Interesting keyboard layout. I've never seen Z there. Everything else looks relatively normal, though. Also interesting to note that the keyboard is manufactured by a company called IGN...hey hold on a minute....
am i the only one who is confused by all the hate floating around for this new metroid? it seems waaaay too early to pass judgement on a game that still has, for all we know, a year and a half worth of development time (i.e. if the game was released holiday season '10).
personally, i'm excited to see where this new direction takes us. i like how it's not going to be completely 2D (very rarely do franchises who've gone through the 2D to 3D transition make a glorious comeback on 2D for a next gen console - i'm excluding portable games) but i also like how it's not going to be another prime. that mixture of 2D and 3D feels like an injection of new lifeblood for the series.
the only gripe i have with the trailer is the new design of samus' varia suit. it just but, as for that, i am not "calling it" yet - it's waaay too early.
(plus, i would really like to see more fans to the series if this is pulled off well)
Where have you been finding all this hate?
Seems like the responses have been very, very positive.
I've had at least two experiences with dislike for the game in irc channels today. The biggest problem is that the people don't seem willing to at least give the game a chance, instead ranting about how it's not classic Metroid formula and all that and not listening to others. As Echoing The Silence said, it's way to early to pass judgment. Let's at least wait until there's more info about the game before we start doing that.
I am very much on the fence about it. On one hand, this game looks like it will incorporate a lot of ideas I've been wanting to see. A mixture of 3D and 2D is a concept I've thought would be good for a Metroid game in the past. Likewise we're going to see more of Samus' relationship with Adam which may eventually lead to a Fusion 2 (hopefully in the same basic style as Fusion 1). Also, Samus spoke or at least it sounded like she did, and I've been advocating Nintendo finally cease this silly "no voices" crap for their main characters since pretty much all of them have had a voice in one way or another over the years, or at least lines in some of their games otherwise.
That's a lot of pros for me. However, on the other hand, the fact that it's Team Ninja of Ninja Gaiden (ridiculous difficulty) and Dead or Alive (bounce engine) fame that really worries me. I know they're a competent and very capable company who have a lot of games and experience under their belt. I just don't want to see this become anything like those two games/series because let's face it. Metroid wasn't meant to be a fighter, nor was it meant to be insanely-hardcore-for-the-best-gamers-only.
As was said, it's very early and now is not the best time to be passing judgement. However, I am merely stating concerns and expectations formed from what little I know. Without more information I obviously can't say one way or another, so as I said, I'm on the fence. I really want to be excited and like this game, but past experiences with both the series and the developers is making me nervous. Hopefully the more information we get later on will remove many of my concerns.
...also "Remember me???" what the hell? Who let MC Hammer into the development team? (lol)
This game looks like an interesting mix between the traditional 2D games and the Prime Trilogy's 3D 1st-person. However, my first negative impression is of how weird the Varia Suit/GF Troopers look when compared to the Prime games. However, that is the only bad thing I have thought so far, everything else is positive. Also, I believe I saw Ridley in that trailer--anyone surprised? I didn't think so.
i've been visiting many websites to see people's reactions, and they're all positive. except on the french site "planet zebes", where almost everyone seems disgusted.
let's give that game a chance, it really deserves it.
Also, I really wish that Nintendo would just drop the Zero Suit already. It wasn't needed back in MZM, and it isn't needed now. It's probably the closest Nintendo got to fanservice in the series, and I think it adds nothing to Samus' character. It looks more like they just ripped off the outfits the characters in Neon Genesis.
But that's just me, and I forgot to comment on it earlier.
However, my first negative impression is of how weird the Varia Suit/GF Troopers look when compared to the Prime games.
the game probably won't be released for over a year. these are just shitty development vids; the actual game likely won't look anything like this at all. see: the first metroid prime trailer.
Also, I really wish that Nintendo would just drop the Zero Suit already. It wasn't needed back in MZM, and it isn't needed now. It's probably the closest Nintendo got to fanservice in the series, and I think it adds nothing to Samus' character. It looks more like they just ripped off the outfits the characters in Neon Genesis.
But that's just me, and I forgot to comment on it earlier.
Yeah, we need to go back to the swimsuits and underpants. Those were the absolute opposite of fanservice.