Quote from Toozin:
Hey, can you guys make it so a user's current location on the forum shows up in their profile? Would be handy, methinks.
actually i never thought of this before. of course it's possible but i'll have to think through how i want to do it. if i can do it in a single query i will be oh so pleased with myself.
Quote from Quietus:
Still having issues with the length of time it takes to refresh a post. Seems completely random. Some that I've made recently have appeared within 2-3 seconds, and then earlier today, I posted, took a phone call, which the phone displayed as over seven minutes, and my post still hadn't appeared, so I had to manually refresh again.
this is really weird. it's obviously happening to you though. i can think of a way to force a reload of the page if after you send a post it hasn't appeared for say ten seconds. this would only be a kludge though because you wouldn't see posts as they were coming in from other people either. i've put in a purely speculative "fix" for this in the latest version which i haven't pushed out yet because fork and i both need to be awake and on hand when i do that. should happen in a few hours, maybe shortly after 2 pm american central time. if that doesn't fix it for you then i will put in the kludge and go back to the drawing board about comet not working in some situations.
so i know - what browser are you using (exact version)? what platform (windows xp ...)? do you have any plugins or extensions installed besides the usual (flash)? can you use gmail without any major problems? i may need to get you to record a video of you trying to post if i can't kill this.
Quote from Quietus:
Just noticed that it appears that everything under the 'unread posts' section shows as zero replies, despite there obviously being some.
the fix for this is also in the new version coming later today. well spotted though.
Quote from ShadowEater:
Quote from TailsLover:
wiiOpera loves to go into the middle of the page
That's weird. When I loaded this page, it loaded the top first. Then it went to your post, and 5 seconds later it went to the second post of this page (Quietus one), without touching anything! And it decides to stay there (without touching anything). Looks like my wiiopera likes Quietus' post
i'm starting to sound repetitive but the fix for this should also be already done, just hasn't been applied yet. at least i definitely managed to cut down on a lot of scrolling so maybe it will stop being quite so retarded about that after i push out this new version. i can hope, right?