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Yoshi is back
Thanks Quietusaiwebs_011
2 things can be the reason of grey palette:
1. "Gray palette" option of FX1.
2. Palette Blend value of FX1. For clean air (without fog, lava,
acid, water etc.) set the value to 00.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-09-06 11:23:15 am
DaveBatista: 2010-09-05 06:55:23 pm
Yoshi is back
Ok, Thanks its just the rain or the value.

Edit: Run time Error '53' Whats that? My game won't test.

Edit2: It was just that I was trying a new Emu, Nothing that special.
i've just edited kraids hp, and every time i enter his room the room goes blank, how is this fixed
Perhaps, you have moved Kraid a bit. Don't sure of this.

To fix it, open original ROM, select Kraid's room, then open your
damaged ROM (don't change the room!) and save. Should helps.
thanks, i honestly thought i would have to cut kraid out of my hack, this room's too awesome not to have an epic boss after it.

Yoshi is back
Very nice, I'm not that good at that tile set.
What'd you say?
Just letting you know, the arrow PLM will make the top tile of the top tube (bottom right scroll area) a air tile.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Ah, scroll PLMs.  I remember them.  Thankfully, with a patch, and a miniscule amount of hex editing, they're no longer required. aiwebs_004
Yoshi is back
Jathys should put that patch on SMILE and remove the scroll PLMs. Only if he can though.
Edit history:
ortbeast: 2010-10-05 03:27:42 pm
ortbeast: 2010-10-05 03:27:33 pm
Just letting you know, the arrow PLM will make the top tile of the top tube (bottom right scroll area) a air tile.

Is it just for the arrow PLM or is it for all PLMs.
What'd you say?
Arrow and the scroll ball, for every other one, I'm not sure.
Yoshi is back
Nope, It removes the tile and replaces it with the item you've chosen.
ok this information will suffice. But i have another question.

every time i go into the scroll editor, smile doesn't let me go back to edit the level. I have just been closing out and opening smile back up but this is fairly time consuming, how do i get out of the scroll editor without doing what i just said.
What'd you say?
I just leave it the same way I entered it.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, you can't go back to the level editor for some reason, and you need to just select the scroll editor again.  It'll take you back to the normal screen.
Thanks I've never tried that, I'm sure that will save a lot of time.
Yoshi is back
I press Level Editor and it goes back just fine, I don't know what you might have done or anything. Maybe is it the version?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Possibly.  Like a lot of hackers, I am probably just stubbornly sticking with what I'm used to, although I'm sure I did get the current version...

I know the one here (at work) is 2.3, and that doesn't do it.
Yoshi is back
I got v3.0 I think. or is it 2.5....
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
3.0 isn't out yet, and 2.5 does the same thing for me too.
Edit history:
ortbeast: 2010-10-07 11:36:18 pm
ortbeast: 2010-10-07 08:10:50 pm
One more question again.... Can I make GT jump higher.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I'm sure you can.  I suspect it'd require a hex tweak or two.  You'd be better off asking that sort of thing over on MetConst.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-10-08 08:00:42 am
Yoshi is back
Gt? If knew what that was then I'd see if you could......

Edit: Also, if no one noticed or answered to this yet. Your scrolls, You might wanna move them in the red scroll. right here ____
the lower edge of the red scroll.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
GT = Golden Torizo.