Ok, this is, like, the second or third time it's happened. Apparently, I've had to report that many NSFW threads, which I personally believe are being started by bots. How the hell are they getting in here?
someone cracked the captcha we were using before, so i installed a new one. i'm in the process of deleting all the accounts they registered. this should be the end of it. fingers crossed.
To the contrary, my good sir. It could be the most beautiful thing you've ever experienced. It all depends on the context.
Quote from KennyMan666:
It wasn't even all that good porn.
What, you thought they would annoy us by posting the quality stuff?
W00t, I've got half a kilobyte's worth of posts.
EDIT: Question. I'm wondering what's up with the forum search function... I've tried to search the entire board for any post with the word "squishy," but it turns up no results. I've tried messing with several variables, and I know I've made a post with the word "squishy" in it only just recently, not even that will show up (Proof.) Any hints as to what I might be doing wrong?
Actually, let me elaborate on that. I'm trying to search for all posts by me (I've tried typing both "Zhs2" and "zhs2" in the "by user:" box) with the word "squishy" in it, and I get nothing. But when I do a general search for the word "squishy," I get really old results from back in 2005. Odd...
it's possible that word isn't even in the search index since it's so rare ... dunno though ... i don't know much about how search works with smf so i can't tell you anything useful unfortunately.
Yes, I thought that was what he meant at first, but if BioSpark were referring porn being posted by on this site by hackers, he would be saying that M2K2 isn't pretty and he wouldn't say that.