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3:39, 90%

Well this was certainly a pleasant surprise of a hack.  One of my favorites.  The new tiles and palettes kept things fresh, and while it kept a dependence feel, it was new in its own ways.  Very enjoyable.

So what do we classify this as, a 3/4 hack?  laugh new
Edit history:
DonnyDonovan: 2009-03-01 10:48:43 pm
My memory of the original Dependence is so/so.  Anyway, the area that I recall housed the varia suit seems incredibly glitched to the point where I can't do a damn thing without falling through the floor or getting stuck in a wall.  Can I get the varia suit?  How?  Or is it somewhere else now?

Edit: NVM.  I reapplied the patch and now that room is functional.  I don't know what happened there.
Quote from FirePhoenix0:
3:39, 90%

Well this was certainly a pleasant surprise of a hack.  One of my favorites.  The new tiles and palettes kept things fresh, and while it kept a dependence feel, it was new in its own ways.  Very enjoyable.

So what do we classify this as, a 3/4 hack?  laugh new

And how do we call a hack made from this one, a 7/8 hack? Humm...  (btw, it could be a great idea to do it :)
Maybe a second generation hack?

The game was released in octobre and there's not a lot of information of it on the net.
I will try to contact Dark Rocco to tell him that we enjoy his game & that he've made a great job. He will shurely appreciate.
Hi everyone ! i'm here
If U have questions for this hack, U can answer me ! but my english is a little rusty ;)
Thanks to Danidub to invite me !
See U
dark Rocco
3:18, 77%

Quite a fun hack to play through.  Captures the Dependence feel while being unique in its own way with the new look for areas and such.
Edit history:
danidub: 2009-03-03 04:06:33 am
Welcome dark_rocco and thank you for the great work making this hack.

Here are two places where I got stuck:
1-When you don't have bombs.
2-In lower Norfair.

If somebody found something else please tell us.

for the first one, U just have to shoot up with beam when U are on knees ! et for the second, it is a giltch from myself ! sorry !
Quote from dark_rocco:
for the first one, U just have to shoot up with beam when U are on knees ! et for the second, it is a giltch from myself ! sorry !

When you have morphball and you go down in the hole at the right of the shootable blocks, I don't think it help to shoot up.
And if you don't have bombs you can't get out of the hole.
OK i understand ! you are right, there is a mistake here too ! thanks for report it
3:26, 83%.  It was fun.  My main problem with the hack is the very easy sequence break to get early super missiles, and the fact that you don't even know it is a sequence break since it doesn't require anything difficult to get and they are in plain view. (I'm talking about the ones in the area right before the wrecked ship.)  Having early super missiles opens up virtually everything for exploration;  by the time I took on phantoon and spore spawn I had all the items except plasma and space jump.  Moreover, since I didn't realize I had done a sequence break, I ended up fighting gold torizo before even finding the charge beam.
Could I get a hint as to the entrance to LN?  I can't seem to find it.  Also, was I supposed to get any meaningful upgrades in the WS?  After beating Phantoon all I found were a few missile upgrades, a couple power bombs, etc.
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
4:11 / 85%

I really enjoyed this hack. Since it was a half hack of a full hack that isn't as ingrained into our minds as the original, it truly felt like it's own. The new gfx and palettes were interesting and some rooms had some great aesthetics. I really hope to see more hacks of hacks in the future, it's the cure to vanilla half hacks. And lol @ the garbled credits.
Edit history:
danidub: 2009-03-03 04:11:18 am
Quote from DonnyDonovan:
Could I get a hint as to the entrance to LN?  I can't seem to find it.  Also, was I supposed to get any meaningful upgrades in the WS?  After beating Phantoon all I found were a few missile upgrades, a couple power bombs, etc.

The entrance to LN is on the west part of Brinstar. Even with the map (Page 1) you will have to check carefully.
Your reward for beating Pantoon is to get access to New Tourian. (The same in Dependence :)
Edit history:
cosmic: 2009-03-03 04:39:50 am
Quote from danidub:
Welcome dark_rocco and thank you for the great work making this hack.

Here are two places where I got stuck:
1-When you don't have bombs.
2-In lower Norfair.

If somebody found something else please tell us.

Edit history:
danidub: 2009-03-03 09:16:25 am
Oh yeah!
This is the one I was looking for. (I've been there to :)
Game looks great but in the first 10 minutes ive gotten permastuck 3 times  :(
Quote from Opium:
Game looks great but in the first 10 minutes ive gotten permastuck 3 times  :(

We are working on it.
If you've found something else than the 3 places mentioned before, tell us where.
I think that this game deserves an update.
Edit history:
Paradigm0910: 2009-03-03 09:43:27 pm
Ok, kinda stuck. I have 6 ET, 2RT, 75M, 25SM, 40+PB, Grapple, Charge, Ice, Wave, Spazer, Varia, MB, Bomb, SB, Screw Attack, Hi Jump and Space Jump. From what I understand, I was supposed to find Speed Booster somewhere in there... anyone kinda enough to give me a general location?

Edit: Nevermind. That was kinda obscure.
Looks like one of the places i got stuck hasnt been mentioned.  Before i had the morphball:  I entered the first shaft that had the grey plus the green pirates in it, and immediately after entering the door to this shaft I jumped and landed on the platform above me which is only high enough to kneel on.  I cant morph or stand up, just sit there and be stuck like a piece of orange gum stuck on the bottom of a zebesian desk. 
I just went to LN, beat Goldy and Ridley, and picked up SA and SJ.  All good.  Except I am seriously beam defecient.  I still only have spazer and charge.  I have somehow missed both wave and ice.  I know I didn't have this problem when I played Dependence.  Hint as to where they are?
Edit history:
Paradigm0910: 2009-03-04 02:30:36 am
Quote from DonnyDonovan:
I just went to LN, beat Goldy and Ridley, and picked up SA and SJ.  All good.  Except I am seriously beam defecient.  I still only have spazer and charge.  I have somehow missed both wave and ice.  I know I didn't have this problem when I played Dependence.  Hint as to where they are?

Ice Beam is in Brinstar in the teal mechanical area, you can get it extremely early with only Morph Ball and Missiles, Wave Beam is in Lower Norfair... Have to go through a run through lava. Look for a way to get to the other side of the metal door near the elevator to normal Norfair. You'll either need alot of ETs for it or Crystal Flash in the lava. I did it with 5ET and 2 RTs with a Crystal flash. And as for Plasma, I'm looking for that myself.
Plasma is located in ProtoTourian.  To get it, find Botwoon after beating Draygon, then you must do a Speedball in the next room.
Finished. 6:25. 82%. As much as I like this hack, something bothered me about fighting Torizo with the Ice Beam. However, fighting Phantoon with Plasma was kinda hilarious. Great hack, still as intuitive as Dependence was. I think I spent an hour of my time on there waiting for bombs to explode. I don't think thats necessary... aren't really any places I can think of that IBJ would really let you  further break the sequence. Great hack, very enjoyable.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It would have made more sense to have the bomb timer set very low, as this would still stop people from IBJing , but not break flow.
Quote from Opium:
Looks like one of the places i got stuck hasnt been mentioned.  Before i had the morphball:  I entered the first shaft that had the grey plus the green pirates in it, and immediately after entering the door to this shaft I jumped and landed on the platform above me which is only high enough to kneel on.  I cant morph or stand up, just sit there and be stuck like a piece of orange gum stuck on the bottom of a zebesian desk. 

Now I know what it feels to be like a piece of orange gum stuck on the bottom of a zebesian desk.  laugh new
