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Yoshi is back
I did something wrong......Room 79DC7/Spore Spawn's room....I made It Height 2 and Width stayed 1.
I put the Height back to 3 and the Red PB doors are all over the bottom piece(where you fight MB)
How do I fix this?

Also, Can you successfully put Ridley in Crateria?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Dave: Do what JAM suggested for TheNomad44.
Yoshi is back
Ok, I'll do it.

Also, can anyone answer my question?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
As far as I know, you can move the bosses around without too much hassle.  I've not done it myself, so I don't know what you have to change, but others have certainly done it.
What'd you say?
I believe the only bosses you can't switch are the torizos as I believe they will change type depends which map they are in.
Yoshi is back
Ok, I'll try.....See I need Ridley in Crateria because it's my "Big Boss" of Apalite. I call him
Frozen Enigma. I just need someone who can draw good to create a drawing of an enigma. If it's possible.
Much help is apprecieated and obliged
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
An enigma is a puzzle, so you may wish to clarify what you're after if you have any hope of getting help with it.  I don't think a puzzle is what you're after. Razz
Yoshi is back
Yeah.....No it's not. I want a cool Frozen name for a Dragon.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
For one word, you could go with Glacius, or for two words you could have Arctic Hydra.  Frozen Drake may be another...  Just some quick suggestions.
What'd you say?
Sorry to say Dave, but, regardless of what you call him, everyone will still call him Ridley unless you edit his sprite enough to make him unfamiliar...
Yoshi is back
Ok, I like the Glacius one
Yoshi is back
Also T.J. I have no talent with TLP so if someone likes making sprites of Ridley or anything just Give me a ring or start a PT.
The wandering Space Dragon
I need to sprite ridleytroid(working name, ridley, with the chest membrane of an omega, and some of the features. Weak to ice. -yes, its YET another ridley clone...but, whaddya gonna do. Inferno's story is built around the canon stuff)

So this is a bit of a daunting prospect as well.
Yoshi is back
But I want my Ridley to be all Ice and invulnerable to Ice but vulnerable to Fire

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
So, wouldn't it be easier to alter Ridley's palette to an icy blue, rather than look into editing his appearance?  It certainly seems like the easier option.
Yoshi is back
Nah, i want a whole new Ridley. After all this is Apocalypse not Zebes
Yoshi is back
Totally New problem! Background error, and it's a huge one. I change the BG on room 7AB8F and I only works for one scroll, not the whole room. also, when you move out of range to the New BG it disappears and the old one is there, Any suggestions?
Edit history:
TheNomad44: 2010-10-21 05:48:58 pm
The wandering Space Dragon
I have an issue as well. But its a more technical issue. I am on a different computer, have my patch and all, should be all set up. But smile is acting funny. A blue screen with the ship sprite from the map appears, and I can't even open a room.

Also, my tiling problem is still occurring, and the tileset doesn't change, even when I directly import it from my super metroid rom.
Yoshi is back
I got nothing to help ya, Try waiting 'till JAM reply's. Right JAM?
The wandering Space Dragon
I've now tried everything in my arsenal. I've tried saving the regular tileset to the rooms that are funky, doesn't change a thing, I've tried saving the tileset for the changed areas back to normal, it won't even work, and I can't edit the messed up tiles individually of course, because the program just shuts down...I may have to re-do what I've done.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
If you're having issues with scrambled tiles, and don't seem to be able to remove them, it sounds like you may have gone over a room's size limit, and it's screwed with other rooms.  That's the only thing I can think of.  If this IS the case, I can only suggest locating the offending room, and then copy over all of the rooms but that one to a new ROM.
The wandering Space Dragon
I've fixed it, via pointer patch. That was in fact the problem.
Edit history:
_Qactis: 2010-11-04 06:23:59 pm
Super Metroid Synergy
Quote from DaveBatista:
Totally New problem! Background error, and it's a huge one. I change the BG on room 7AB8F and I only works for one scroll, not the whole room. also, when you move out of range to the New BG it disappears and the old one is there, Any suggestions?

7AB8F has no FX2 or BGData so it's the layer1_2 pointer. Make it 0000 (you can always point it to something else if you ever need to), then you can disable layer1 and edit layer 2 however you want.
Yoshi is back
Omg, thanks man. You save part one of my life! Part two is the damn puasing error on my thread.
Adding new enemy is hard while cloning existing one is easy. 32 enemies can be added.
To clone enemy do this:
0. In SMILE select enemy you want to clone and remebmer it's ID.
1. Open "smile/files/enemies" folder
2. Find 2 .gif and .txt files of enemy you want to clone
3. Copy them.
4. Rename both of them to XXXX.gif and XXXX.txt (just example)
5. Find the last used enemy (biggest hex value in filename). Should be F793.
6. Add $40 to value.
7. Rename XXXX to value you've got.
8. Now this enemy will appears in SMILE and can be editable.
9. Open SMILE and select enemy you want to clone and click "Copy DNA"
A. Select NEW enemy and click "Paste DNA".
B. Click "Save Enemy DNA".
C. To change how enemy looks like, look at Enemy Tiles. Remember the value
D. Click to "Edit" button near palette pointer.
E. Click "Export palette".
F. Remember enemy bank. Close SMILE.
10. Find a free space in the ROM with hex editor (for the tiles)
11. Find a free space in the ROM for palette. You should search for it in the enemy bank (see step F). You'll need $20 bytes for regular enemy and
much more for every boss, about $60..$300 bytes.
12. Remember the location of free space for the tiles. Size is depends of enemy
13. Open bank $B4 and find a free for vulnerabilities. You'll need 16 bytes.
14. Remember the location of free space. Close hex editor.
15. Open SMILE. Select new enemy.
16. Change palette pointer to location of free space in enemy bank.
17. Click to "Edit" button near palette pointer.
18. Click "Import palette". Select the file that was exported earlier (see step E)
19. Click "Save ROM" in the palette menu. Now you can edit new palette freely.
1A. Change Vulnarable pointer (see steps 13 and 14).
1B. Click to "Save Enemy DNA".
1C. Now you can edit vulnarabilities for the new enemy. Close SMILE
1D. If you want to change how the boss looks, open default and modified ROMs
Tile Layer Pro.
1E. Import palette to every ROM (exported in step E).
1F. For default ROM go to Enemy Tiles pointer (see step C).
20. For the modified ROM go to free space (see step 12).
21. Drag all tiles related to your enemy from original ROM to
modified one. Tiles must placed in same order like in original ROM.
22. After work is done, close original ROM and save modified one.
23. Now you can edit tiles of new enemy without overwriting
24. Click to Palette > Transer to Arranger
25. Drag all tiles related to enemy to the Tile Arranger until
you built enemu like a puzzle.
26. Edit tiles in the ROM. After every single change, enemy image
will change and you'll look what are you doing in general.
27. Save the ROM as you finish,
28. Open SMILE. Select new enemy and change "Enemy Tiles" pointer.
29. Now modified enemy can be used in game.
2A*. Bosses are tspecial case. They are changing they palettes.

At least do this and I'll cover boss section later