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Game Lover
I forgot which Items you take for 15%... can anyone help me out?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Morph Ball
Power Grip
Gravity Suit
Space Jump
Varia Suit

6 other items of your choice
Game Lover
Thank you very much.
Edit history:
TJF588: 2008-01-18 10:50:51 am
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Hope this isn't necromancy...

I'm currently doing a Time Attack 15% run, though I've been leaving my plugged-to-the-charger SPee on while I sleep to make the final time at max (is it 99:99:99?), then when I've got the 15% run done (for the 15% Normal pic), I'll go back and nab the >4hrs 100% Normal picture.  This way, I'll have Time Attack records opened without any actual times to beat (looks better to me, who isn't in the game for time, but for unlockables), I'll have a couple more pics (got this used, so the first and second pics are up, and Sound Test and Original Metroid are unlocked), and... well, then I'll become interested in getting good enough for the others, I guess.

Anyway:  I'm not accostomed to non-turn-based-RPG style gaming (KH is my closest, I suppose), so I'm still psyched when I move fluidly.  That said, I'm subpar at aiming (either for attacks or jumping/gripping) and I suck at walljumping (bomb jumping is a half-half matter, since I'll get into it sometimes then try to figure what rythm I'm using, which'll sometimes cause me to goof).  I also tend to tighten my fingers during 'tense' parts, so boss battles and escapes become more difficult by virtue of my hands going into rigor.  I have an E-tank (the one you come across in Brinstar) and have all the non-Mystey-Item reqs.

Given that info, what do you suggest for someone like me?  I'm followin' stormeagle6's FAQ (http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/file/914982/28821), and the sayings in this thread go with the 3/3 on E-tanks and S-missiles, but my lack of dexterity is making me consider getting Screw'd.
Ready and willing.
Stickies can't be bumped. They're stickies.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yeah, SA, etank(s), and super missiles is the easiest IMO.
red chamber dream
lol necromancy. Don't worry, I don't think anyone has ever practiced necromancy on these boards.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Well, as I type Iam standing in front of the Screw Attack (though I'll prolly backtrack to the save point).  I have one Super Missile epansion and two E-tanks (along with all the reqs), and Kraid ain't dead.  Jagger's sayin' that 3ET/3SM is easier, but I'm not good at aiming, so I'm thinking that being able to move and kill might be better for me.  In the Kraid battle (his nails), in Tourian (Rinkas), the Robo-Ridley battle (missiles), and in the final escape (Space Pirates), I feel that Screw Attack might benefit me.  But then I wonder... I'm not good at dodging either, so surviving Metroid screw ups, Mother Brain assaults, and Space Pirate spottings might leave me with little room for error.

IYOs, which out of attacking enemies (if I take an E-tank) and dodging attacks (if I take SA) do you think is easier to get myself to do without dieing?

Note:  the edits in my previos post were applying and removing a strikethrough; all babbling is retained.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yeah I don't remember my prior reasoning for 3etanks. Maybe just for exercise or something.

Also, you don't really need to "dodge enemies" that you kill in one hit if you take the attack. There isn't much that hurts your for much, except for bosses and the occasional predictable projectile. MB's eye beam may be the hardest to dodge, but it's the only think you have to really dodge in the fight as long as you keep attacking the rinkas and the bullets.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Quote from JaggerG:
it's the only think you have to really dodge in the fight

I both love reading and hate making that typo.  Alright, I'll go nab SA... again.  I had gone and got it, then ran around seeing which Super Missiles I could snatch.  Must say, SA sure forces one to be a bit more attentive when jumping onto frozen enemies...
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Can I just pretend I'm Russian? Their accent is fun.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Awesome page break there
red chamber dream
'K, from now on I'm gonna start deleting posts like the one above. Commenting on page breaks ceased to be funny a long time ago.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch



Well, to stay on topic, I've got my 15% Time Attack file at the save before Mother Brain, two energy tanks, three super missile tanks, and screw attack (not to mention that the clock's maxed at 99:59:59).  All the Zebetites have been dealt with, and I'm fully stocked (for what that's worth).

In short:  I don't like my prospects for this battle...  -_-'
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
At least it ain't 9%.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
In the couple times I've tried it (between the 15% file and a "go for what I can" one), I think the most annoying thing is trying to get back up.  the turrets hit you, the rinkas aim at you, and as soon as you're pulling yourself back up, you're knocked back into the drink, where the viscosity of the gunk makes the transition between the two a bit awkward.

So, for the main bosses (Karid, Ridley, MB, and RR), what is their normal missile kill count (bonus points to whoever can tell me how many per "phase" of the non-MB fights)?  I'd help to know when I should just go for it and when I should play it safe.  I already know that, given I don't fall, MB will fire her eye beam every five hits received, so the optimal would be four missiles and a super missle per beam.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Kraid takes 15 missiles to the throat (don't count the hits in the eye), Ridley takes approximately one buttload, I think MB's glass takes 25 missiles, MB herself takes 35 (she should only fire at you three times if you 4m-1s-4m-1s-4m-1s-3m-1s), and IT takes 10 missiles in the glass and I believe 19 missiles to the chest. Hopefully he dies shortly after he raises his hand the first time to volunteer for deactivation. Each super is 5 missiles, so that's 3 against Kraid, 1/5 of a buttload against Ridley, 12 against MB, and 6 against IT.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Jeebus... my coordination needs to step up.  Agh, if only there weren't four things aiming at me while on such a small floorspace over an inconvenient landing area.  Bah!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Just keep jumping back and forth. This is nothing compared to 9% (or even 15% SAless).
Edit history:
P.JMan: 2008-01-22 12:23:54 pm
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Kraid takes 15 missiles
Ridley takes 50 missiles
Mother Brain's glass takes 20 missiles
Mother Brain takes 35 missiles
Iron Ted's glass takes 10 missiles
Iron Ted takes 18 missiles
100% Iron Ted's glass takes 30 missiles
100% Iron Ted takes 54 missiles

1 super missile is worth 5 missiles
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Ho-ly-crap... I knew RR's buffers were better under 100%, but by that much?  Woah...
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Oh, I thought it only doubled. Meh.
Hated by all
Sorry for the 4-monthish-pseudobump, but is this OK?

Currently doing a first-time 15 Normal, since I did fast all-item runs on Normal/Hard:
Morph Ball, 1 Missile, Bomb, Charge Beam, Ice Beam, Plasma Beam, Varia Suit, Gravity Suit, Space Jump, Speed Booster, High Jump, 2 Energy Tanks, 2 Super Missiles (No Power Bombs, since there's a no-duh path to skip them).

I'm still debating whether to use Long/Charge (the lol-for-you part is when I couldn't get past the bug nests). Screw Attack, forget it, I have good reflexes.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I'd take Charge over Long, I find the Charge Beam to be more useful overall as in the hive room you can find a sweet spot where you can hit the hives, but the bugs wont come after you. And really, after the hive room the long beam doesn't make much of a difference.

And there's no such thing as bumping a sticky.
You forgot Power Grip in your powerup list :P. I can't really see how Hi-Jump will help in a low%. Charge Beam is really really weak(only 4 times the damage of an uncharged shot), so it's pretty much useless. Similarly, Long Beam is only useful in the hive room. Screw Attack, however, is awesomely great.