Ok, so the volcanic hack is back...And I can rhyme. (Super Metroid: Inferno, btw, completely remapped it, redoing all the rooms, hopefully renaming the areas and planet.) Anyway, I downloaded the patch where you can change tile colors easier, working on alternate suit colors...but one thing is left for graphical changes. I need to know if I can just take the .gfx files and edit them in paint or such, and they will show up this way in the game. I believe it should work, but dont want to mess with anything unless I'm sure. And, also, I wanna know if this would affect other hacks being edited in SMILE.
You would open the .gfx files in Tile Layer Pro, and edit them as you would in paint - i.e. one pixel at a time. You may need to import the palette too. You would then import the .gfx file back in using SMILE. If you've just changed the tiles to somthing similar, when you resave them, they will go over the top of your existing tiles. If you edit the tiles completely, or in a different order, then expect your levels to look screwed. This is normal. Most people get all of their graphics sorted, and THEN start level editing.
Ok, I saw the thing Sadi was working on, that is what I want. Easy, Normal, Hard and Vet would fit there. I'll ask this to Sadi if he goes on here. Can you make it a portal? like a door that leads to the planet door? that way I could make 4 different Modes for my hack(s)
Yes, make a starting room and add 4 doors to it. The only problem is you will have to create your hack 4 different times, and this would only pretain to level data and not damage/enemies.
Unless you were making a small hack. You could make four lots of the rooms in one ROM, and just link to the first door / room in each version. I will forewarn you, though, that Sadi, like most of the experienced hackers / ASMers, you'll most likely be expected to show some serious dedication, and existing work, before they consider allocating any free time.
Thanks. Tiles and Suits are covered now, so, I'll begin work on the enemies. And...new question. I used to know how to do this. There is a way to remove the rain from the landing site, and I would appreciate help with this as well.
I feel sure there is some risk involved, correct? So, I should update my backup first? On that note, is the layer 3 the foremost background? Edit: (so many questions, this is what I get for a vacation.) Oh, and how do you cut out CERES, and can you cut it out but keep the intro text?
Intro: Not yet. I haven't seen it done, but I suspect it won't be long. Layer 3 Risk: Not really, no. But it's never a bad thing to backup your stuff anyway. Layer 3: Yes, it's the foremost layer, although you can tinker.
You essentially have three layers. Layer 1, layer 2, and layer 3. Layer 3 is used for the likes of rain, lava, and acid, so that's only used if you want those. Layers 1 and 2 can have tiles both behind and in front of you. If you want a normal sky (scrolling or not), you just have the layer 2 set to the sky, and have layer 1's tiles both in front of and behind you. If you look at the normal landing site (among others), you'll see that the sky is there (layer 2), the rain is there (layer 3), and there are tiles in front of and behind you (layer 1), primarily the rock formations.
So, what if I wanted a sky layer, and a cave background over only part of the room?
Quote from Quietus:
Crafty layering.
You essentially have three layers. Layer 1, layer 2, and layer 3. Layer 3 is used for the likes of rain, lava, and acid, so that's only used if you want those. Layers 1 and 2 can have tiles both behind and in front of you. If you want a normal sky (scrolling or not), you just have the layer 2 set to the sky, and have layer 1's tiles both in front of and behind you. If you look at the normal landing site (among others), you'll see that the sky is there (layer 2), the rain is there (layer 3), and there are tiles in front of and behind you (layer 1), primarily the rock formations.
Actually, this is how many landing site is set up. I just created my own BG, put sky in the top area and cave where I wanted it. Now, where all transitions between the two are evident, I merely added the black crateria tiles (the ones designed to look like they are in the background) and it worked perfectly.
Yes, that works too, but is better for smaller rooms. In larger rooms, you wouldn't have any perspective scrolling, where the sky scrolls slower than layer 1, and it probably wouldn't look as good.
Ok...something obviously went wrong. Some time before I made my backup. I get a bunch of goofy yellow tiles in certain rooms, subscript error or some such. Can't edit them in the graphic editor, it shuts down SMILE. It's rooms like bomb torizo, old tourian etc. Any way to fix this?
TheNomad44 Open clean ROM. Open the room that is crashing. Now click to "Open new ROM", select corrupted ROM and click "Save Room".
Quote from Tyjet66:
Yes, make a starting room and add 4 doors to it. The only problem is you will have to create your hack 4 different times, and this would only pretain to level data and not damage/enemies.
If layout will be the same, then I understand how to alter game code to get different damage depending of level. But I really don't know how to alter start menu and add game level selection [hr] Now I have a question. Is there an easy way to convert SNES type graphic to MODE 7 graphic? I don't want to redraw to whole tileset =(