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Yoshi is back
Finally Someone answers! Thanks again Quietus :D
Can someone please tell me if Jathys is still working on SMILE? It's not that I have found any bugs in it (ever though there probably are) but it has been a long time since the last update...
Also, sorry if this question has been asked like a million times before but I took a quite big break from Super Metroid hacking and I can't check all the new posts...
Yoshi is back
Yes, He's in the making of 3.1 (3.1 right?) Thats why he's not on that much. either that or hhe stopped for a little while, family troubles or something.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Jathys has never been a very active poster, here or anywhere else.  He usually hangs out in the IRC channels, so you would be better asking any specific questions there.  As to your question, I believe he's always working on it, but since the editor does pretty much most of the stuff it needs to, I suspect releases are already dwindling.  I believe he's currently working toward 3.0.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2011-03-01 04:17:45 pm
Yoshi is back
Ahh, But I'm using 3.0, how is this possible?

EDIT: This is too funny xD I'm kinda stalking Mr. Quietus :P
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I think that the latest official build is 2.5, but Jathys may have released a beta or something of 3.0.  It's not been officially 'released' yet, and any bugs you encounter will be at your own risk.  Be careful! aiwebs_004
Yoshi is back
Ahhh, Maybe but Its working perfectly right now.
Edit history:
Steyiak: 2011-03-02 09:30:15 am
If you go to his site ( http://jathys.zophar.net/ ) you can see that there's a date (04/01/2011) so maybe something is going to happen in the first of April.
Wait, it would be April fools day! :O
Jathys wants to trick us with something!
Yoshi is back
So...Just because its April 1st (Apr. Fools) Doesn't mean he'll be tricking us. it could be 3.0 release.
Yoshi is back
Quote from Quietus:
Jathys has never been a very active poster, here or anywhere else.  He usually hangs out in the IRC channels, so you would be better asking any specific questions there.  As to your question, I believe he's always working on it, but since the editor does pretty much most of the stuff it needs to, I suspect releases are already dwindling.  I believe he's currently working toward 3.0.

Notice the time, You said it at exactly 5:15, thats a first
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from DaveBatista:
Notice the time, You said it at exactly 5:15, thats a first
Eh?  What? aiwebs_012
Yoshi is back
Quote from Quietus:
Quote from DaveBatista:
Notice the time, You said it at exactly 5:15, thats a first
Eh?  What? aiwebs_012

when you said what I quoted, it was exactly 5:15:00pm.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes.  I gathered that much, but what I'm asking is: What's the significance of me posting at 5:15?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Maybe Jathys will release Alliance then :O
Yoshi is back
Quote from Quietus:
Yes.  I gathered that much, but what I'm asking is: What's the significance of me posting at 5:15?

The fact that it 5:15 :O
Quote from P.JMan:
Maybe Jathys will release Alliance then :O

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from P.JMan:
Maybe Jathys will release Alliance then :O
All three parts at once! aiwebs_011
Yoshi is back
The best thing is that on Apr. 3rd, after the 1st of what happens (release of 3.0, Alliance, or something) Is WRESTLEMANIA XXVII (27) WOOO! :D
Yoshi is back
I have a question, is there a way to already have the map in an area? Or is there a way to put the map in the ship room?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
For the first part of your question: I expect so.  It's likely to be a few small hex changes that flag the map as obtained when you start.
For the second part of your question: Yes.  The Map Stations are PLMs like everything else, so you can just place one in the landing area.
Yoshi is back
Ok, but what about the graphics? would I copy them from one of the 22-26 ones?
Edit history:
Prime Hunter: 2011-03-02 11:15:04 pm
Yeah, I'd think there's a way to have the map automatically upon entering an area as well, seeing as the original game does it when you enter Tourian. No idea what needs to be changed though.

And yes, I'd also expect that you'd need to grab any GFX from one of those where the map stations normally are and replace something in the Crateria Surface tileset (1 and/or 2) so that you could use them there. Then it's probably as simple as taking the BTS and tile values from one of the actual map station rooms and copying them over to your custom map station, because as Quietus said, the point you plug the arm cannon into for the map itself is a PLM, so as long as you have the proper setup it should theoretically work.

I just did a quick test of using the Map PLM somewhere else, and it confirms something else I was wondering regarding the map stations. When you put down the tiles for the map station, it looks like unless you know how to repoint what tiles the PLM looks for in the tiletable, you'd need to put the tiles from 22-26 in the exact same spot they are in when you copy them over to 1-2. My test had the centerpiece of the map station using ground tiles instead of what is supposed to be there when I tried using the Map PLM in one of my Crateria Surface rooms.

Hopefully that all makes sense. I'm not 100% positive if any of it is what you're supposed to do, but it's what I would test myself if I was trying to do something similar.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Essentially, yes.  Unles you want to start repointing stuff, you need to copy the six map station tiles (with the green grid thing) to the same spot in your tileset.  For tileset one, it'd be here:

Of course, you'd want to move the existing tiles first! aiwebs_004  You could always just put new graphics in that spot instead, and have a spanky new Map Station.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:38 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:36 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:36 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:33 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:33 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:28 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:20 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:20 am
DaveBatista: 2011-03-03 07:21:04 am
Yoshi is back
Okay, Thanks for that Quietus, also, I have words for CRE in the xx Box's, Why do they change into an item graphics? like, the R and D and P and stuff, when I grab Morphball, they turn into one of the four slots of the Morphball...is there a reason for this?

Also, I like how you used spanky :P

My Map works! :D Thanks you Quietus
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from DaveBatista:
Also, I like how you used spanky :P
Quote from DaveBatista:
My Map works! :D Thanks you Quietus
No problem.
Quote from DaveBatista:
also, I have words for CRE in the xx Box's, Why do they change into an item graphics? like, the R and D and P and stuff, when I grab Morphball, they turn into one of the four slots of the Morphball...is there a reason for this?
I'd suggest taking care with this.  I don't think all of the XX's are free space, unless you are repointing everything.  If you overwrite too much, you may corrupt other stuff.  If you have graphics in the spaces where the existing CRE tiles are, then you shouldn't have any trouble, but be careful of adding more (in the line between the eye door tiles and the main tileset).
Yoshi is back
Ohhh, Ok. I found out that its because I put from P - Z in the xx box's in the bottom, I'll put them where the doors were, because I have new doors that don't use the doorways.

I put my map in the way of a PB door and Phazon Mines(Where the PB door goes) and a PB Exp.