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Quote from rolando:
what bank is the super missile block in and what offset and where does it end?
because im trying to make a missile block
also how would i know if theirs freespace in TLP if i want to put the gfx in it?
oh and how would i make the gif animation for it?

1. It's obvious by the way you asked this that you know nothing about ASM, so I wouldn't even bother trying make a missile block cause you'll be like "wat"
2. If you've ever opened TLP, you'll see the FREE space all seems to be the same color... usually in huge chucks like free space is.
3. Dunno why you would want to make a gif unless you were creating a new enemy to go in SMILE's folder, but you can create .gif's with photoshop or paint (save as -> gif)
how do you edit the main super metroid logo, i wanna add my hack name under the super metroid logo, please help
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Check my reply in your other thread.
Close your Eyes,Nothing changes..
Hey I'm gonna Assume messing Around with the current enemys in smile is bad Right?
I'm Tring to Rebuild the current rooms in super metroid but do not know what to do with the current enemys in that room
Since i do not need them,plus i'm not gonna mess with the Enemys/Plm button because I heard that Randomly adding Plms and Enemys are bad.Brick wall
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!

Specifically section 2.4
How can I change tile which displayed when certain BTS is scaned by X-Ray?
Edit history:
Steyiak: 2010-03-28 03:57:29 am
Can someone please tell me how can I make an enemy I have already copied have different Vurnables from the original? Everytime I change my copied enemy's vurnables, the original enemy's vurnables change as well...
Quote from Steyiak:
Can someone please tell me how can I make an enemy I have already copied have different Vurnables from the original? Everytime I change my copied enemy's vurnables, the original enemy's vurnables change as well...
well you got to copy that piece of data to free space so the original one doesn't get changed if i have time i'll do it again for myself to refresh my memory and i'll write it step by step in every detail posible. cool?
Quote from rolando:
if i have time i'll do it again for myself to refresh my memory and i'll write it step by step in every detail posible. cool?

Please do so. I cannot find a tutorial for copying enemies anywhere :(
Edit history:
Kejardon: 2010-03-28 10:21:05 am
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Quote from JAM:
How can I change tile which displayed when certain BTS is scaned by X-Ray?

Dunno how I missed this. I'll just blame Taiga, whether it's actually Taiga's fault or not.
You probably only need to read the first half of it.

Quote from Steyiak:
Can someone please tell me how can I make an enemy I have already copied have different Vurnables from the original? Everytime I change my copied enemy's vurnables, the original enemy's vurnables change as well...

Copy the enemy, then change the enemy vulnerability/resistance pointer to a new pointer that points to free space in bank B4 (between 9A0000 and 9A7FFF). You'll need a hex-editor to find the free space.
Quote from Kejardon:
Copy the enemy, then change the enemy vulnerability/resistance pointer to a new pointer that points to free space in bank B4 (between 9A0000 and 9A7FFF). You'll need a hex-editor to find the free space.

Sorry if this is a nooby question but how do I point it between 9A0000 and 9A7FFF since the pointer only has 4 digits?  Also my hex-editor shows that my ROM only reaches up to 2FFFF0. How can I see the free space at 9A0000?
Edit history:
Kejardon: 2010-03-28 06:38:11 pm
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Uhhhh, I forgot to subtract 80. Oops. That should be between 1A0000 and 1A7FFF.
It's a perfectly fair question, there's a bit about the SNES you have to understand first. The SNES splits memory up into separate banks of various sizes. In Super Metroid, it uses banks (starting from 80 to DF) each of 8000 bytes each (with pointers from 8000 to FFFF). This means you have to translate from a SNES pointer to a ROM pointer and vice versa when looking for data, which is a relatively straightforward formula once you get the hang of it.
In any case, the game already knows that vulnerabilities belong in bank B4, so that part of the pointer isn't necessary. All you need to tell it is the last 4 digits. There is an odd point I mentioned that you'll need to account for though: The address for banks' ROM is between 8000 and FFFF, so if you have data at 1A7000, you need to tell it 7000+8000 = F000, NOT 7000.
And also in case you don't know, free space is signified by a large chunk of FF's, generally ending at the end of the bank (XXFFFF or XX7FFF).
Quote from Kejardon:
Uhhhh, I forgot to subtract 80. Oops. That should be between 1A0000 and 1A7FFF.
It's a perfectly fair question, there's a bit about the SNES you have to understand first. The SNES splits memory up into separate banks of various sizes. In Super Metroid, it uses banks (starting from 80 to DF) each of 8000 bytes each (with pointers from 8000 to FFFF). This means you have to translate from a SNES pointer to a ROM pointer and vice versa when looking for data, which is a relatively straightforward formula once you get the hang of it.
In any case, the game already knows that vulnerabilities belong in bank B4, so that part of the pointer isn't necessary. All you need to tell it is the last 4 digits. There is an odd point I mentioned that you'll need to account for though: The address for banks' ROM is between 8000 and FFFF, so if you have data at 1A7000, you need to tell it 7000+8000 = F000, NOT 7000.
And also in case you don't know, free space is signified by a large chunk of FF's, generally ending at the end of the bank (XXFFFF or XX7FFF).

Hmm... I think I got it :)
My rom's free space starts at 1A74B8 so make 74B8 + 8000 = F4B8 and put it at the pointer near Vurnables?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Yes. By doing this, you make a new set of vulnerabilities. Several enemy types can share data, including vulnerabilities, so when you want to make a unique set of something you often need to make a new entry in free space and have your enemy use that new entry, so no other enemies will use the same data.
Okay, thank you Kejardon. :)
If I want my copied enemies to have different palette do I have to do the same thing or find Free Space at some other part of the ROM?
Edit history:
JAM: 2010-04-08 08:29:13 pm
Does anyone knows how to change speed of scrolling sky or make it scroll to opposite direction?

Thank you! I should look at your docs first for the next time

For different palette, you should find a free space in the same bank that your enemy have.

One more question. What addresses of RAM can be used for items in addition of $7E:09A2 and $7E:09A6 (values 2000, 4000 and 8000 looks like unused for all). Can I use something like $7E:DE00 for boots, or the address should be between
$7E:0000 and $7E:7FFF?
I dont't want to interupt the conversation but i was wondering how to change the text when you get the Gravity suit to say Phazon suit instead. and I wanted to know if there is a phazon suit icon i could change from the gravity suit one?
There are guides that can help you.

To changing message box when getting the item, read this:

To change the icon of Gravity Suit, open SMILE load the room where Gravity
Suit is, export palete, close SMILE. Onen graphic editor (Tile
Laye Pro, for example), goto 48000 and load your exported palette.
Change format of tiles to SNES 4bpp and find an icon of
Gravity Suit. Search for 8 tiles that come one after another. 4
for light state (when item is flashing) and 4 for normal state.

And to change "oGRAVITY SUIT" text in menu, read this guide:
I dont understand what any of this means. the only thing i have used smile for is the beauty salon
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You can't change the item names in SMILE.  You will need to download a hex editor, such as HxD, and open the ROM.  You then search for the correct position in the ROM, and alter the letters to the ones described in DChronos's guide.

*Gravity Suit: (64 bytes, small)
Edit history:
Arva: 2010-06-05 08:22:22 pm
Arva: 2010-06-05 08:21:58 pm
Arva: 2010-04-21 03:09:01 am
Arva: 2010-04-21 03:07:58 am
In room A322 there's messed up graphics when I move the elevator one screen to the right. How do I fix that?

This is what it looks like when I enter the room by elevator.
Just the first screen looks like this, the rest of the room looks normal.

Sry about that foax, it was ridiculously simple =)
Edit history:
Yejix Zabiru: 2010-04-21 07:45:39 pm
How do I combine the SPRINGBALL with HI-JUMP BOOTS? Do I just add 2 to 1000 in the VALUE box? I have some hex editing that allows one to use speed booster while in MORPHBALL form, but only if you've picked up the SPRINGBALL item. I'm wanting to change the sprite and rename it as "SPARKBALL."

Also, it would be nice to know where a table of hex values for letters are that correspond to this game. Datacrystal doesn't list any, except for Earthbound.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Yejix Zabiru:
hex values for letters are that correspond to this game.

For the renaming part, both the collection box that appears on-screen and the name on the status screen can be edited using the guides that JAM linked to above.
Quote from Quietus:
Quote from Yejix Zabiru:
hex values for letters are that correspond to this game.

For the renaming part, both the collection box that appears on-screen and the name on the status screen can be edited using the guides that JAM linked to above.

Neither file gives any hex values for individual letters.; E.G: 00 = A 01 = B ..Etc
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Ah, I'm with you.  Well, unless I'm missing something, following the guide would leave you with:

4E = Space
CF = Dash / Hyphen
E0 = A
E1 = B
E2 = C
E3 = D
E4 = E
E5 = F
E6 = G
E7 = H
E8 = I
E9 = J
EA = K
EB = L
EC = M
ED = N
EE = O
EF = P
F0 = Q
F1 = R
F2 = S
F3 = T
F4 = U
F5 = V
F6 = W
F7 = X
F8 = Y
F9 = Z
FA = Stop
FB = Comma
FC = Close Quote?
FD = Open Quote?
FE = Question Mark
FF = Exclamation Mark

*Waits to be corrected* Pray