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Quote from Yejix Zabiru:
How do I combine the SPRINGBALL with HI-JUMP BOOTS? Do I just add 2 to 1000 in the VALUE box?

You'll need a debugger for this.  There's a version of SNES9X that has one built into it, so once you get that what you'll want to do is set a breakpoint trigger at 7E09A2 (code that checks acquired items).  When it breaks you'll have to decompress the code to see what it's checking for, and if it's checking for springball then all you have to do is change the bit # to that of the hi-jump boots (the bit # should be the same as the value you see for the item in SMILE, and iirc there should only be 4 bit checks for springball).

I recently did something similar when I changed the functionality of the suits for my hack, and it can take a while to find all the right bit checks to change.

neither file gives any of the information you just posted, telling me you got that from somewhere else. but thanks for posting it.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yejix: Those two guides will not help with what Crashtour99 told you, as they're for something completely different - altering message boxes, and editing the status screen.  To merge the Spring Ball and Hi-Jump Boots is very complicated, and you'll have to do what Crashtour99 said.

For your other question, about changing names, then the list I gave you should be fine.
I'm with another problem, but this is a common problem. The Background. 
So, I modified the rooms beside the room 791F8, and now, I have a problem.

This is the room beside's 791F8

When I enter by the door, the background changes for this

When it was for the background to be like this

Then, can someone help me? What's wrong?

Sorry for my bad Englishextra_smug
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It's because of the scrolling sky, and there are two ways to get around it.  One is to stop it scrolling, and the other is to apply a fix.  Read this post.
Edit history:
Sa-Ikkillua: 2010-05-24 01:56:09 pm
Sa-Ikkillua: 2010-05-24 12:06:59 pm
Thanks for the help!! 
I read the post, and I tested the two ways. 

This is what happens, when I use the Patch 
And using the other way, the result is the same of before.aiwebs_003 
I have three doors connected with the room 791F8, and none of them present this problem.

I'll try something to repair this problem, if I get it, I'll post here.
Thanks, and sorry for my englishVery Happy

Thanks for the help, I repaired the problem with the patch (was the header).

There's Another problem. The Sroll Editor of the room 791F8.aiwebs_003
The Scroll Pointer of this room changed for "0001", and now, there's no way 
to change the scroll by the Scroll Editor. 
This is what happens when I click on the screen of Scroll Editor 
I try to change the scroll pointer, but the Scroll Editor don't change. 
Is this a irreparable error?
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Quietus: 2010-05-24 02:28:45 pm
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
No, you can fix it.  If you have the scroll as 0000, all scroll areas (the boxes) are blue, and if you have 0001, they are all green.  You'll need to choose another scroll pointer to use.

If you want better answers to your questions, you should ask on http://www.metroidconstruction.com
Thanks for the help!! 
Only another thing...extra_smug 
I was editing the rooms from Crateria. And when I open a Elevator room, I found 
the room full of enemies. 
Three of these rooms (Elevator Room) in crateria are full of enemies 
Two of these rooms I repaired, but in one of them the "Enemy/PML (+/-)" says that the room have "01" enemies, but the room don't have enemies to edit. 
How could this happen? I don't know what to do...aiwebs_003
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Sa-Ikkillua:
Two of these rooms I repaired, but in one of them the "Enemy/PML (+/-)" says that the room have "01" enemies, but the room don't have enemies to edit. 
How could this happen?

The yellow bit that you stand on is classed as an enemy.  All of the small elevator rooms will say one enemy.
Quote from Quietus:
The yellow bit that you stand on is classed as an enemy.  All of the small elevator rooms will say one enemy.

I know it, but, look at this:

The "Enemy/PML (+/-)" says "01", but, where's the enemy?

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Try clicking Help > Offscreen Enemies to Screen, and see if that helps.
Thank You!!

Now the elevator rooms are working correctly.

Thanks again!!Very Happy
Edit history:
Arva: 2010-06-06 09:06:40 pm
I can't find a proper bg pointer that doesn't get messed up when I change the x/y properties of a room size in green brinstar. Any suggestions?
Another question: Can a PLM scroll be used to restore a rooms original scroll pointer values? I need to have one scroll to reverse what another scroll has changed.
I'm pretty sure you can do that, since I think I've been able to setup a scroll PLM to hide a tunnel after you come out of it.

The trick I use for setting that up is to temporarily set the normal scroll values to a different type than you're using for that room, and then setup the scroll PLM to turn them back into whatever you plan on having as the normal setup for that room. For instance, if you have a bunch of greens normally set them to red/blue in the normal scroll setting and then make the scroll PLM change them to green. Once the PLM accepts your changes and it reverts back to the normal settings, go and change the normal setup back to whatever you stated out with. Obviously once you put the PLMs in place be sure to test it out just in case something doesn't work like you want it to.

The reason I change the room's normal setup when I do that is because SMILE doesn't track changes if the box doesn't change color. If you have parts of the room that get blocked off by reds from that first PLM and don't do it right, I'm pretty sure they'd still be blocked off by reds when you hit the PLM that will be resetting the room.

Hope that's not too confusing. It would probably be easier to have images or a video showing off what I'm talking about, but I don't have time to make it at the moment.
Edit history:
Arva: 2010-06-13 06:11:33 pm
I tried a version of that but it failed. Unfortunately that scroll putting it back to normal is behind a red area so that won't work. I think I'll just make it as a door transition with a scroll pointer instead; feels a little more neat that way.

Yet another question: In room A293, or just any room with fire flies in it, the entire design is stuck, just as it's part of the background or something. Can I make this to work normally?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Have you tried F1 to disable the first layer?  I found this solved most of the problems in those rooms.
Quote from Quietus:
Have you tried F1 to disable the first layer?  I found this solved most of the problems in those rooms.

But that's just a display function, it doesn't actually do anything in the room? It didn't work for me anyways.

On the map, the elevator texts shows up in the game, but not in the map editor in SMILE. Can I move them?
Hitting F1 to turn off the first layer lets you edit the background though, so in a lot of rooms where they use either custom backgrounds or the movement plane is actually back there that's the only way you can edit those areas. (Kinda like Draygon's room if I remember right.) If there's anything on the first layer still though it'll be there in game unless you edit that as well.
Edit history:
Arva: 2010-06-15 07:25:52 pm
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Hitting F1 to turn off the first layer lets you edit the background though, so in a lot of rooms where they use either custom backgrounds or the movement plane is actually back there that's the only way you can edit those areas. (Kinda like Draygon's room if I remember right.) If there's anything on the first layer still though it'll be there in game unless you edit that as well.

Aah, now I get it =) Thx!

What's the ? PLM in Wrecked Ship room CA52 for?
Edit history:
P.JMan: 2010-06-16 07:13:34 am
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
It does absolutely nothing, in either state.  That is, it sets a routine up that executes before PLM processing, but the routine it sets up does absolutely nothing (sets 8-bit accumulator then immediately resets it to 16-bit)
Hello all.
I have copied an enemy and putted him at a new enemy slot I created but whenever I change the copied enemy's pallete, the original enemy's pallete changes too. How can I prevent this from happening?

I think I have to do change something with the pallete pointer but not sureEh?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Yeah, you have to repoint that palette pointer to free space, only then will you be able to change the one palette without affecting the other
Quote from P.JMan:
Yeah, you have to repoint that palette pointer to free space, only then will you be able to change the one palette without affecting the other

Can you tell me where is free space? I know it seems like (FF FF FF ...) in a hex editor but I don't know how to point the pallete pointer there... Sad
anyone else had problems with windows 7 and smile not displaying correctly, or is it just me?
Quote from Steyiak:
Can you tell me where is free space? I know it seems like (FF FF FF ...) in a hex editor but I don't know how to point the pallete pointer there... Sad

Look in the same bank that enemy has. If it's $A2, open ROM
through hex editor, jump to 110000 and search for a free space.
For clean ROM it'll be at 117498, so your palette pointer will be

If enemy bank is $A3, do the same, but jump to 118000 instead.