Ah, I feel I should first mention that those are scroll PLMs; there are lots of different types of PLMs, here's a great guide for scrolls and scroll PLMs
Ah, I feel I should first mention that those are scroll PLMs; there are lots of different types of PLMs, here's a great guide for scrolls and scroll PLMs
Thanks, one more thing, I wanna add a missile tank to the landing site, without removing the Super Missle door. (I already used the Power Bomb one for Morph Ball)
Any PLM can be changed to any other PLM. If you wish to add another item to your landing site, you can just change one of the scrolls from the top section into it. It is possible to actually just add more PLMs to a room, but it's a lot more work, and since you're fairly new, it'd probably be easier to stick with changing existing PLMs for now.
Another way to get more PLMs if you need those scroll arrows for something else is to find a room that has as many PLMs as you need and swap the PLM offfset in that room with the landing site's offset. (The PLM four number/letter code that shows up in the Pointers tab) You'd have to input all of the code on the individual PLMS again, but it's how I usually go about dealing with PLMs.
Whatever room you find will now have what's normally the landing site's amount of PLMs and the landing site will have what's normally that other room's amount of PLMs, and again all of the individual coding that you modify on each PLM WILL switch over to the other room as well. It's probably not the easiest way to deal with it, but it works for me as long as I keep track of where everything has moved to.
Quick questions about the CRE tileset: Can I change those 32 white "X"s (8x8 each) into whatever with no worry? Also can I change all the parts of the eye door thing for something else if I don't use them? Thanks in advance.
X tiles = Not really. I believe some of them are OK, but others aren't, so be careful. Of course, you could repoint to avoid the issue. As for the eye door - I believe so, as the actual eye only works as a PLM, so the basic tiles shouldn't cause an issue if you don't plan to have eye doors.
If you're serious: A bank is a chunk of data within a ROM usually used to group similar information together. For example, in Super Metroid, you'll find things like backgrounds together, enemies together, et cetera. A pointer is used when editing your ROM to link to certain information. For example, you might change the background in a room by adjusting its pointer to 'point' to another background's data instead.
No. I didn't think you were serious. That's why the opening words are "If you're serious:", just in case you were genuinely asking, rather than improving the thread with another hilarious internet meme.
This is about room states: 1 Can I make it so a door leads to somewhere else in a different state? 2 Can I make different BTS (non-PLM) in two states of the same room?
well in short, is it possible to change room tiles from one state to another, asm aside
If you're talking about using ASM to have a PLM change BTS while you're still in the room, probably. As for the door / state thing: Your difficulty will come in whether the states are active or not. You can always edit / add / remove states, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Short answer for 2 is yes. The same room in two different states can be completely different.
Using roomstates: You can change Level data, the Graphic set, Music1 and Music2, FX1, Enemy population, Enemy set, Layer2 scroll, Scroll, RoomVar, FX2, PLM, BG_Data, Layer 1_2. You cannot change the Room index, Area, X, Y, Width, Height, Up or Down scrollers, Unknown 4, or Door out.
So in answer to 1: ASM would be necessary, the easiest way would be from the door scroll pointer. As for 2, BTS is part of the Level data, so that's fine
Sorry for the delay, forgot I made these quetions tbh :p Thanks for the helpful answers, however you didn't understand my 1st question, wich is my fault because I haven't written it correctly.
In the first question I meant: In room 1 state A the door leads to room 2 In room 1 state B the (same) door leads to room 3
But now that I know I can change all the level data, I assume it is possible by simply changing the door tile(s) to another door and edit that second door. i.e different door tiles in each state of the same room.
Although a door leading to a room in a specific state would be interesting too. But if ASM is required, thats out of my reach (yet?)
It's definitely possible, as the original game does it. What may be more difficult is using something other than the usual item collected / miniboss defeated / boss defeated to trigger the state change. If you're using one of those three as the state change trigger, it should be fine.
There are "unused" tiles in each graphic set marked as four "x":es. Are these free tile data or are they allocated for something else? The questoin of course being; Can I replace these "x-tiles" (hence expanding a graphic set), or will that destroy already in-use data?
There's no specific answer, as each tileset is different, but generally speaking, it's not safe. By filling them in, you will overwrite other information. You could look into repointing the data, or simply use an existing patch (DSO) to repoint all of the tilesets for your existing hack. Obviously, back up your ROM first.
Now for another problem: I moved the ship up one screen and when I spawn there's green vomit/scrambled graphics all over. How do I fix that? Sky scrolling patch won't help.