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Yoshi is back
I see. I'm working on a Full hack myself and I'm wondering Where is the data that stores the title. I want to have the Screw Attack Icon with:
                                          SUPER METROID:
Through it. Also Tyjet I have a good name for your hack if you don't have one.

Super Metroid: Arc-Aerial
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
1: You have the arrows backwords. The arrows should point to the PLM, not from. And the arrows... don't like it when they're not pointing to a scroll PLM.
2: Horizontal/Vertical extends are better in every way.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Kejardon:
The arrows should point to the PLM, not from.
You sure?  A quick check of the landing site says otherwise.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
That goes against every bit of intuition I have. >_>

Point 2 still stands though :P Though now I'm not sure why they'd crash. A bad blocktype or BTS value somewhere, I guess?
What'd you say?
Quote from Kejardon:
Though now I'm not sure why they'd crash. A bad blocktype or BTS value somewhere, I guess?

I checked every tile in the area, all there was were either normal BTS slopes or solid blocks with the BTS value of 00.
Yoshi is back
HEy, Kejardon. Where's the Title screen Data?
www.zerotoleranceg aming.com
Howdy! new to this forum and can't wait to get started on my hack! one problem... I've moved where the ship starts and I somehow screwed up the map editor for samus start point and samus is in an open space and I can't move... luckily at this point in time I've just barely begun to do anything at all so it won't frustrate me to start over.

Yoshi is back
Quote from Lonewolf1354:
I've moved where the ship starts and I somehow screwed up the map editor for samus start point and samus is in an open space and I can't move...

What do you mean? Do you mean the Map editor or level editor.
I think I know what the problem is. Since your just a Beginner. You don't know that much about SMILE. All you have to do is get used to the functions on SMILE. Learn about TLP and the Hex editor and you'll get familiar.

In the mean time Your just on top of Solid Blocks. Go to the lower right corner and click "Show type on map" and put it to solid block and the erase them with air.(Air X-Ray)
www.zerotoleranceg aming.com
I edited both the level editor and the map editor and did what you suggested... still can't move so I'm just gonna start over and leave it alone and just leave it untouched and get used to it first.
i have a question. When in the room 792fd, wherever their was an object originally, and when i delete the object and start to test the room out their is no background, the background is replaced with the springball,(which is in the same room) what's wrong?
First, rip Title Screen logo. Go to Graphics Editor, select
"A80D8" in lower part of window and click "RIP". Now you can edit
it with graphic editor (Tile Layer Pro or faTILEty). Beta logo tiles
can be replaced.

Don't forgot to extract palette of title screen. (Go to Tools >
Beauty Salon. Scroll to Title Stuff and extract palette of row 9)

Logo can be extended in any direction. When you done with it,
save it back to the ROM.

To alter tilemaps, read these docs:

27 00 SUPER METROID title logo
This is what you need

To go past $27 available blocks (if you need it), do the repoint of logo.

You can't move your ship because then you can't landing. Move the
world around ship. If you want to lower room's width, just play
with scroll editor. Room will have the same width, but it will not
scrolling after certain screen.

You can also cut the landing sequence by selecting Edit > Special >
Game Behavior and set check near "Skip Intro". This allows to move
your ship around the room. To start the game correctly, click
Edit > Area Load Stations, choose Crateria with index 00 and alter last 4 values.

Did you alter BG with editor? If so, don't use black tiles from
middle of CRE. Use last tile of CRE for this purpose
Quote from JAM:
You can also cut the landing sequence by selecting Edit > Special >
Game Behavior and set check near "Skip Intro". This allows to move
your ship around the room. To start the game correctly, click
Edit > Area Load Stations, choose Crateria with index 00 and alter last 4 values.

Can't you also adjust where the ship lands though? I know I did it before in one of my earlier hacking attempts that I've since abandoned. One of the later Load Stations for Crateria can be adjusted to wherever you place the ship and it will land correctly and I remember right. (It will land faster if it's not going all the way down, but it still lands properly) It has the same room ID, but I can't remember which index it is right now.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I'm not sure you can change where it lands, but you probably can, as I know Black Falcon found a way to go back to your ship, and take off / land in other locations, so it seems like an easy enough step to change.  However, I'm fairly sure you can alter where you start from if you're skipping the Ceres section, as it's essentially just another load station.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-08-27 11:04:03 am
Yoshi is back
Quote from JAM:
select "A80D8" in lower part of window and click "RIP"
Where is it? I can't find it in the GFX Editor. A80D8, Do you mean look in the hex for it? Cause that'd be an easy find. I can't find a trace of it in the GFX Editor. I'd need a tiny bit more help. I want to make it possible to have SM: Fusion in the Screw attack icon. I'd also need to know which colors are which. That way I can have it purple like in Fusion.
i thank its cool
hows this

thank you very much it worked perfectly.
Edit history:
JAM: 2010-09-01 08:34:18 pm
JAM: 2010-09-01 08:25:38 pm
JAM: 2010-09-01 08:25:34 pm
Prime Hunter
Hell yeah!!! Thanks a lot!

I was wrong. You CAN move your ship.
For loading from ship, alter Area Load Station #00 in Crateria.
For landing sequence, alter Area Load Station #12 in Crateria.

If you want to move your ship by 1 screen to the right, add 0100
to X values in both Load Stations and then move your ship.

If you want to move your ship by 1 screen to the left, substarct 0100
from X values in both Load Stations and then move your ship.

Look to attach.

You'll see this only if you using SMILE 2.5 (or fixed version of 2.3) and if your resolution is at least 1024*768

Rip this, rip palette line 9 from Title Stuff in Beauty Salon (select it then click Export Palette).
Copy Samus.tpl from smile folder to graphic editor folder.
Open Your_ROM_name_A80D8.gfx in graphic editor.
Load palette in graphic editor.

Change the tiles of Super Metroid logo.

Yoshi is back
Ok, I don't think i have 2.5, Thats probably why. Where can I get v2.5? or is that not avalable
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You search google.  Type "smile jathys", and you'll find it soon enough.
Yoshi is back
Yeah so I had 2.5 All along. But my computer doesn't view the Special GFX part so can one of you give me a copy of the title screen?
Turn your screen resolution to 1024*768 or higher. You won't see this
with 800*600
Yoshi is back
Ok, I'll see if I can do this.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-09-04 05:11:54 pm
Yoshi is back
Ok, My Title is done. Thanks JAM! I need one more thing, How do you change the color of the Sky on the LS and keep it your color. My hack keeps changing it back to Dark Gery and when I go to the GFX Editor It says the color is what I chose. How do I fix this?

Edit: I need to know how to get picture directly off the Emu, and not the SMILE Program
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
To get a picture from your emu, you just set up a screenshot button.  ZSNES's is under MISC > MISC KEYS (SNAPSHOT), and snes9x's is under Input > Customise Hotkeys... (save screenshot).