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DaveBatista: 2010-12-16 09:51:34 am
DaveBatista: 2010-11-12 08:05:41 am
Yoshi is back
If that was directed to me too, Thanks......Wooohoo! I can work on my hack, further more!!!

EDIT: I promise, the demo of apalite will be out before Dec. 15th

EDIT2: It's the 16th, no demo, I'm sorry, I was waiting for a reply to my thing, I didn't want to do anything cuz I'm lazy, I'm on it on christmas break
can someone explain to me how to create a new room please? i know u copy headers of another room and put in an empty bank, but i dont know where a room header is.
Quote from blakbeard:
can someone explain to me how to create a new room please? i know u copy headers of another room and put in an empty bank, but i dont know where a room header is.

There is a program in the works called Small (Super Metroid Allocator) that will be able to perform functions such as these with ease. Until then you have tons of original rooms to edit. Post here if you can manage to use them all in a hack haha
Yoshi is back
Try, looking at the moonedit faq in Met. Construction, they will be sure to have what your looking for, don't look here, cuz I'm pretty sure it's still outdated
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Actually, the one here is more up-to-date than the one at MetConst (try checking the dates next time)
Yoshi is back
Ohhh, ok, i didn't go there, cuz I thought it was still outdated, Thanks P.J.!
Anyone care to answer this thread?

I like Big Butts and I can not lie
That glitch is authentic, I still remember DeathNoble using the different freezing colours as his signature image
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Here's a very relevant post: http://m2k2.taigaforum.com/post/glitch_topic18.html#glitch_topic18
Quote from TheNomad44:
Oh, and how do you cut out CERES, and can you cut it out but keep the intro text?

I've been wanting to do that for a very long time. :(
Edit history:
Dissolete: 2011-01-20 06:44:16 pm
Quote from TheNomad44:
Oh, and how do you cut out CERES, and can you cut it out but keep the intro text?

I've been wanting to do this for a very long time. :(

EDIT: Double post :O
At your service,and you at mine.
i can't seem to edit the names of items.Can someone help me?Pray
At your service,and you at mine.
Oh,and Dissolete,you need smse editor to do that.Wink
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Dissolete: Cutting out Ceres is easy.  You can just go to Edit > Special > Game Bahaviour, and tick 'Hide Intro'.  Leaving the text screens in without Ceres has yet to be done as far as I know.

asker: For editing items, you'll have to edit both the item collection box and the inventory screen.  One is just a tile edit, and the other will no doubt require a little hex editing.  Your best bet would be to start with both of DChronos's guides here.  If they don't tell you what you need to know, then asking at MetConst will probably get you a quicker response than here.
Part-time philosopher
Hi, it's the awesome, ridiculous, frustrated, annoying, head-banging, random, obnoxious, all-knowing, talkative, etc. Nuju, back for Round 2.

I found an awesome help .txt file on the internet (written by a person701, I think) that taught EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING about... SMILE, but I lost my print-out and... hold on.  No, never mind.  But anyways, I can't seem to find this great .txt file ANYWHERE.  Does anyone know what I'm even trying to talk about, much less where it is???  (Sorry about the caps.)  I'm a complete stranger to SMILE and I don't know what the heck I'm doing.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yes.  You can find it on MetroidConstruction, under Docs.  It's nowhere near the all-inclusive guide you mentioned, as it's targeted at beginners.  It covers the basics of using SMILE.  If you're interested in hacking the Metroid games, it's a much better site for you to use, as most of the current hackers are there (including person701), and they rarely visit here any more.
Part-time philosopher
Thanks.  This was exactly what I was looking for!!  I'll get to work then!
Hi guys I'm new to the forum, and accidently made a new thread about a problem I've been having with editing PLMs and got told off lol. My problem are the high and low numbers for each plm. Some of them are self-explanatory in the plm txt file, but plms like items and upgrades require the index (low) number to be unique. But in my hack I've been repointing plm data to free space and adding new plms, and it seems like I have to make up an index out of thin air. Sorry if I sound really confused, been up all night working on my hack. Any comments or responses be much appreciated.
Yoshi is back
Quote from Quietus:
as most of the current hackers are there (including person701), and they rarely visit here any more.

I got banned xD. Thats why I hate my brother. Its been 180+ days since my banning yet I'm still banned. Idk wtf they are doing but. w.e.
Edit history:
Quietus: 2011-02-20 10:29:35 am
Quietus: 2011-02-20 10:28:18 am
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Have you tried contacting one od the team there?

I'm sure if you apologise for the situation (your fault or not), and agree to remain more focused, they'll give you another go.  I get the impression that they're not in the habit of perma-banning people for no reason.

italia: I replied in the other topic.  Whichever PLM you wish to create, find one that already exists in-game, and copy the high / low.  Also, the yellow box at the bottom of the box when editing PLMs gives details on what they should be.  The high is usually for using when you want the item to respawn or not - usually you don't.  The low has to be unique, but don't worry about it until you've finished your hack.  Then just go through your rooms one at a time, and change them all in sequence, so they count up.

The low doesn't HAVE to be unique, if you want the player to choose between two items.  What happens when you have the same index is that you collect one, and all of the items with that index disappear, so if you want the player to choose Super Missiles or Power Bombs, for example, the player can collect either, and they'd BOTH disappear.
Thanks Quietus for your reply. That's one less headache to worry about!.
Yoshi is back
Ok, Quietus. I'll try, but how would I reach them?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It would be easiest to just pop onto IRC and speak to them.  Go to the main MetConst site, and click the Mibbit link (assuming you're using Firefox), and it'll take you straight in.
Yoshi is back
I kinda don't use Firefox. I use Google Chrome. Ok. I'll go there then.

Also, I have a question for SMILE. Uhhm, How do you make a direct ending? like get to a certain door and it completes the game, like you use your ship to end it but without using your ship. Its kinda hard to explain but, Yeah. cuz I'm having troubles with the escape sequence. I put the door on the other side of the last room in the escape from Tourian and linked it to the PB door in Landing room and it glitches up and stops the game in the middle of door transition. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks! grin new
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You could look at the attachments in the Halloween Contest on MetConst.  You can then use it in-game to go straight to the ending. teach