on MZM for the first time.
WORST: When I couldn't play Super Metroid for four years because my SNES got lost while moving between houses. (It's just not the same on an emulator.)
Wow, I dunno if it's possible to lump them all into one thing... I'll say a few good and a few bad experiences.
Good: Back in the day, when I knew how to play Super Metroid, I was extremely pleased with my time of 1:17 100%. Obviously that's crap now, but it was still an awesome experience. Another good experience was when Prime and Fusion were announced, and even though Prime was an FPA, I still knew it'd be good, it was Metroid after all. Another good time was when those two actually came out; I remember every single day saying to a bud of mine "X days to glory!" and he'd be like "GOD, SHUT UP." I had so much fun with them, and still do to this day (omg he likes fusion kill him!). Getting an MZM world record, finally showing people how much I'm dedicated to the series.
Bad: Breaking my last SNES controller and realizing, now, that I've not played Super Metroid for like 5 years, maybe more. When it was announced that two new Metroid games were being made, then that they really weren't coming out, then that they were... those few weeks were madness. Breaking my SP. *cries* Dying on the Wave Troupe a million times within the past week(at least). Hearing that Prime: Hunters was going to shoot with the touchpad.
That's about all the big ones, there's many, many others but obviously I can't get into them.
Best: Beating the Parasite Queen for the first time (I got stuck for SO long in the Frigate and I realized on the last time I tried for about 5 months that there was a save station RIGHT THERE and that I had gone through the Frigate about 20 times to lose) I finally realized that there was an opening in the force field and there was another way to shoot her besides when the field spins.
Worst: Not getting Echoes the day it came out (I'm like the only guy obsessed with Metroid in my school and when Halo 2 came out, the Halo guy had it on the day it came out!!) I had no bragging rights and I still have no bragging rights.
I want Echoes!!!!!
Edit: I forgot the time when I collected all of the items in Fusion and went to the Nav room, then realized that my time was currently 1:59. I ended up with a 2:05 or something close to that.
I won't unless one of my brothers beat the game within the next week or so and forgets about it so I can play the game for at least half an hour without them interrupting me at a crucial moment and saying I've been on too long and I should let them on. They'll pester me until I let them on. That is also the same reason why I never finshed TLoZ:WW.
Worst: Having to wait half a year more to get a DS so I can try MP Hunters.
I know what you mean. Well, maybe it won't be a half a year for me, but I am going to wait and see if any other good games come out for it before I buy one. Because there's no way I'd buy a DS just for Hunters, as much as I want to play that game. And if it's anything like the GBA, there won't be many good games for it. So I guess I'll have to wait and see.
That is also the same reason why I never finshed TLoZ:WW.
I never finished that game either because I started getting so into the sidequests (the photographs take forever!!!) and the sheer size of the game... I stopped, story wise, after fighting the 4 temples bosses again in old Hyrule but never went through that door I unlocked
Yeah, the final boss is only a few staircases away from what I remember... You do have to do a little side thing (For a special item :D) , but it's worth it.
Best: Besides just plain playing Super Metroid, I would say playing through ZM in about 3 hours when I first got it. Just planned on playing it for about 20 minutes or so to kill time when 3 hours later I win. Didn't die either.
Worst: First getting the Thermal Visor in MP. For the longest time I was afraid of Space Pirates in that game, then I discovered missiles.